Photos of the Week: October 23rd

 After last week's tricky challenges, I was so thankful for some easy prompts this week.  

– backyard (Fall or whatever season you’re in) – quarterly pic-- This view off the back deck never gets old! 

– your work place (or where you spend your day) Our mornings are spent at the kitchen table getting schoolwork done. 

– “now hiring”-- I worked on painting our bathroom this week and still have the master closet to tackle. I'd happily hire someone to do that job if they also moved all the clothes and shoes out and put them back in place when they were done!

– heavy-- This boulder was so heavy that even Mother Nature decided not to try moving it; loved how the tree roots go right over it! 

– your choice-- We spent our weekend hiking in New Hampshire and the views were incredible! 

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  1. Your deck view is amazing and I love that waterfall

  2. I totally agree on hiring if only they moved all the stuff and I would love them to organize it. What amazing views! I see why you try and spend as much time as possible on your deck.

    1. Yes; organizing it afterwards would be fabulous too!

  3. Your breakfast looks delicious. :)

    1. Thanks! It's my favorite meal of the day every day-- fresh fruits with plain non fat yogurt and granola.

  4. What an awesome backyard view! Love the fall colors!

  5. Wow, wow, wow!! I never get tired of seeing pictures of your stunning view either. But the fall photos have to be the best. My gosh those colors. My gosh!!

    Great capture of that interesting boulder. Where there's a will, there's a way. Look at those roots finding a way to thrive in spite of that rock. I always smile when I come across a weed or flower popping up amidst the concrete in the sidewalk or street.

    1. Me too! I love that nature always seems to adapt and find a way (as long as that weed or flower isn't cropping up in my driveway!-- LOL!).

  6. Oh my goodness, I just fell in love with the location you live in. I even felt myself taking a great big gulp of air, trying to place myself there. I love all the photos but you had my whole heart with the first one. Amazing.

  7. The view over your lake is amazing and what a lovley space to spend your morning. x

  8. Oh, I love both your back deck and your hiking views! And yes, after too much painting, I also want to hire someone to do it :)

  9. We have a rooty boulder too. Amazing example of the perseverance of nature.

    1. Yes! I love that mother nature always finds a way.

  10. Replies
    1. They are so beautiful and always remind me of why I say that fall is my favorite season.

  11. Joanne your photos this week are spectacular. If I had a view like you have from you deck, I would never go inside and I certainly wouldn't get any work done! Love all your pics. Those roots going around the boulder are amazing, show what tenacity will do. Cheers, CarolG

    1. LOL. It does get pretty chilly out there this time of year so that often forces me inside!

  12. Wow!! The view from your deck is absolutely stunning!! How do you get anything else done with a view like that?! ;-)

  13. What a beautiful view! It looks so different to anything we see here in Australia it's stunning. Oh and I love the roses - hopefully they help make the schoolwork go more smoothly!

  14. Wow. Great sights outside...not so much fun with decorating and all. Got to do the hard yards first. Sigh. It's been great to have you share your post this week for #lifethisweek on Denyse Whelan Blogs. Thank you. I hope you will be back next week, where the optional prompt is “young” but my guest poster, Mr Whelan, is sharing his thoughts for the final time on the blog in 2021 on a different topic. See you there, Denyse.

    1. It really has been beautiful outside (well, last week anyway this week it rained all 4 days so far!). I just love this time of year.

  15. Wow that's the view from your deck? Incredible! Great photos this week Joanne!

  16. The backyard photo is amazing! Gorgeous! Love the fall colors.

    1. Thank you! We are really getting spoiled with an explosion of color this year.


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