My Grocery Top 3

I saw this "top 3" on someone's blog (I think Dara's Not in Jersey) and thought it was such a cute and fun idea for a blog post.  Then I saved it as a blank draft and never did anything with it!  So today I thought I'd answer my grocery top 3.

Preferred Food Stores

1. Market Basket

2. Stop & Shop (the prices are high but our local store rarely has anyone inside)

3. BJ's 

Least Preferred Food Stores

1. Walmart

2. Price Chopper

3. Aldi (Only because our local store is TINY)

all images courtesy of Pixabay for this post

Always on my Shopping List

1. Fresh fruit (strawberries, pineapple. grapes, and bananas)

2. Salad making supplies

3. Nonfat Greek Yogurt

Rare Purchases

1. Cookies

2. Chips

3. Cereal

Never on my Grocery Store List

1. Alcohol of any kind

2. Spicy foods

3. coffee/tea (unless we're hosting a party)

Cereal Most Often Purchased

We rarely buy cereal but the last three kinds bought were:

1. Raisin Bran

2. Cinnamon Toast Crunch

3. Pumpkin spice frosted mini wheats

Crackers Most Often Purchased

1. Cheez-it-- any and all varieties!

2. Triscuits

3. Ritz salt & vinegar crisp & thins

Spices Most Often Purchased

1. Garlic salt

2. Onion powder

3. Parsley

Fruit Most Often Purchased

1. Strawberries

2. Pineapple

3. Apples

Vegetables Most Often Purchased

1. Carrots

2. Tomatoes

3. Spinach

Condiments Most Often Purchased

In no particular order:

1. Light mayonnaise

2. Ketchup

3. BBQ sauce 

I love hearing about other people's spending and eating habit too so feel free to leave your own answers in the comment section! 

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  1. Market Basket is our #1 here too!

    1. They're the best! I love their customer service and their prices can not be beat.

  2. This was a fun post, those are the things that are always on my list as well, berries of any kind are always tops. We rarely buy cereal either but usually it is raisin bran and does oatmeal count?

    1. I think oatmeal is considered a hot cereal so I think that would count.

  3. This is a fun post! When I buy salad stuff, I unfortunately just use it for one meal and then it seems to go bad. I need to go grocery shopping today. Have a good one!

    1. We eat salad every night with our dinner (all 5 of us!) so we go through giant bowls of salad pretty quickly.

  4. I do think I did this one! It's fun to see what other people buy!

  5. This was fun to read! We don't have any of your favorite stores here in my area, but I do love Aldi because a lot of their merchandise are German/European imports and the store reminds me a lot of the Aldi in my hometown in Germany. But I always end up buying way more than I go in for and their fresh produce is not always the freshest.

    As for Walmart, I've only shopped there maybe 5 times this year, I used to go more often, but their checkout lines are always sooooo long and seems like only self checkout is open these days and even many of those they keep closed.

    Cheez-its are my family's favorite crackers too, I buy them all the time. But I never buy any mayo as my husband is allergic and so we never use it. I also never buy garlic salt or onion powder, but I do use fresh garlic and/or onions with almost everything I cook.

    1. I don't think I've shopped at Walmart 5 times in the last 3 years; mostly because their checkout lines frustrate me to no end! We tend to alternate between fresh onions and onion powder but I tend to use both garlic salt and fresh garlic in most meals (what can I say I love garlic?! I've also heard it helps keep ticks away and so far it seems to be working for us).

  6. Good for you having cookies & Chips on the least purchased list. Chips are always a MUST on my list.

    1. I try not to buy chips as I have ZERO control with them in the house!

  7. What a fun idea for a blog post. I might borrow the idea from you. The rare purchases did make me chuckle, they might make it on my always on my list part. Oops. hehehe x

  8. What a fun post. I love it. I’m now hungry.

  9. Always fun to see what people buy! I am always getting loads of produce and never a lot of crackers and such!

    1. Yeah, I'd bet our cart is at least 1/2 full with produce if not 3/4's.

  10. We only just discovered Aldis and love it. It's not super close so we don't go often, but we really get good deals there.

    1. They do have really good deals. I love visiting Aldi's when we go see my sister as their store is really large.

  11. This post is so fun! My least favorite place to shop is Walmart, too! And I loooove those Ritz salt & vinegar crackers!


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