Friday Favorites: The First Week of October

 Despite having to cancel our weekend plans last weekend (my husband and I were going to spent 3 days in Vermont) we still had a great week!  We're hoping to squeeze in one last trip up north before winter but we'll see... Our calendar is filling up fast.  We turned our attention to some home improvement projects instead and enjoyed some really wonderful fall weather this week.

Friday afternoon Evan and I headed out hiking with our hiking group; we had 4 families show up! This was the largest group hike we've had since the pandemic started and it was nice to see some new faces.  It was such a beautiful day for a hike too.

Before taking Alec to karate on Saturday, my husband and I headed to Lowe's to pick out a new sink faucet and some new shower faucets.  I was so excited to tackle this mini master bath update... but it really turned into a PROJECT by the end of the weekend and we still don't have everything together yet.  I am loving the new faucets and having 2 shower heads but I am dreading all the repainting and work that will entail as we had to cut a hole in the master closet wall and in one of the bathroom walls.  

The new sink faucet was so easy to install and no more drips!

We took the shower doors off; pressure washed them and the tracks, but installing the two new shower heads meant cutting holes in both the wall of our bathroom and my closet wall. 

My clothes are scattered through our room in totes and hanging in random closets throughout the house

One good thing is that the hole was made with a clean cut in the drywall so we can use the same piece to fix it. 

It is lovely to have two shower heads though; I feel like I am in a spa shower. 

When we were out hiking my friend had me try her butternut squash crackers and I LOVED them so I bought a box of those and these puffs showed up as another suggestion to my cart.  They are amazing and a whole cup of them are only 2 points on WW that sweet sugary cinnamon with the texture of a cheese puff is wonderful!

These were the crackers that started it all; they're delicious but not really WW friendly.

A few of my outfits were favorites this week! I am LOVING the poncho I found at Talbots this summer. 

I almost returned this baby doll top since it's not my favorite style on me but it was just perfect for a warm mid-70's day of hiking so I'm glad I decided to keep it. 

While our loss of power week for over 4 hours early in the week was not a favorite; this guy being able to start the generator for me without his father around was a huge lifesaver!  Plus we spent a fun afternoon playing cards with my mother in law since we were all without power.

It poured! 

I had the whole house to myself on Wednesday afternoon and ate my lunch outside enjoying the view and a new book.

Evan and I met up with my mom and her friend to go hiking at Old Furness on Thursday.  We hiked for nearly 2 hours and the weather was just perfect. 

We found two new family favorite recipes this week; pizza pork chops from Show Me + Sweet Tea. I served ours with whole grain pasta for a low point WW meal.

We also made Apple Turkey Meatballs from The Healthy Toast. After I made and browned the meatballs I put them in the crock pot with some BBQ sauce and let them continue cooking over low heat the whole day.  We served them over rice with some frozen veggies.  

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  1. Those recipes sound delish! Thanks for sharing! Your lunch on Wednesday sounds blissful too :)

    1. You're welcome! I'm always on the hunt for new recipes the whole family enjoys.

  2. That shower sounds so heavenly now! I love those sweet potato crackers.

    1. They are so good! I dunked them in some hummus for lunch today.

  3. I'm glad you were able to enjoy some beautiful weather even if your plans changed. Having two shower heads must be so nice! I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! Wishing you a fabulous weekend too.

  4. Sweet potato puffs - YUMMMM
    I need new faucets & shower heads & dread doing it because I know it'll mean a whole bathroom renovation - LOL

    1. That's how I felt but it was definitely time. I'm excited about seeing it all done but don't want to actually have to repaint both rooms.

  5. I love your deck view!
    Your photos are great too. I'm think I'm well past taking on even a mini-bath makeover like you did, but I'm tempted because your new fixtures look great.
    Thanks for the visit.

  6. One project does always seem to lead to another one, but still exciting to get some new things for your bathroom. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. They sure do seem to lead to another one don't they?

  7. Pizza pork chops. I am intrigued. I love the new faucets. Something as small as that really makes a big difference. Looks like Fall is in full force there. Have a great weekend.

    1. Yes, fall is definitely in full force! Those pizza pork chops were a big hit and oh so tender.

  8. That shower does sound spa like - but not sure I would have been brave enough to consider it worth all that reno work. Kudos to you guys!! Those sweet potato treats look yummy. I love sweet potato even more than pumpkin:) Where did you get the babydoll top? Super cute!!

    1. Amazon! (

  9. I really need to plan a hike soon: still waiting for that wonderful fall weather you are having lol! We are going to the pumpkin patch/corn maze tomorrow so that should be fun. Projects always take us longer than we expect unless it is something super simple.

    1. We are having wonderful fall weather right now. I'm just hoping it stays for another few weeks before getting even colder.

  10. OMG, you lost power for that long. And we were complaining that ours was off for an hour last night!!
    Your home improvements are exactly how ours happen...they are always more involved than we think. But definitely worth it in the end!!!

    1. We are often without power for long stretches of time... and usually at random times too. Normally it's just a nuisance but on that particular day I had dinner going in the crock pot! We ended up getting take out instead.

  11. It's still hot and humid here in NJ. Which is fine with me! You look great in that poncho, too!

  12. Love the hiking pics! The fall foliage is starting to show. I hate when home projects turn into much bigger projects than planned. That seems to happen to us a lot! Have a great weekend!

    1. I think that's why I avoid so many home projects until we just can't put them off any longer.

  13. Your hiking spot looks lovely. I have had those GF crackers and they are delicious. Anyway, great coffee post. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Lovely hiking and lake photos. Well done with your bathroom project. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

  15. I am always amazed how a little update turns into a huge project. It is going to look great.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It seems like one thing always leads to another.

  16. All of your hiking photos are lovely! Need to try making the pizza pork chops! Yum!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Thank you! I love hiking this time of year.

  17. It sounds like a great hike. Hooray for the bigger group. What lovely scenery.
    It looks like you have been busy with the shower work. x

    1. It was so nice to meet up with other homeschooling families!

  18. Replies
    1. Me too! Those bright nearly cloudless blue skies are so pretty.

  19. It certainly looks like beautiful weather for hiking. I love the sound of those sweet potato crackers and love love love love that poncho.

  20. Hi Joanne,
    I was relieved to see someone else had complex home renovation projects like us. I restored an oak table and readied it to be used outside. That took about 3-4 days. I was exhausted and my husband ended up sanding and painting the legs. I've shared about it in my coffee share post here:
    Hope you have a good week.
    Best wishes,

    1. I am dreading the repainting job, but I know it will look so nice in the end.

  21. Ooooh new faucets are always exciting! We need to replace a few in our house. And I love that babydoll top on you! I think it looks great! I wore mine yesterday and I love it!

    1. They are very exciting! It's so nice not to hear dripping all the time too. Thanks for pointing out the babydoll top to me. It's so comfy!

  22. So sorry about your trip. Hopefully you can reschedule. My hubby and girls love lots of shower water (especially the heads that come out of the ceiling), I do I only shower when I need to wash my hair. I prefer a wonderful warm bath. Your bathroom redo looks great. That poncho is super cute. I need to find one that's not too heavy since I get super hot. What new book are you reading? The fall colors look like they're really coming out.

    1. In that photo I was starting the City Baker's Guide to Country Living-- a cute story about a baker that is fleeing Boston after an awful night of works and finds herself working in a cute country inn in Vermont.


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