Weigh- In Wednesdays: Labor Day Weekend

 I felt like I did just horrible with my weight plan this week.  The long Labor Day weekend really threw a wrench into my exercise and eating plan!  Not to mention that it was Tuesday night before I even realized that I had no post written for Wednesday.  The only good thing I can say is that I got in lots and lots of exercise. 

I didn't exercise at all Wednesday but I had not slept well at all and woke up tired and in a lot of back pain so I gave myself a pass.  I had a bowl of fresh fruit for breakfast:

We were not home for lunch and the boys talked me into eating at 5 Guys.  I had a veggie sandwich and we split the small fry 3 ways.  It was a large meal point wise (20!) but I knew I had plenty of weekly points remaining. 

I made a turkey and orzo soup with some fresh bread for dinner-- best I could guess this was a 6 point meal. While I wanted to eat the whole loaf, I only let myself have one slice of this homemade bread.

I weighed in on Thursday since it had been one week since I started on the purple plan and found I had already lost 3 lbs!  I had another horrible night of sleep with the tail end of a hurricane coming through the area but I vowed to get out hiking later the day (we hiked for 45 minutes after having to turn around multiple times for flooded trails and downed trees). 

Breakfast was my favorite fruit and yogurt with granola (5 points for this particular granola).  

Lunch I sautéed up some fresh mushrooms and zucchini and added in a leftover chicken breast for a 0 point meal. 

Dinner was another large point meal with pasta and pesto.  I was hoping my boxes of whole wheat pasta would come in and help temper this meal (as whole wheat pasta is included in my purple plan!) but I made do with what we had on hand and only allowed myself 1 cup (best I could tell that was an 8 point meal).  I filled up on salad with poppyseed dressing (the Skinnygirl brand is  0 points).  

I had a snack tray of fruits and veggies for my afternoon snack and an Enlightened caramel bar for after dinner (3 points). 

Friday my week resets and it was such a good thing as we were headed to our local agricultural fair for dinner there was not a lick of healthy food to be found!  It was just a mess of an eating day all the way around.  I ended up eating ice cream for dinner and definitely had a bite of Alec's fried dough. I'm hoping the junk food was slightly tempered by the 2 hours of walking we did. 

Knowing I had gone over my points on Friday I had every intention of sticking to them on Saturday but then we ended up getting take out pizza (my mother-in-law's treat!) after helping her get settled in the new house.  I did have a huge salad in the afternoon before heading out to get pizza hoping I wouldn't be tempted to eat any but I did eat 1 slice. 

I honestly don't even remember Sunday... It was a rainy miserable day that I spent at home.  I'm pretty sure I just ate fruit and yogurt with granola for breakfast, a salad with some Veggie Puff for lunch (they remind me of cheese puffs but healthier) and grilled chicken with lots and lots of veggies for dinner. 

My husband suggested a hike on Monday and we hiked for 4 hours UP and down the mountain.  It was a tough hike and I mostly hated it but looking back I am so proud of myself for making it to the summit... despite some pretty steep climbs.  Usually a tough hiking day like this I pretty much give myself a free pass to eat whatever I want.  I had fruit and granola for breakfast, packed a PB&J sandwich (6 points with Sara Lee bread, all fruit spread, and all natural PB) & and apple for lunch, then we got ice cream on the way home and I had a plate of spaghetti, meatballs, sauce, and garlic bread for dinner with salad. Then proceeded to eat a few cookies for snack... not my best decision but I've learned that hiking seems to go hand in hand with a voracious appetite! 

The way up was just one long climb from rock to rock up and up.

Despite being so incredibly sore on Tuesday Evan and I headed out on an hour and half walk along the river trail.  I ate my fruit & yogurt for breakfast, a tuna sandwich for lunch with an apple and small plum (just 4 points). And finished off my day with a pork chop, some potatoes, and peas (just 3 points). 

When I had weighed in Tuesday morning I had gained less than a 1/2 lb back so I'm not too upset about that after all the junk I ate this weekend. 

Linking up with: Claire Justine, On the Edge, 


  1. Those pictures from your hike are beautiful! 3 day weekends always throw off the healthy eating and exercise routine, but you'll be back to your routine in no time!

  2. I’m proud of you too for making it to the summit. I hate horrible this weekend. Back on it this weekend. You’re doing great mana.

    1. Thanks! I discovered I really do not like hiking above the tree line; it makes me nervous with my fear of heights.

  3. You had some great meals and hikes in there!

  4. OMG that bread! Do you have a recipe posted? I don't think I would have been able to stop at one slice 🤤 You're doing great! I am the same way when I do a big hike, I feel like I want to eat all the things. The summit looks divine!

    1. Yep, I follow this recipe: https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/2-hour-fastest-no-knead-bread. It was amazing at the summit.

  5. jennycancook has great recipes. Your bread looks amazing. So impressed with your WW. I was a serial failure with it - 5 times. I finally found a fantastic leader who got people to have great results, and almost striaght away I had to go back to work fulltime, and her meetings were only on weekdays. (sigh)

    1. Oh no; that's too bad! I have actually not been to a single meeting. I use the WW app and just make sure to track every single thing.

  6. Gorgeous landscape!
    That bread looks really yummy!

  7. Way to go. Not bad and I think we all have some days where we indulge a bit more and that is ok.

    1. I think so too and I try not to beat myself up about it.

  8. Joanne,
    Beautiful pictures of your hike!!
    I too am on a weight loss journey but I am calling it a Healthy Life Journey...I am trying to lose weight to improve my overall health....I lost 7 ponds in August... My goal is 5 pounds a month... we will see how I do!! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. 5 lbs a month is a great goal! Best of luck to you, Debbie.

  9. Looks like some yummy healthy meal here :) Thanks for stopping by.

  10. It sounds like you did really well despite the lack of sleep and a busy weekend. Well done with your weight loss. I have been exercising all week and eating sensibly. I'll weigh myself tomorrow before another birthday weekend. x

    1. It's so hard with so many special events to celebrate! We have a birthday coming up this month too and I just know I'll be eating all sorts of junk that weekend.

  11. I think you're doing a great job of balancing healthy eating and enjoying the things you love. Sometimes you just have to splurge... especially on holiday weekends!

    1. Thanks! I keep reminding myself it is all about balance.

  12. Replies
    1. That is one area I tend to struggle with so I was pleased with how much I've been doing.

  13. What a cool hike (even if you hated it lol). I have struggled with exercising for the past month I feel, so my friend and I are having a reset. We made concrete plans to move at least 3 times a week together and since the weather is cooler now in the evening we are going to take advantage of that. The food is where I need to watch it and the late night snacks!

    1. I often hate the actual hike but always enjoy looking back on them and what I get to see while out hiking. I tend to snack the most in the late afternoon and have been trying to keep busy at that time of day to try and curb that.


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