Weigh- In Wednesday: 3 Weeks on Purple

I ended up skipping last week's weigh- in Wednesday post because I really wanted to post both my bucket list posts back to back (how we did on our summer bucket list and our fall bucket list).  Plus I was feeling pretty happy and pleased that my weight had gone down a bit more and I was seeing results despite my lack of exercise.  Well, we have been hiking but I like to pair our hiking with some Pilates, light weight lifting, and stability ball exercises too to get all the muscle groups going. 

Unlike the first week or two on the purple plan where I really didn't take advantage of any of the new zero points foods available to me, this past week I have been making sure to add in lots of whole grain pasta, potatoes, and even some brown rice to make some really low point dinners.

My favorite had to be the Weight Watchers Tuscan chicken pasta that ended up being just 2 points per serving!  It was such a huge hit with the family that they all got to the leftovers before I did! I was surprised that no one complained about the whole grain pasta (I have tried switching it out before and they noticed right away).

We also  made some pulled pork baked potatoes which were much lower in points than the pulled pork sandwiches we often make since the potatoes are zero points (as is the fat free cheese sprinkles). I also made sure to only use a small serving of pork and fat free sour cream too.  Another huge hit with the whole family. 

My husband went on a fishing charter last week and we got to try some fresh bluefish.  We hadn't heard great things about the fish but found a recipe that promised a delicious tasting fish and it was!  Since my protein and veggies were zero points I splurged with some Jasmine rice for a 5 point meal. 

I whipped up our favorite American Chop Suey recipe using whole grain pasta so it too was only 2 points per serving with fat free cheese!

With the arrival of fall I have been adding lots of squash into our meals again and my husband and I really enjoyed our favorite stuffed acorn squash-- a zero point meal if made with fat free cheese shreds.

I'm still really struggling not to use up all my points on sweet treats in the afternoon.  We've had such high point tantalizing things around like freshly baked cookies, ice cream, trail mix, and while I try to substitute with healthy snacks like this egg/fruit/ veggie plate that's only 1 point for the drizzled light ranch dressing I am just not as successful with it as I'd like. 

I was doing so well during Alec's first week and a 1/2 back at school exercising every single morning before getting dressed and ready to drive him to school (as shown in this Morning Routine post!) but then my husband had a little 24- 48 hour bug and I didn't want to disturb him in the morning.  Then he started sleeping in until 6 pretty much every day ever since and I have been leaving the house at 6:30 (at Alec's request) so my working out has been put on the back burner.  

I feel like if I could curb the afternoon snacking and get back to working out every day I might see those numbers on the scale start to budge again.  As of right now I am holding steady at 161/162; just a few pounds lost.  

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  1. You rocked it- thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Great work and inspiring! Much better than my splurge of candy corn/pumpkin mix!

    1. Thanks! I am struggling with chocolate and trail mix lately as we don't normally have that in the house and seem to buying it quite frequently now.

  3. I'm glad you are having success. I truly do not understand how WW's works, but it seems to be working well for you!

    1. It does; I don't understand how it does but for me it works really well. But I do love my fresh fruits and veggies and chicken so that makes it easier.

  4. You've been doing so great! I did WW once upon a time, but as it continued to change over the years, it got harder and harder for me too follow, sadly!

    1. Thank you! It doesn't always feel like but overall I do think I'm doing well.

  5. Your doing great, your food looks so yummy. I could eat some of that chicken pasts for breakfast!

  6. I struggle with afternoon snacking too. And if my husband gets out an evening snack, it is hard for me to resist, but I have to get back to ignoring that! lol

    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

    1. Yes, I try to ignore my husband's evening snacks too. It can be so hard to cut out snacking.

  7. Afternoon snacking is my weakness. I'm sitting around right now thinking about what I can eat. I will resist! Great-looking meals!


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