Friday Favorites: Surviving Tropical Storm Henri

 It has actually been a pretty quiet and boring week around here; which I have not minded at all.  Summer, for us, is definitely winding down with the boys all starting back to school on Monday.  The tropical storm passed us by with quite a bit of rain and only a minimal amount of power outages so I can't complain.  

While it was no fun saying goodbye to my sister and her family we had a great time hosting the whole family here for a cookout to give them a great send off.  My mother and step-father, my sister and her family, my brother and his family, plus all of us was a good 18 people and we threw this cookout together in just 24 hours! 

They left early the next morning and in a day and half had safely settled into the hotel where they'll be staying for the next month while awaiting the closing on their new house.  They even got a free upgrade into a room with a full kitchen once the desk staff heard their story!  I am so happy for them that everything fell into place. 

These s'mores bars I decided to make at the last minute for the cookout were a huge hit with everyone! 

I was really thankful that Tropical Storm Henri was downgraded from a category 1 Hurricane before it made landfall and that the path had veered enough that it did not pass directly overhead like it was originally supposed to Sunday morning.  While we did lose power at 11:30 or so Sunday morning it was back on by Monday evening around 4:30/5:00 so it definitely could have been worse.

Though these poor neighbors of ours had a tree fall on BOTH their cars!! That same tree knocked out the two poles and transformers that caused our neighborhood to lose power. 

We had really beautiful weather on Saturday before the storm and for a few days after the storm as well.  I just can not get enough of the sun and blue skies.  Though I wouldn't have minded if the heat had lessened. It was a HOT week! 

Tuesday night we had some guys drop off a roll off dumpster in our yard. I had been asking for one for nearly a year. We have lived here 18+ years now and some of our bigger pieces of furniture just had to go and I had no way to dispose of anything.  I had a whole list written up and with the help of a fabulous neighbor we had everything loaded up and done in just under 2 hours. 

I LOVE cleaning out old clutter!

My mother in law took the younger boys and myself out to lunch on Thursday after the La- Z- Boy consultant came by to measure our basement room (did you know they'll design a whole room for you for free and you can see it all put together virtually before you buy anything-- with zero obligation to buy?! I thought that was so neat).  Anyhow, we had a fabulous lunch with my mother in law at a local pizzeria and I tried a Waldorf salad for the first time.  It was pretty tasty. 

 Evan ordered a computer for himself back in March and it FINALLY came in. I am just loving how excited he is and how patient he has been through all the delays.  I'm pretty sure we'll hardly see him for the next day or two as he gets everything all situated with it. 

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  1. Sorry about your power outages etc but so glad there was no damage- doesn't it seem really early for hurricane season this year? So glad you got to spend QT with your sisters' family too! Have a great weekend :)

    1. It does seem really early for hurricanes this year! I hope we're getting them out of the way early and this is not a sign of the season. It was great seeing them before they left and I am enjoying seeing photos of both my sisters hanging out at the beach together. My younger sister and her family are settling in well.

  2. Ugh, power outages are no fun! Family time is so fun and important!

    1. Not at all! Ugh, I hate when our power goes out; mostly because I am just never sure how long it will be until it comes back.

  3. Glad you made it through the storm without too much trouble!

  4. Oh my, your neighbours' cars!! Yikes! Glad you made it through okay.

  5. Power outages are the worst! That was one scary storm. I’m glad it is past. Yes, very hot here as well but I love the sunshine and blue sky‘s. Have a great weekend!

    1. I am loving the sunshine but could do without the extra humidity.

  6. What a full week you had. Your poor neighbors and their car situation. Your lake view is beautiful. Love the reflections.

  7. Yay for a new computer. Those smores bars look really good. I hope your neighbors are ok. Looks pretty bad for them. Hope you have a good weekend!

    1. Sounds like both the cars were declared totaled but the tree missed the house and shed so that was a blessing.

  8. Praying for your neighbors and I need one of those s’mores bars now. Happy weekend.

    1. They were so good; and I don't even like marshmallows!

  9. Well done cleaning out the old clutter under 2 hours! Beautiful lake views. I hope your neighbours get help from their insurance. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. It felt so good to get all that "stuff" out of our way.

  10. Family time is so good! I hope we can enjoy some sunshine the next two weeks!

    1. It really is wonderful! We've gotten to see lots of our family this summer.

  11. Glad you didn't occur much damage with the hurricane. The heat has been awful this week and I am so happy it's supposed to cool down (though with lots of rain). Those Smores bars look so good! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Yeah, I'm not loving the rainy forecast but I am enjoying the cooler weather.

  12. So glad you were not hit hard by Henri. The county next to us was hit very hard by Fred and there were a dozen deaths. We got away with just a short power outage and lots of closed roads for a day or two. It sounds like lots of exciting things going on with new furniture and the arrival of the delayed computer. It is hard to get things right now because of world wide shortages. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It's amazing how difficult it can be to get some things in right now. We're looking at new furniture for our basement and we're still being told it will be a good 8 weeks or more so the timelines aren't changing much.

  13. Hi Joanne. Lots of great stuff today. Our daughter just decided that along with writing a ton of essays for medical school applications to order herself a new large computer so we have some of the same setup adventures in flight. Fun stuff.

  14. We're watching Ida closely. Even in Kentucky they're predicting it to spawn major storms. We'll have our HAM radio up and running through it. Speaking of computers. Last week I got a new desktop that was ordered close to 2 YEARS ago! It came so late that we virtually got it for free. I have a new 32 in monitor to go with it that's going to make the digital photo restoration that I enjoy doing a whole lot easier. It's also a tv, so when I watch it I can actually read the closed captions now. I entered my writing files and have already filled about 500 gig to the terabyte drive. Have a great week.

    1. I hope you make out okay in the storm! He has been loving his new computer and keeps saying it was well worth the wait.

  15. Glad you fared well from the storm...crazy pictures. Yay for enjoying time with family. I envy those who have great relationships with their siblings. I sadly have not ever had a great relationship with my sister and that is sad to me. Those S'more bars look amazing.

    1. My oldest sister and I used to get together a few times a week before she moved away; I am so happy for my two sisters that they get to see each other now but I do miss them both.

  16. Sometimes a boring week is a good thing when you have had a busy time of it. Good luck for the return to school on Monday.
    It looks like a great week and those s'more bars look amazing.
    I am glad the hurricane wasn't as bad as expected. It still sounds bad with the power cut and the damaged caused by fallen trees.
    How exciting to get a big dumpster. I could do with one of those for a big declutter.
    I hope Evan likes his new computer. It looks pretty impressive.

    1. They had originally told us to plan on power outages lasting anywhere from 9-21 days so just over 24 hours was not bad at all.

  17. Oh my goodness, your poor neighbors! How awful that both of their cars got hit. I'm glad y'all fared well, though. We're riding out Hurricane Ida all day today. So far it's just been a lot of rain and some wind. Hopefully nothing else.

    1. We've got flash flood warnings in effect from Ida starting this afternoon through tomorrow since we're supposed to get lots of rain too. Glad to hear you all faired well.

  18. Wow looks like you dodged a bullet with the storm (bar the power outage) but your poor neighbours! Bonus that the weather was so beautiful before and after. Storm aside, it looks like it was a fun and delicious week - those Smores had me drooling!

    1. Storm aside it was a fun and delicious week.

  19. What gorgeous views. I love the idea of living on a lake. (Or is it a river?)

    I was thinking how lovely the weather was in those early photographs, and then the storm hit! Wow!

    1. It is a lake.. but it was a river. They damned it up long before I was born to make a lake.

  20. The s’mores bars look amazing! I love your reading view.

  21. I am so pleased you got to have such great family times making memories. Your photos looked great. I am also relieved to see that the storms left you relatively unscathed. In my ideal world I would get a dumpster if we have to move on from this house we are renting. I now know my husband is more of a hoarder than I am!!

    Thanks for sharing the post for Life This Week. Loved reading yours. Next week's optional prompt is Self Care Stories. Hope to see you there too. Denyse

    1. My husband is definitely more of a hoarder than I am! It was really tough convincing him to get that dumpster but after a few year of badgering/ asking him he finally relented. By the end of that night he even seemed to agree with me that it was nice to get rid of all that stuff that we weren't using.

  22. I'm so glad the storm was downgraded before it came to your area and did no damage. We have a reclining LazyBoy couch and loveseat in our family room and love them!


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