Scarborough, Maine-- Day #1

 My husband and I headed out for a weekend away in Maine, just the two of us, as a birthday celebration for me.  It was a last minute plan so we took a gamble on staying in a new place and had a great time.  

It looked like we were in for some cooler and somewhat dreary weather for the weekend but I was cheered to see the sun peeking through that morning as we were packing up.

I wore jeans and a new halter top for the drive but brought along a cardigan too.

The whole way up to Maine it would cloud over then the sun would peek out and then it would cloud up again.  Since check in at our hotel wasn't until 3 and we arrived in Maine just before noon we decided to head to Kittery and do some shopping.  

I picked up a new rain jacket at the Kittery Trading Post and then we swung into Talbots where I picked out lots of things to try on... and quite a few to purchase! 

Jeans, a poncho sweater for fall, two tank tops and an embroidered pair of shorts

We stopped at the York River Landing to eat lunch.  We always get ice cream from the stand in the back but had yet to eat at the restaurant.  My husband got clam chowder; which we shared and a lobster roll with cold lobster and mayo.  I ordered a baked haddock sandwich and it was so good!  The food was so filling that we had no room for dessert.  

We decided to take the scenic route to our hotel and drove through Ogunquit, Wells, Saco, etc.  They are all such cute beach towns and while I have been to York, Kittery and even Old Orchard Beach more times than I can count we hadn't seen much of these other beach towns. They are all pretty cute and loaded with shops, restaurants, ice cream stands etc. 

We arrived at our hotel just a few minutes after their check in time.  We loved our room!  Scarborough is a quiet beach town that doesn't have much in the way of shops and things and I couldn't find any waterfront hotels or anything either but our hotel is set just one block away.  Since we had a corner room on the ocean side on the top most floor we could just see the waves from our windows. It's an old historic hotel and while the lobby and many of the common area features are quite dated (with slanted floors, creaky stairs/ no elevator) the rooms have all been redone and were lovely.

After settling in we went to walk the beach.  The sun was just starting to come out from behind the clouds and most people on the beach were in sweatshirts or wrapped in their towels/ blankets.  We had both changed into shorts to walk the beach and since it was low tide we got to walk the whole thing.  

we found lots of little crabs in all the tide pools

You can't really tell from the photos but the waves were huge and rough and there were a lot of surfers out taking advantage of the storms swells left behind by tropical storm Elsa the day before.

We still weren't all that hungry so we decided to skip dinner altogether and just get some ice cream.  We found a place nearby called Bayley's that makes their own ice cream and cones.  

I got chocolate raspberry truffle on a chocolate and heath dipped waffle cone; it was amazing!  Chocolate ice cream with thick swirls of raspberry and little chocolate candy cups filled with raspberry.

We drove by part of the Eastern Trail which is a hiking/ biking trail that runs from south Portland to Kennebunkport.  We walked just a small portion of it.  With low tides in the marsh we got to see lots of birds. 

And that wraps up day 1! I'll be back with day #2 on Wednesday. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, Centerpiece Wednesday, 


  1. I've always wanted to go to Maine! Looks like a fun getaway and a charming place to stay.

    1. I just love it! I've been trying to convince my husband that we should move there (but only for like 3 seasons as I don't think I'd like the winters there!)

  2. Replies
    1. It was really cute! I love charming old places like that.

  3. Sounds like such a romantic trip! We have never been to Scarborough but it looks so peaceful!

    1. It was very peaceful compared to the larger beaches like Old Orchard beach.

  4. What a lovely trip! It looks like you had a good time. The hotel looks beautiful. There is a Scarborough (and York) on the coast near to where I grew up in the UK. #MMBC

    1. I have noticed that so many places in New England have the same names as places in the UK!

  5. Thanks for taking us with you on your holiday - anytime by the beach is time well spent. #MMBC

  6. Day 1 was a marvelous day. Can't wait to see what else you explore.
    Blessings, Dawn

  7. It looks beautiful and love seeing the birds!

    1. They had a huge sign with different types of shore birds and assorted wildlife that live in the marsh. I was really hoping to see a few in the wild that I had never seen before...

  8. What a lovely birthday treat for you. It looks like a gorgeous place to stay.
    We have a Scarborough and a York here in the UK too. x

  9. What a great trip! Maine is so pretty.

  10. Maine has always been on my bucket list and this just makes me want to go even more! It is gorgeous!

    1. Oh you really should; I bet you'd love it.

  11. I love your halter top. So cute. I have always wanted to go to Maine, but never have. It is soo pretty there.

    1. Thanks! I ordered a bunch of them from Shein just before the trip.

  12. You're so lucky to live so close to the beach! This looks like a wonderful birthday getaway and the hotel looks so nice! And love all the wildlife you came across!

    1. We are very lucky to live near the ocean. I would miss it so much if we moved than an hour or two from it.

  13. Such lovely photos - looks like such a relaxing trip! I grew up near Maine, so I loved spending a few days near the beach during the summer. :)
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  14. You always eat these amazing looking ice creams!! I love to get away for the weekend sometimes. It really van feel like a mini holiday.

    1. LOL. I was thinking of you and how you always comment on my Maine Black Bear and how this cone would really knock your socks off as I thought it was even better than Maine Black Bear.

  15. It looks beautiful. I love Maine. We went there years ago and loved the lobster meals. I love seeing the inside of hotels and their different interiors. Your room looks very comfy and I'm glad you had a bit of a view of the sea. #mmbc

  16. What a charming hotel and town. I can't wait to go back to Maine someday! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  17. I am craving a lobster roll - I keep telling my husband I'd like to travel up the east coast, maybe to Nantucket/Cape Cod - it seems so pretty and I think the weather would be such a nice change from the FL heat!

    1. I love Nantucket and the Cape! It's such a beautiful area.

  18. Happy belated birthday! Such a beautiful part of the country! It looks like you had a wonderful weekend!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Thank you! We definitely had a great time.

  19. I have always wanted to visit Maine! Your pics make me want to go even more!

  20. Looks like you had a fabulous getaway. Thank you for taking us along. Happy travels and stay safe.

  21. Lovely to see this post...summer looks good where you are.

    Thanks so much for linking up this week for #LifeThisWeek. Your blog posts are welcome contributions when you share. I appreciate that a great deal. Next week is #ShareYourSnaps. It’s an optional prompt of course. Hope to see you then. Denyse

  22. Joanne, this looks like a beautiful place for a intimate getaway with your husband! I have not been to a beach or a beach town in over a decade. It is kind of sad really! But we are headed to Niagara Falls this weekend, so I am pretty excited about that! Except the weather is looking kind of crummy. Thanks for sharing your trip and linking with me!


    1. I really hope the weather cooperates! Niagara falls is such a fun area to explore.

  23. Such beautiful photos, love that you got a nice quiet beach :) Looks like you had a great time.

    Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Mondays. I hope you can join us again tomorrow :) #CreativeMondaysLinkUp


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