Photos of the Week: July 17th

 The summer is just flying by and I am having so much fun joining in with Lysha and her challenge each week.  Almost all of my photos this week are from our Maine trip.

– torn-- We found a stand selling homemade ice cream and I was so torn over what flavor to try

– newsprint-- I was totally stumped by this prompt and finally just settled on taking a photo of all the flyers we get in the mail.

– connected-- This bridge connected two sides of the marsh to make one really long walk. 

– curved-- I love how the water curved around the land. 

– your choice-- Morning fog on the lake

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  1. Beautiful captures Joanne. I love the morning fog on the lake, very atmospheric! And that homemade ice-cream looks amazing!
    Have a fantastic weekend. :)

  2. Such great photos once again. The ice cream looks delicious!!

    1. It was amazing! I definitely picked the right flavor to try.

  3. I love handmade ice cream and I always have trouble picking a flavor too!

    1. Oh me too! Plus so many places just have the name and no descriptions... I need to know what's IN them!! LOL.

  4. Fab photos all - I specially love that curvy one and the great bridge. I reckon I put on weight just looking at that ice cream cone! CarolG

    1. LOL. It was definitely not a weight friendly weekend away. (as that is only one of the two ice cream cones I got on that trip!)

  5. We took a trip to Maine 3 years ago and fell in love with it! So much unique beauty there. Your pictures capture it so well.

  6. That curve is a perfect pic for the prompt.
    ....national ice cream day treat right there!

    1. I thought so too; I saw that curve in the water and just knew it would be perfect.

  7. I'm always torn over ice cream flavors as well! good take on that one. I love the curved photo - the water is so still!

  8. Great job with the prompts from last week! I think my favorite is the curved picture.

  9. Such beautiful photos :) Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Mondays.

  10. I can't decide if your interpretation of "torn" or the "curved" photo is my favourite. "Curved" is just a stunning picture.


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