Friday Favorites: Birthday, Beach, & Baking Fun

 I think this week is one of the best weeks I've had in a long time!  We celebrated 4th of July with the whole family, I started celebrating my birthday, our furniture finally arrived, AND I got in my first beach trip of the summer! Despite some rain every single day we did have long patches of dry and sun where we squeezed in a hike, a kayak ride, and other outdoor time.  

I just loved my 4th of July nails!  

Alec and I made all sorts of lovely food for the weekend-- key lime pie, lemon blueberry trifles, fruit salad, and a tossed salad.  Alec made whipped cream in 3 different colors (the trick is to add the food coloring to the cream before whipping) so he could make an American flag decoration on his pie and make the trifles more festive. 

Though it was a very cold and rainy day on the 3rd we still had our family's 4th of July cookout; thankfully it was moved to another house with a big back deck that kept us mostly dry from the rain. The kids didn't care as they still went in the pool and hot tub and even tubing on the lake.  They played games and went 4 wheeling and Ian loved these remote control vehicles so much (that one family brought) that he's decided to buy one himself.

Us ladies mostly gathered around the fire pit with a few blankets too!

We spent our afternoon on the 4th at the cottage; it was still a bit cool but at least the rain had passed.  We had a small cookout with most of the local family members in attendance trying to use up the leftovers from our party the day before.  The kids went tubing and we saw the boat parade go by; a fairly new and cute tradition on the lake. 


While most of the local fireworks were canceled or postponed due to the bad weather we had all weekend we still got to see some fireworks on the lake as many people set them off (illegally!).  I love that I can watch them from inside the house and not get eaten alive by mosquitoes! 

My husband and I went on a nice 2 hour hike on Monday.  The trail was a bit overgrown in sections and wet/ muddy in others but we made the best of it and it felt so good to be up and out after two day of just sitting, socializing, and eating. 

It may look like we're hiking in the brook but this was actually the trail; it's just really wet here

You can't tell but this IS the trail; in fact my husband's head is buried in the greenery..

See him when I zoom in on that same photo?

We went to the movies to see the latest Fast  & Furious movie-- while it was not my favorite movie, it was fun to be back in theaters. 

The younger boys and I spent a day at our friends' summer rental.  They rent a house right on the ocean each summer.  We walked down to the beach for a bit but rough seas and strong winds had us heading back to their house for a picnic lunch and a game of cards instead.  We stopped for homemade ice cream on the way home... a perfect summer day!

I loved the baby birds nesting above the door and all the beautiful bright blue hydrangeas everywhere.

The view from the house was definitely a favorite!

I couldn't believe they went in and tried body surfing; it was so cold and the surf was so rough.  We decided to hang out in the lagoon for a bit instead.

We sat on the deck for lunch enjoying the view and watching the cormorants while the boys all went inside to play cards until it was time to go.

My sister sent me this beautiful bracelet in the mail for my birthday!  It has such a sweet sisters inscription on the inside too.  

My husband and boys surprised me with a top water kayak!  I have been wanting one ever since I tried out Ian's and they found me the perfect blue/ purple one.  I was so surprised since kayaks in general are so hard to find this year.  Ian and I took it out on a ride first thing the next day and I love it!

My mom and I spent a wonderful day shopping the outlet stores and enjoying lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. We hit some great sales too; Vera Bradley was 50% off with an additional 30% off everything in the store and they allowed me to use my 25% off birthday coupon too taking the 25% off my most expensive item.  

My  birthday gifts from my mom and my mother in law


The living room furniture we ordered in March was finally delivered.  The room looks so great with matching sets that actually allow us all to fit in the room (and sit!) at the same time.  

Alec made some chocolate stuffed croissants and a chocolate/ raspberry cake this week.  They were amazing!  

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. What a great week!! Happy belated birthday (:
    Love your new Vera Bradley pattern!

    1. Thank you! My mom was laughing that I picked yet another blue/green patterned bag. What can I say; I know what I like!

  2. Wow! Looks like you had a great week and birthday!

  3. Happy belated birthday! Looks like an amazing week! The sweet treats look delicious and I LOVE your nails!

  4. So many great and happy things! That's how birthdays should be. Love the bracelet.

    1. I completely agree; it was wonderful to get so many gifts, texts, love and attention.

  5. I am obsessed with your nails and Alec's pie came out amazing! Oh your vaca house and beach look so fun and beautiful!

    1. I just swapped out my nail pattern today but I loved those 4th of July nails. The house and beach were a lot of fun.

  6. Your week looked like so much fun!

  7. Your 4th of July nails are SO CUTE! I love those!

    1. Thank you! I was thrilled that the pattern came in on time since I had ordered them a bit late.

  8. Great post...thanks for sharing!

  9. Happy belated birthday. I love your 4th of July nails. The 4th of July pie that Alex did looks beautiful. I am glad you had a great birthday weekend. Even if it rained a bit.

  10. It sounds like you had a nice 4th of July and week. Happy belated birthday Joanne. I hope you have a nice weekend.

  11. Ahhh - that's awesome you've had such a good week!
    Look at all the lovelies!!!
    That 4th of July pie is AMAZING!!!!!
    Those Blue hydrangea's OH MY WORD ... that looks like a fairy land.
    Are you loving Colorstreet nails? They would stay on me for 2 weeks & still look good - I'd take them off to change to the next color - but I love them so much!

    1. I really am loving them; though I think I've only had the set last a week (mostly because I start picking at them and want to put on another set!). My nails seem to be much longer too.

  12. Wow, what a great weekend!! And those blue hydrangeas are STUNNING!! Loved everything on this post!!

    That Inspired Chick

    1. Aren't' they amazing?! Every single house had them and lots of them for blocks and blocks. I kept thinking I just needed to move closer to the shore so my flowers could grow big and blue like that.

  13. What a fab week!
    I love your nails, so pretty and all of the food sounds delicious. It sounds like you had a wonderful 4th of July despite the weather.
    Happy belated birthday to you! That bracelet is gorgeous, what a lovely gift. x

  14. That looks like such a fun week with family and friends and food! How nice you got to celebrate together so much :) I really like your nails too!

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

  15. I'm not sure what to comment on first - those cool nails, that lovely bracelet, the red white and blue whipped cream, the baking, the certainly looked like you had a great week.

  16. Wow you are so creative. It's amazing and an inspiration.

  17. Happy belated birthday. Such a yummy cake :) Love your nails. Great photos from your week.

    Thanks so much for linking up to The Weekend Link Up. I hope you can join us again tomorrow for Creative Mondays #TheWeekendLinkUp

  18. So glad you were able to enjoy some outdoor time for the 4th! Your son makes the most delicious looking treats! Happy birthday and love the kayak! What a great gift! Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! Hopefully our weather will clear up again at some point this week so I can use my kayak more.

  19. It looks like you had a fabulous birthday filled with great food, fun gifts, and lots and lots of love! Your 4th of July manicure is super fun and your bracelet from your sister is gorgeous. I laughed at your husband hidden on that trail. I could barely find him in the zoomed photo! Haha. Thanks for linking, Joanne!


    1. It was nuts; I could not believe how overgrown some portions of the trail were! But I did have a fabulous birthday week filled with lots and lots of love.


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