What's up Wednesday May 2021

The last Wednesday of the month means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer & Shay.  I can't believe that May is already over and the end of the school year is so near.  We can not wait to go back to sleeping in and having no set schedule for a few months! 
What We're Eating This Week:  

A few quick and easy meals for the start of the week but as of tomorrow night I have 4 days off from cooking!  My husband and I are heading out Friday morning and the boys are all set to eat burgers, pasta and sauce, pizza, etc.  while my mother in law hangs out with them for the nice long weekend. 

What I'm Reminiscing About: We have officially been married for 20 years now!!  I had no idea when I began dating my husband at the age of 16 that we'd have spent more than 1/2 our lives together by now, raising three wonderful boys, and creating so many fantastic memories.  I always think back to our wedding and that first year of marriage when we were building our dream home... 

What I'm Loving: Healthy meals and snacks... at least I'm convincing myself that I do because I have GOT to cut back on the sugary snacks.  

Salad with chicken, peaches, and peanuts

Fruit, non-fat yogurt, 1/4 cup granola and 5 chocolate chips

What We've Been Up To: Lots of hiking and track meets, baking, seeing our friends, and getting ready for summer vacation. 

What I'm Dreading: Nothing much; maybe how busy things will be for another 2 1/2 weeks until Alec finishes up at school.

What I'm Working On: I keep making lists of things I need to work on but I haven't much gotten beyond making lists yet... 

What I'm Excited About:  The weather is finally so nice that I eat breakfast outside most days and gets lots of extra time to read throughout the day since our school day only takes about 15 minutes these days.

What I'm Watching/Reading:  Younger and Home Economics.  I've also started watching all the Friends episodes over again since my boys got me the boxed series for Mother's day. 

My mother's day gifts

I read 10 Fantastic books this month (see synopsis here)

What I'm Listening to: The house being built just 2 doors down (that my mother in law will be moving into). 

What I'm Wearing: Still lots of long sleeves and pants! But I am slowly getting to add in some capri pants and short sleeves along with my flip flops.

What I'm Doing This Weekend:   My husband and I are going away just the two of us to celebrate our 20 year anniversary. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Getting to see my sister, brother- in- law, nephews, and aunt/ uncle! 

What Else is New: We are loving seeing all the birds and hummingbirds at our feeders.




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  1. Another great month- can't wait to see next month when you tell us you could dress in summer clothes...finally! Gotta love New England ;)

  2. I LOVE that picture of the pine cones! Enjoy your weekend away and enjoy reading with that view in the background -- it's gorgeous!

  3. Your outfits are so cute! I love that you eat breakfast outside most days! And you and your mister are just precious! Happy anniversary! Ours is on Saturday.

    1. Thank you! I feel like I am stepping up my outfit game slightly these past few weeks as I get to wear more and more spring/ summer clothes.

  4. Happy Anniversary! I really need to get back to the healthy meals and snacks too. It's a process. LOL I've been enjoying Home Economics too!


  5. Your outfits are so cute! The ice cream bar looks like something I need. Congrats on 20 years - Dave and I have also been married 20 years. I met him when I was 18!

    1. Thank you! I honestly don't remember meeting my husband-- I know we were hanging out with the same group of friends in middle school.

  6. Happy Anniversary!! Mike and I celebrate 15 years tomorrow! :)

  7. Ahh! We still have a couple of months before the end of the school year. I can't wait for the summer.
    Enjoy your break from cooking.
    I love the photos from your wedding. What a beautiful bride. Happy anniversary. x

  8. Congratulations on 20 years of marriage! I hope you two enjoy your long weekend alone wherever you're going!

    1. Thank you! We plan to head out hiking in New Hampshire.

  9. That looks like a wonderful spot for reading, and happy anniversary! Enjoy your time together!

    I like your spring outfits too, especially the one with the blue wrap top, I have a very similar top! :)

    Hope you are having a nice week :)

    Away From The Blue

  10. Happy Anniversary! Where are you guys going? I have a Friends box set and I love it. I have seen them all so many times. Such a good gift. I love the warmer weather. Sounds like a fun June coming up!

    1. Thank you! We're heading up to New Hampshire to do a bit of hiking.


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