Sentence a Day in April

We had a pretty fun April despite some crazy weather that has just been all over the place.  One day I'm wishing I had worn a thicker sweatshirt and another day I'm kicking myself for not wearing shorts because it's so hot and sunny out. We've had wind, rain, and even snow!  

1. Evan and I found a new trail at our favorite hiking place- Pulaski.  It was a short trail which was good because it was quite cold. 

2. Alec had a party to go to and I spent my day playing chauffer; though I did manage to find time to create a new wreath for our front door. 

3. I reorganized the pantry and started in on organizing the utility room trying to make room for Ian to move his modelling table and supplies up there. 

4. I spent most of my morning trying to reorganize our photos; they have been packed away in a bunch of totes and the albums were falling apart so I am moving them over into photo cases.  

5.  Evan and I went on a nice walk in the afternoon as it was warming up.

6. We met up with friends at Roger Williams park to learn about stormwater management then spent the rest of the day enjoying the beautiful park.

7. The boys all had a half day of school and then I pulled out some of our deck furniture and read my book outside before meeting my mom for a walk while Alec was at track practice.

8.  Alec spent most of his practice working on javelin throwing since his knee has been bothering him.

9.  Ian, Evan, and I cut our schoolwork short to run a few errands then Evan and I headed out on a hike after lunch. 

10.  My husband and I had a date night planned and enjoyed a delicious dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse (where I wore my white jeans for the first time ever... still not sure if I like them or not). 

11. We all worked together to clean the patio and clean up the side yard getting the outside of the house ready for summer.  

12.  The first day of April vacation was cold and cloudy so we spent a quiet day in the house watching TV, reading, and just hanging around.

13.  We got our new dryer delivered!  In the evening I helped Evan put his new desk together after it arrived.  

He's been saving up to buy himself a desk, desktop computer, and monitor!

14.  The boys and I took off for the day to Bass Pro Shops, to check out Cupcake Charlie's (a 4 store chain in Massachusettes that got started through the show Cupcake Wars), and to eat lunch at Five Guys.  (Ian was with us he just prefers not to be in photos)

16. It snowed almost all day!  While it's not that unusual for us to get snow I am always surprised when it turns up in the spring.  

17.  I spent my morning in the kitchen making cookies and preparing for a family dinner while all the boys headed off to work.  I even managed to clean the whole downstairs too.

18.  We spent our morning visiting with my husband's aunt and uncle then stopped on the way home to visit with another of his uncle's and aunt.  My mother and step father stopped by in the afternoon and then my husband and I headed out for a hike. 

19. I spent much of my day working on clearing leaves out of the garden and then my mom and I went walking while Alec was at track and watched the sky divers and their parachutes.

20. Evan and I went for a hike after lunch and then Alec and I headed out to his very first track & field meet. 

21. With another 1/2 day of school for everyone, Ian and I settled in to pick out all his schoolwork for his senior year.

22. Evan was the only one home and while we had plans to go hiking it was much too cold and windy out.  

23. It was another really windy day so as soon as Ian and Evan were finished with their schooling I settled in to work on the blog, watch TV, and put yet more photos into the storage cases. 

24. We were celebrating Ian's birthday with a small party so I spent the day baking, cleaning, and cooking while squeezing in one side trip to meet up with one of Alec's friends at the park.  I also made him a handmade card.

25.  My husband and I worked on our basement countertop for part of the afternoon then went out on a Ranger ride.  

26.  A typical day homeschooling, overseeing virtual schooling, and then driving up to the school for track practice and to meet up with my mom for a walk in the cemetery. 

27.  Exactly like the day before but instead of track practice Alec had another track meet (and I forgot my camera!).

28.  After all three boys had a half day of school I ran to pick up Alec and then him, Ian, and I headed to Subway for lunch before Alec and I headed to his practice.  I had fun watching the sky divers again until Alec's practice was cut short due to brush fires in the area. 

29. Evan and I squeezed in a very early morning hike before the rain came.

30. After a quick morning of schoolwork with Ian and Evan, Evan and I headed out hiking. It sprinkled on and off and was quite windy but we managed to squeeze in an hour hike before lunch when the winds REALLY picked up-- we even heard trees falling in the woods near the house!



  1. Loving all of the outdoor times and the pics that you captured and those white jeans look great on you!

  2. Five Guys is our favorite! It's just soooo yummy! And I know you said you're still not sure about the white jeans, but I think they look great on you! You paired them perfectly with that fluttery top!

  3. Lovely photos of your walks and adventures. Here is to many more x #mmbc

  4. You live in such a beautiful area! Love your nature pictures.
    We love Five Guys too.

    1. Thanks! It's only the second time I've ever eaten there but it really made me glad we don't have one close to us. YUMMY!

  5. You really do live in a most interesting part of the world - such beautiful areas close enough to home to hike in.

    1. Thank you. We do have lots of hiking options nearby.

  6. I love your date night outfit. And those cupcakes look so tasty!

  7. Great images (as always). Your white jeans look great, love the photo box and wow re your organised pantry. Here's to a great May.

  8. We've had rain most of the week and hailstones today. lol It is crazy weather considering it's May!
    You have the best hikes near you. The views are amazing and I love your pantry. I wish I had room in my house for a proper pantry.
    Your white jeans look great on you. I love white jeans but can't wear them as I always seem to attract dirt and stains. x

    1. We've had rain the last couple of days too and the temperature has dropped so much.

      Our builder suggested that pantry when we were building; the plans had a much smaller cabinet and he found a few ways to enlarge it and give us more usable space in the kitchen at the same time. I am forever thankful for his suggestion!

  9. Our weather was all over the place too - hot, cold, snow, rain, wind. The white jeans look good on you for a date night. I would have dropped ketchup or something on them before the date was over...hehe. We've not seen any turtles yet. I like seeing them around the ponds basking in the sun. The trillium is a lovely wildflower. There is lady slipper here that we think is the most unique wildflower in the area. We've only seen in it one place & try to go walking there during the time it blooms. Oh that peanut butter pie...I'm going to have to give it a try sometime. It looks delicious! Karen

    1. We have begun seeing a few lady slippers here; they are a state flower and had been considered endangered for years though we have begun to see more and more of them around. They are such an interesting plant to read and learn about.

  10. What a crazy spring weather wise. Love how it snowed then a few days later Alec was running track in shorts. What gorgeous work in that counter top. Can't wait to see the finished project. Just a bit jealous of your wooded walks and lovely wildflowers. As much as I have always loved El Paso, being back in the south this spring made me realize that I really miss green!

    1. Everything is finally starting to look green on our wooded walks and while it makes me sneeze like crazy, I am enjoying it. May, so far, has been equally as crazy... it's 70 one day and 40 the next. Heck some days it's freezing in the morning, sweltering by lunchtime, and then back to cooling off in the late afternoon. I'm hoping it will somewhat even out soon just so I can get dressed in the morning and not have to change 2 or 3 times by bedtime.

  11. Snow pics are always so beautiful, but I'm sure you're hoping that snow if done for the season. :-)

  12. Love, love, love your nature photos, as always! I swear you do more in a day than I do in a week! And your monthly recap rivals my yearly one! Haha. I need to get out more. Thanks for sharing!


    1. LOL! I often say if it weren't for blogging we'd never go anywhere or do anything.

  13. Doesn't the cold and changeable weather of April feel so far away now and it was really just two short months ago?!?!? Also, that's so cool that you get to see so many skydivers. It looks so fun to watch!


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