Photos of the Week: May 22nd.

This week's  I Spy (#20!) was a whole lot of fun.  It didn't hurt that we had beautiful sunny weather all week and spent lots of time out of the house. 

-house (spring) – Everything is finally turning green and most of the plants are starting to bud all around the house.

-upside down-- Everything looks upside down when viewed through the lensball. 

-happy things-- These happy hedgehogs are one of my favorite things in our garden this year.

-ink-- I had so much fun playing around with my ink refills/ water to get some really interesting movement. 

-your choice-- We found a new hiking trail this week with some of the prettiest views. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. You guys always find the best hiking trails!

  2. Your house looks gorgeous. It is lovely when everything starts to grow. Those hedgehogs really do look happy. How cute. x

  3. Such great photos! Love those hedgehogs!! And playing with ink is always fun!!

  4. What a lovely home you have. It is a pretty time of year when everything starts to bud and the trees are all shades of green.
    I love your little hedgehogs too, how cute! #MMBC

    1. Thank you! I thought they were such a cute find and I just could not pass them up.

  5. Ooooh I love that ink picture! It's so beautiful! I once did a science experiment with food coloring and water, and it reminded me of that. I haven't thought of that in ages!

    1. We did a science experiment with both cold water in one glass and hot water in another with food coloring; they blend much faster in hot water because the molecules are moving faster.

  6. Oh, pooh, I think I am behind already again for iSpy. Somehow missed these prompts. I am hopeless.
    You did such a great job this week. Your home is lovely and the yard is greening up nicely. Love the lens ball. I think I will ask for one for Christmas. They create stunning photo ops. Yay for a new trail. We tried one, too, this weekend. Alongside the very dried up and nonexistent Rio Grande!!

    1. The lens ball is a lot of fun to play around with!

  7. Beautiful always

  8. Oh, I love your "upside down" and your "ink" photos.

    1. Thanks! I was pretty proud of those myself!

  9. Thank you so much for sharing this on the Spread the Kindness Link up! I LOVE the ink pic and especially LOVED the lens ball! So beautiful and a great capture <3

    Have a lovely day!

  10. What lovely photos! The lens ball is a great one.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  11. Beautiful photos, Joanne! I love your happy hedgehogs! And the lens ball is so great for some cool upside down effects!


  12. Love that lens ball and the ink refills! Thanks so much for linking up with me at A Themed Linkup 59 for Photos and Videos. Pinned!

    1. I always have so much fun with my lens ball but rarely think to use it.

  13. CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at A Themed Linkup 60 for Summer Crafts and Decor from my previous linkup for Photos and Videos!


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