Friday Favorites: Where it Felt Like Summer Was Coming

 We had a fabulous week with some really warm and beautiful weather.  Here are some of my favorites from the week. 

I spent most of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday reading (in between karate class, grocery shopping, and household chores); sometimes in the sun, sometimes on the patio, and sometimes in my comfy chair.

Sunday afternoon the younger two boys and I met up with my friend and her kids for a nice walk.  We went to get ice cream afterwards and I was thrilled to see Maine Black Bear on the menu!

Vanilla ice cream with raspberry swirls and raspberry filled chocolate bits

After a crazy, weird school year Alec's school started with all the kids in the building this week.  (Those that want to return to full in person learning can attend for 4 1/2 days where Wednesday is still a short day for cleaning and teachers to prepare online lessons for those wishing to remain all virtual).

First time they've all been in the building together! 

My favorite yogurt bars were back! I have been having to make do with another flavor in this Enlightened brand but this week the Cold Brew ones were back in stock.

Evan and I went on a nice long river walk Monday; the weather was beautiful and I think I even got a touch of sunburn.  Then we headed out Tuesday for a hike at Pulaski. Thursday we found a whole new trail to try out at Old Furnace; we took the blue trail to the white trail (though it looked unmarked on the map). 

River trail:


Old furnace:

Wednesday I went to watch Alec's last track meet (well, his last home meet anyway).  I just love seeing how his skills grow and develop.  There were 4 teams competing this time so it was a rather large and long meet. 

Ian brought home the jet ski this week.  I am just BLOWN AWAY at the job he did!  He took our old 1994 jet ski to the shop over the winter and redid the fiberglass bottom, repainted the whole thing, reupholstered the seat, put new stickers on it.... it doesn't even look like the same jet ski!  I love when my kids completely surprise me with skills I had no idea they had. 



Evan and I found a completely new trail to hike at one Old Furnace and I just LOVED these views of the water.  

I finally got around to pulling together some flower pots for the front steps.  I can't wait to see how these flowers fill in and grow.  I went with some deep purple, pale yellow, and pink flowers this year and I am loving the combination of colors.

Our state lifted the mask mandate this week! 

Linking up with: On the Edge


  1. Glorious indeed! The weather has just been wonderful. Hope your weekend is so sweet.

  2. Those views! I am glad you are having some good weather to enjoy. Have a good weekend!

  3. I love all the flower pots on your steps. They are going to be beautiful as they fill in!

    1. Now... if I can just get into a routine and remember to water them everyday I'll be all set.

  4. That's kind of funny that everyone can be in the building finally now, when here school is just about over for the summer!

    1. Right?! They'll get a whopping 4.5 weeks together.

  5. It's been like summer here all week! I love it.
    I've never heard of Maine Black Bear! It looks delicious! Have a great weekend. :)

  6. We had lovely weather here as well. I love all of your outdoor photos. I need to work on my front entry flower pots this weekend too!

    1. I still need to find or put together a few hanging pots for our patio but I'm thinking I'll save that for next week's project.

  7. Congrats on the mask mandate being lifted! I am officially obsessed with that ice cream and would love to try it. You photos are always so calming.

    Have the Best weekend!

    1. Aw, thank you! I find nature photos/ being in nature to be very calming.

  8. Hurray for some returns to normalcy! That ice cream looks amazing.

  9. The jet ski looks brand new! I need to go hiking before it gets too hot!

    1. Doesn't it?! I could not get over how fabulous it looks. He has some mad skills he got from somewhere...

  10. I have been looking for the dairy free version of that ice cream! I want some so bad!!

  11. Your views are so beautiful. I love a good yogurt bar/ice cream bar. Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Oh, those water views are just heavenly! I'm glad you've been getting in all the hikes and that your weather has been beautiful!

    1. It has been great!... and not that buggy so far either.

  13. The nature scenes are beautiful. It is great we are starting to get together again here too, without masks if vaccinated. I hope we all continue to pull out of these pandemic times. We are going to officially open in California on June 15.

    1. Thank you! I love spending lots and lots of time in nature.

  14. Cold Brew??? mmmm... that sounds delicious.
    I see you're reading Wanderlust - LOVE LOVE LOVE that series!

  15. Wow! So many great things - in person school, flowers, the "new" jet ski! Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you. He's out riding the jet ski right now... I'm so afraid it's going to break down inside now that he's rebuilt the whole outside.

  16. Those photos of you with your feet up and reading look like heaven. doesn't it just make you appreciate the warm weather? It has been so nice at home.

    Nice job in the jet ski, Ian!

    1. It sure does make me enjoy the nice warm weather.

  17. You have such a nice view from your deck. It felt like Summer here this week too.

  18. Joanne, it looks like you had a diverse and wonderful week. Your pictures are so inviting. I'd like to come on your walk with you through those beautiful shade trees. And I won't even talk about what your ice cream pictures did to me. :)

  19. Amazing pics.. thanks forv sharing.

  20. Every time I see photos of your views from your patio I sigh a little in envy. It's just so restful and lovely. Also well done to Ian on the amazing jet ski renovation - it looks amazingly brand new - some definite skills there!

    1. It really does look brand new. I just can not get over the transformation.

  21. That ice cream looks so good! And what a great job he did on that jet ski!

    1. He really did a great job. Now he's busy outfitting our dock to make sure nothing scratches or damages it.

  22. What a fantastic week. I love all of the wonderful hikes. The Jet ski looks so good. He did an amazing job!
    Blessings, Dawn

  23. Looks like you had a fantastic week. Ian did a great job on the jet ski. Happy weekend! #weekendcoffeeshare

  24. It does look like summer. Very nice. #AllSeasons

  25. Your son did an amazing job with the jet ski! You did some great looking hikes this week. And that ice cream looks so good! Hope you had a great weekend!

  26. I would love to explore your woods. It looks so fun.

    1. Thank you! It is a lot of fun. So many different varieties of plants and animals. I often see deer in the distance running away..

  27. So glad you are enjoying this beautiful weather! What an awesome jet ski- have fun and be safe!

  28. I am loving your views and photos as always, Joanne! I admire your zest for reading and I really wish I could get mine back. It takes me months to get through one book and I used to read 10-20 titles every month. This is the time of year when I really enjoy sitting outdoors with a great book!


    1. This is my favorite time of year to read! Sitting out in the sun, relaxing, and escaping.

  29. Mmmmm, that vanilla-raspberry ice cream looks so good!! I could eat ice cream every day, I think.

    Wow, Ian did such a great job on the jet ski. He should go into the jet ski renovation business. It looks brand new. Bravo!!

    Do you have to worry much about bugs on your hikes? We really don't have mosquitoes much here because it is so dry. I would love walking there beside the water but wouldn't want to be munched!!

    1. I think I could eat ice cream every day too; though it really makes my eczema flare up and I know I should stay away from it.

      Someone told Ian he should go into the jet ski renovation business too but he decided that he really did not enjoy working with fiberglass enough. LOL.

      We have tons of mosquitos and ticks that we have to worry about while hiking. Luckily as long as it's breezy enough near the water they tend to stay away.

  30. The jet ski looks amazing!!! And I envy you your reading views -- that view of the lake is incredible!!! And now I want some of that ice cream -- it sounds soooo good!!!

    1. He did such a great job on it; I was so impressed with his skills.


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