Friday Favorites: The First Week of May

 Phew! What a week.  I alternately felt like I was trapped in the house for days on end and yet somehow also so busy that I felt like I was never at home.  Yeah, I know.. I don't get it either. I'm just glad the weekend is here and we don't have much of anything planned. 

Alec had special permission to go into the building on Friday since he was helping a senior out with their year end culinary project.  After dropping him off I got to work with the other two boys.  They each have just 2 subjects left to finish up their school year so our school day was over with quickly.

Evan and I headed out for a hike.  The weather was so weird.  It was pretty windy and cloudy and even sprinkled at times but then it would clear up, then sprinkle and start all over again.  We hiked for an hour and made it back home just as the wind really began picking up (we even heard a tree drop out in the woods).

I spent my afternoon doing laundry, making chocolate chip cookies, and working on the blog.  Evan and I went for a quick walk to the mailbox and then I headed to the school to pick Alec up from track practice.  He's been practicing both discus and javelin for next week's meet. 

My husband and I went grocery shopping after dinner and I picked up a pretty bouquet of flowers for myself.

I had a busy day of driving on Saturday.  Alec's knee has been feeling better so he decided to give his karate class a try.  He had karate in the morning followed by a party in the afternoon-- only problem was the party was nearly an hour's drive away! I am so glad he's managed to make friends this crazy school year but I miss having friends that live much closer to us. I spent 5 hours in the car driving him to and from karate and the party.  

On the upside my husband and I decided to make a date night of it and stopped at the Willimantic Brewing Company for dinner before picking Alec up.  The food was delicious and since the restaurant is in an old U. S. Post Office it's a fun place to eat too.  

We stopped for ice cream on the way home.  

Sunday morning I put together a pasta salad and then settled outside in the sun to finish up my latest book and start a new one.  

After lunch we headed out hiking.  My husband had never been with us to Ross' cliffs so that's where we went.  

After dinner we went out on a short Ranger ride in the rain; we would have gone out longer but we stopped at one point and had a hard time getting it to start back up. 

My mother in law was taking Alec to school on Monday so I had some free time before starting school with Evan.  Ian woke up feeling slightly under the weather.  We assumed he was tired, worn out, and probably dehydrated from several hours of 4 wheeling the day before and not drinking enough water.  I let him have a resting day in his room and gave him plenty of Motrin, fluids, and encouraged him to rest. 

Evan and I headed out hiking as soon as his school work was done.  He only has 1 subject left so our schooling goes by fast.  We hiked for an hour at Pulaski before heading back home.

I worked in the garden until lunchtime and managed to get all my decorations out and one last garden 1/2 cleaned out from leaves and pine needles. 

I watched Alec practice discus for a bit at his practice and then we headed to the grocery store to pick up more juice and snacks that I had completely forgotten about when we did groceries. Then came home to prepare supper. 

It poured nearly all day on Tuesday.  After dropping Alec off at school I came home to start school with the other two boys.  Ian was feeling better but still not 100%; all his joints hurt and he still had a headache so we were wondering if it might be early stages of Lyme (living in CT where Lyme disease originated we tend to be hyper aware of it!).  He did his school work though and both boys were done very quickly. We always start our day with a read aloud while we all eat our breakfast.

I treated myself with a few chocolate chips sprinkled on my fruit, plain non-fat yogurt, and granola

I spent my afternoon doing laundry since Alec texted to let me know he was going to be back in the building on Wednesday (when he was supposed to be virtual so we needed a clean uniform).

I went to watch his track meet and both my mom and my husband came to watch too.  We sat in the car since it kept sprinkling on and off.  Alec competed in both discus and javelin.  We picked up take out on the way home from the Black Dog and enjoyed a late family dinner together. 

We were all up early on Wednesday.  After dropping Alec off I settled in for school with the other two boys.  Ian finished up his English book so he only has math left for the year just like Evan.  We were done school in under an hour.  Ian still had a lingering headache but said the joint pain felt better so I held off on calling the doctor (which had been our plan Tuesday night).  I cooked up a quiche for easy breakfasts this weekend, some fresh bread, and put meatballs and sauce in the crock pot for dinner knowing I'd cook up some spaghetti later. 

Alec had a half day and my mom offered to pick him up and bring him home since I was going to have to go back up to the school later in the afternoon for track practice only practice was canceled and we had a quiet afternoon at home.  

Ian was heading to work and Alec into the building on Thursday.  Evan and I finished school in mere minutes then headed out for a nice long hike. 

Once home I cooked up some taco meat and diced tomatoes and lettuce for tacos.  With Alec's track meet, my husband and Evan getting hair cuts, and Ian's work schedule we were all eating at our own time and that was a nice easy way to make sure everyone had a meal.  We had salad made for those that wanted taco salads, chips and salsa for anyone that wanted to make nachos, and all the regular fixin's for anyone that wanted traditional soft shell tacos. 

He really enjoys helping out the coach and keeping score

Missing the shot of him throwing the discus.... but here he is carrying it back. 

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Busy week- you crushed it Mama! That quiche looks amazing- hope you share the recipe soon- Happy Happy Mother's Day Joanne!

    1. I have that recipe on my blog; only thing I swap out is whatever veggies I use each time. (

  2. You did it mama and a very productive week! That yogurt and granola bowl and quiche looks so good! And I have been craving chocolate chip cookies! Reading in the sun is so blissful. I hope you have a relaxing and happy Mother’s Day!

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing Mother's day too.

  3. That yogurt granola bowl looks incredible and the quiche, WOW! Hope you have a great Mother's Day and are spoiled by your boys!

    1. I eat that yogurt/granola almost every morning.. just not always with the chocolate chips! It is so delicious. Even my youngest has started eating fruit/yogurt/granola bowls.

  4. Looks like a busy, but good week, especially with the pretty outdoor walks and lots of cooking! Happy Mother's Day & enjoy a restful weekend!

  5. Y'all had a busy week and you did do a lot of driving! And that fruit and yogurt parfait looks so yummy. I've been eating those a lot lately, too.

    1. So MUCH driving.. we're hearing rumors that the school will be opening up 5 full days for all students so hopefully that will cut down on all the driving back and forth.

  6. I hope Ian is feeling better. I had Lyme disease in high school, only found out because my knee swelled up and hurt really badly!

    1. That's how I discovered my Lyme disease. My knee was huge and hurt so much! Luckily he's feeling much better so I don't think it was Lyme.

  7. I hope your son feels better and it's not Lyme disease! All of your cooking , baking, and flowers look so good Joanne. It's nice you had time to sit in the sun and read your book. I enjoyed looking at the beautiful photos and have a happy Mother's Day weekend.

    1. It doesn't appear to be Lyme; thankfully! I'm so glad I got out there as it's been rare for those chairs to be dry enough for me to use them. Seems like we are getting more rain than sun lately. Happy Mother's Day to you too, Julie.

  8. I hope he feels better. I didn't know Lyme originated there! I learn something new from bloggers every week. Your meals always look so good. Also, I love how you bought yourself flowers! I do that too! :)

    1. Yep, in Lyme, Ct down near the shoreline. Local rumor has it that there is an island off the coast there where "they" have been conducting scientific experiments and created Lyme by accident... pretty sure that's not the case but it's a fun story.

  9. Your food pictures always inspire me! Hopefully your son is ok! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Aw, thank you! I love puttering around in the kitchen.

  10. Good for you getting a bouquet of flowers - I should do that for myself this weekend too - you deserve it solely for all the car taxi-ing you do as a mom :)
    You are my kinda gal - a reading spot outside to finish & immediately start a new book

    1. I usually have a good 3-4 books going at once!

  11. Love your pictures! The yogurt bowl looks so delicious, I'm going to copy it right now as much as I can!! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I want some of those cookies!!

    1. I blinked and they were all gone.. I must remember to start making double batches and hiding some.

  13. Spring weather is just the weirdest, isn't it?! I'm glad you got yourself some flowers - you do so much and you definitely deserve them! I'd do it, too, but my cat would eat them haha

    1. It really is so weird and so hard to dress for.

  14. You totally make me want to make homemade bread every time you post it. And those cookies. Yum. can you tell that I am hungry. Looks like a good week though. Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!

    1. LOL. It's dangerous to blog while hungry! Hope you have a wonderful Mother's day as well.

  15. It sounds like you have had such a busy week. I hope you have a nice relaxed weekend. x

    1. I think that just might be what life will be like until school ends. Thank you!

  16. I guess you and Alec hearing a tree drop in the woods answers the age-old question "if a tree falls in the woods and no onw is around to hear it...?" Your deck time looks awesome!

    1. I was literally thinking the same thing as that happened!

  17. Sounds like a productive week. Love the photos. Those pine cones had me I'm always collecting pine cones to use in fall/winter decor.

    1. I love pinecones! We have lots of different varieties here.

  18. I know how you feel with all that running around, it was a busy week here too! I'm glad Ian is feeling better.

  19. cookies, breakfast bowls and flowers! I love it!

  20. That little spot in the sun with a book and a beautiful view - you can't ask for more than that (and yet you also fitted a million other things into your week!)

    1. Yes, that little time in the sun with a good book is always a high light when it can happen!

  21. Sounds like a good and productive week. I'm glad you had some "me" time. too. Thank you for linking up with #WeekendCoffeeShare.

  22. It's amazing how time flies. I enjoyed reading about your busy week with your family. I found you through Natalie the Explorer.

  23. I am so excited for more outdoor adventures...I am always inspired by your outdoor photos and activities! It is finally in the 60's this week without the rain! So YAY! Thanks for sharing your week and linking with me!


  24. Now I want cookies and a bouquet of fresh flowers!!!

    1. LOL. You can never go wrong with fresh flowers and cookies.


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