What I'm Currently...

It's the first Wednesday of the month and time to link up with Anne of In Residence for her Currently series.  This month we're looking at what we're currently arranging, craving, discussing, enjoying, & preparing. 

arranging-- Our summer vacation.  Fingers crossed we'll be visiting my sister and her family and we found an adorable house to rent. 

My last trip to see my sister was in Oct of 2018 

craving-- All the chocolates and sweets! 

Our spring break plans; we just plan on doing a few day trips like the one we just took to the aquarium.

enjoying-- Lots of time in nature and seeing/hearing all the birds!

preparing-- For our next school year.  I've been buying books and outlining which subjects we'll be covering. 

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Oooohh... I'd love to be discussing a vacation! What fun!!!

    1. I am just so excited and crossing my fingers nothing gets in our way!

  2. We did many spring breaks where we just had a few day trips throughout the week. The aquarium sounds fun and I want those green frosted cupcakes!

  3. Hope you are able to travel! The excitement and planning is half the fun for me. The beach seems like a welcome retreat after the winter months.

    1. I hope so too! So far so good and just keeping my fingers crossed no more regulations crop up to stop us.

  4. Planning spring break and summer vacations?!? Sounds perfect!!!! And don't you just love looking into the next school year?? I have been thinking about curriculum so much!

    1. Right?! Vacation planning is the most fun we've had in a long time.

  5. I hope you get to go on your vacation!

  6. Spring break has come and gone so quickly here...they only had Good Friday and the following Monday off, so no Spring Break really this year!! Have fun planning! I always find it so much fun and a bit stressful at the same time because I'm always the one left with the final decisions :-)

    1. It's the only week off they've had other than Christmas so it is well deserved this year.

  7. That's so exciting that you're planning a vacation! I know y'all will be so happy to get away after this crazy last year of being at home so much!

    1. Yeah, I can not wait to get out on the road and see some new sights!

  8. Planning next year's school - you are on top of your game - good for you!

    1. Yep, I typically try to plan one year as we're winding down the previous year.

  9. I am so hoping I can see my sister this summer!! Crazy to plan next year already, we're at that point too!

    1. My sister and I try to take turns with me going down there and her coming up here but it's such a difference from when we were homeschooling together and would meet up once a week for some sort of activity!

  10. I love your bird photos. We went on a walk today to see what we could see. We saw a chickadee and heard the blue jay.

  11. Joanne! I finally found your blog! I'm so glad. I do hope you will be able to see your sister as it has been a long time for sure. Those bird photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing! Hope you're having a great week!

    1. Yay! So glad you found me. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  12. So excited for you and your trip to the beach!

    1. I can not wait! I have literally started counting down the weeks and keep checking our states travel policy!

  13. So much goodness in this post! So happy you will get to see your sister and enjoy the beach. And I have started buying supplies and books for next school year too!

    1. I have my 8th grader all set and now I need to start working on senior year for my oldest... he's all over the place in what he'd like to study.

  14. I hope all works out to see your sister this summer!!!


    1. Aw, thank you! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  15. Great bird captures!! I have never ever liked birds much until last year. We had the cutest bright green birds appear as the pandemic hit and they were a delight to us when the world was upside down. I am looking for a bird feeder on Etsy this week. Who am I?

    1. Thank you! We got a bird feeder years ago when my middle son started reading everything he could about birds and pointing them out to me in the wild. We put one on his bedroom window and were so amazed at the variety of birds that we got to see.

  16. Those cupcakes look delightful! And I'm with you - so hoping for a sister visit this summer! We were lucky to squeeze one in last summer while we were in the same "bubble" but no family visits since my son has been in school. Fingers crossed for all of us that it's safe to have this special time soon!

    1. We have seen all our other family that lives locally but my sister is a good 2 day drive away so we wouldn't have seen her last year anyway as we had other vacation plans. But this year my boys have been asking to go see her and their cousins and their new house and puppies.

  17. Oh my goodness, Joanne, I have been craving sweets like a glutton recently! I hope all of your vacation plans pan out this year! We can all use a little break! Thanks for linking up.


    1. I'm hopeful that with driving we have less of a chance of our trip being canceled then if we had decided to fly but only time will tell I guess.


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