Photos of the Week: April 10th

This week's I Spy challenge was a lot of fun.  Though I nearly forgot to get my post ready in time!  

-wood Shelf mushroom growing on the trunk of a tree

-music At the park, the music of the carousel drew me in.. 

-Easter My boys eagerly dug into their chocolate bunnies Easter morning.

-button I forgot I had this button collection until I dropped it on the floor while cleaning & organizing this weekend. 

-your choice I was loving these magnolia blossoms at Roger Williams Park

Linking up with:


  1. Such great shots! Love the buttons.

    1. Thank you! I was so excited to see them and the pretty colors.

  2. What a fab collection of photos. x

  3. A super collection. My faves are the fungi on the wood and the buttons. CarolG

  4. I loved the mushrooms growing on the tree but I can never resist a button. What a great collection.

  5. Beautiful pictures! Love the magnolia blossom! Can't wait to see mine blooming but it's still so small and unfortunately the squirrels always eat them :(

    1. OH no! I didn't realize squirrels ate any sort of photos.

    2. Flowers.. not photos... that's what I get for typing while watching TV.

  6. That flower is awesome! I have a jar of buttons too.

    1. Thank you! they were so beautiful and fragrant and I had no idea what I was taking photos of as I snapped away in the bright sunlight unable to see my view finder in the glare of the sun.

  7. I love the picture you took for "wood." Cool capture! And that magnolia blossom is beautiful!

  8. I love that picture of the button jar! I have a jar of buttons, too. We save all of ours just in case, but I can't even remember the last time we actually needed to use one!

    1. I have literally never opened this can from the day we inherited it (which was probably 2 years ago!).. but I just can't seem to get rid of it either.

  9. So sad that with the blogging and computer problems I've had, I have gotten off track on my photo challenges. Wil try to get back at it this weekend. My favorite photo is the button collection. Those would be great to have for scrapbooking or use in the cute cards you make.

    1. So sad that you have been having so many computer problems.

  10. Oh I love your photos this week. The magnolia and the buttons and the carousel again. Great job!

  11. I love your magnolia picture. Our neighbours have a magnolia tree and I LOVE when it blooms every spring.


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