Our Day at Roger Williams Park

We spent a beautiful day at Roger Williams Park last week learning about storm management and just enjoying the beautiful sights of the park.

 We walked through the Japanese Garden

Around down by the water.

Stopping with our tour guide at various places where they have blocked off the storm drains that used to empty directly into the pond and set up some stormwater management systems like the one below.  

The patio area collects rain run off from the and the sediment and trash settle on a nice hard surface that is easy to sweep clean.  The water then runs through the rocks/ mesh into another green holding area where a mixture of grasses has been planted over a soil mix of sand, sediment, clay, etc. that further filters the water.  

We stopped by the carousel to grab our lunches from our cars before having a lovely picnic.

Then we walked over to the botanical gardens (which were closed) and back to our cars. Finding a lovely little grove of magnolia trees along the way. 

 Linking up with:  Spread the Kindness, 


  1. I LOVE it there. Thank you for sharing. We have gone to the Jack O Lantern Spectacular there for years and now after reading this and seeing your pics, I think we need to make a trip down it the Spring/Summer- just beautiful!

    1. It really is amazing! Their botanical gardens are fantastic but were closed to prepare for their fairy garden week coming up this week I think. The natural history museum & Planetarium is great too.

  2. What a beautiful place! Those magnolias are gorgeous. Love the slight pink in them. Carousels make for fun photos!

    1. I loved the pink hue to the magnolia blooms. I really didn't think they were magnolias at first because of that!

  3. This is so nice, I love the seal statues!

    1. I had never noticed those before but we were inside what used to be the old seal house to learn about how they were taking and testing water samples to see if their treatment plans were working.

  4. Oh, that combines some of my favourite things of flowers and a field trip! What a beautiful and interesting park.

    1. It is so pretty and so much larger than I thought!

  5. This looks like such a beautiful park! Love the carousel!

    1. I would have gone for a ride if I could have gotten my son to agree. I just love carousels.

  6. Replies
    1. It really was and the weather was just perfect too.

  7. What a beautiful day! And I love that carousel!

  8. Magnolias make me so happy! What a nice day to get outside.

    1. I was so enamored with that row of trees all in bloom right near the water..

  9. You got some beautiful pictures of the blooming trees! Gorgeous!

  10. What a beautiful park to visit Joanne. We all hope to visit it sometime in the future.

    1. It really is lovely and there is so much to see and do there.

  11. We love Japanse garden. What a glorious day!

  12. Looks like it was an awesome sunny day to tour the park. Those magnolia blooms are absolutely beautiful!

  13. This is truly a place I would enjoy spending a day or an afternoon. So many beautiful sights to see and so much nature and man-made nature to take in. I absolutely love the magnolia trees and how beautiful they look. My gosh. Also, I can never pass a good carousel ride.


  14. Looks interesting to visit and I love that carousel!! Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Link Party 24. Pinned!

  15. This looks like such a beautiful place, Joanne! Your photos are lovely as always. I really like the Japanese garden and the carousel! So fun. Thanks for sharing and linking with me.


  16. I always love looking at your photos. It's like I am there with you enjoying the view. You have a great eye!

    1. Thank you so much; that is such a wonderful compliment!

  17. Even prior to COVID we hadn't been back since taking the now adult nieces and nephews. It is a wonderful place.


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