Friday Favorites: The Week of the April Snowstorm

 It was such a weird week weather-wise.  We had snow, warm sunny days in the 70's, and one day that was so windy it flipped over a small table we had out on our patio.  

We woke to SNOW on Friday!  (That exclamation point is more for shock than joy)... And not just a small little flurry either.  By 9:00 we had quite the ground covering and it just kept coming down until afternoon. 

I spent the day inside reading a few good books and washing/folding lots and lots of laundry.

The boys all headed off to work on Saturday with their grandfather.  The younger two boys were painting boards while Ian worked on other projects. 

I spent my morning in the kitchen whipping up a batch of cookies for my father in law's birthday dinner then worked on cleaning the house. We had a fabulous dinner together.  

I made oatmeal/raising/ walnut cookies he requested

And some plain oatmeal cookies I made into sandwich cookies with cream cheese frosting in the middle

We spent lots of time with family on Sunday!  My husband had to go work on his aunt and uncle's heat pump so the younger boy and I tagged along to visit.  They had some freshly made cinnamon buns and we all sat chatting for a good hour or two. 

On the way home we swung by another uncle & aunt's house and visited with them for a bit too before making our way home for lunch.  After lunch my parent's stopped by.  My mom and step father had been checking on their trailer and since they were in the neighborhood they popped in to say hi.  

Once they left my husband and I headed out for an hour or so hike before coming home to make dinner. 

We woke to a beautiful sunrise on Monday.  Alec had a day of virtual classes and the other two boys quickly worked their way through their own schoolwork.  I cleaned all the leaves out of two more gardens.

In the afternoon I took Alec to track practice and my mom and I walked around the cemetery again.  There was a plane that took off from the airstrip on the side of the school that kept circling overhead and we got to see two different groupings of people parachuting (and landing in a nearby field).

I love watching the mist on the lake in the mornings and Tuesday was a misty day until the sun came out.  Ian went to work and the other two boys settled in for a short day of school. Alec was once again learning remotely but only had a half- day of school.  I tackled my last garden and after an hour had only cleaned one tiny portion. 

Evan and I headed out on a nice hour long hike after lunch. 

Alec had his first track meet later that afternoon.  With his bum knee he couldn't do much but did decide to participate in the javelin throwing.  He even managed to run for just a few steps before throwing the javelin each of the three times and with is brace on said his knee wasn't hurting at all. 

We had a rainy day on Wednesday.  Alec had a half-day of online school and the other two boys were finished up with their schoolwork in record time.  Ian and I picked out all his curriculum for next year and I think he's got a great last year of learning planned. 

Alec had a short track practice; it kept raining off and on so they moved inside to the weight room and were finished up in just an hour.  When I got home Ian was already putting our kayak stand together for me!  He even loaded up the kayaks on it while I was out grocery shopping.

Alec had school IN THE BUILDING! On Thursday followed by a track meet that my mother in law offered to go to and bring him home from.  With Ian at work, Evan and I had an entire day to ourselves!  We quickly worked through his schooling and then I had a whole list of errands to run.

We had hoped to get a hike in but it was much too cold and windy.  I spent my afternoon working on the blog and trying to get some more photos transferred over into storage cases. 

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. April always sucks us in and makes us believe the snow is gone....gets me every year! Love the pic of the kayaks- awesome shot and gives me hope- have a great weekend!

    1. Me too! I usually pack away all the winter gear and then we get a last storm or two and I simply refuse to pull any winter gear back out and we all just make the decision to freeze since it's spring and we refuse to dress for the weather.

  2. Wasn’t the snow crazy. Ahhh so excited to kayak again. Hope you have the sweetest weekend.

    1. I can't wait! Hoping for kayak weather soon..

  3. We lucked out and didn't get any of the snow. We saw some flurries, but no accumulation. One year, we ended up with almost six inches of snow on my birthday (the end of April). Gah! Have a great weekend!

    1. You are lucky; I'd guess we easily had 4 inches on the ground.

  4. I can't believe the snow. It is just way too late in April for that! We, of course, didn't get any snow here this week, but it's been in the mid-30's most nights which is unheard of this time of year. I'm pretty sure we probably broke some records.

    1. It has been below freezing at night and that is just too cold. I had turned off the heat but then had to turn it back on. The weather has just been crazy.

  5. We had snow too, so weird. It melted immediately though. Javelin throwing intrigues me!

    1. I have been having so much fun learning about all these different track and field events and seeing how they work on developing skills.

  6. I love that you have so many kayaks! What a fun thing to do.

    1. Yep, one for each of us! (plus my parents store their kayaks here too).

  7. You just never know what April brings. We had some snow coming down one morning luckily it was all gone by noon. The cold stuck around though! But warmer weather is in the forecast again!!
    My kids' school went back to virtual only once again due to a few cases at their school. Scheduled to go back the first week of May but who knows....
    Love the misty lake pictures and all those turtles!! We're lucky when we can find one sitting on a log at our local lake, but it's always to fun to discover one.

    1. We have not been in the building more than 2-3 days a week at all this entire school year. They keep saying "soon" but honestly I'm guessing not until the last 2 weeks of school.

  8. Wow! That's some crazy weather! We've gone back and forth from shorts to coats, but snow is certainly odd! But how nice you were still able to get out and get some hiking done!

    1. It has just been all over the place! But we are pretty used to that as most springs and falls are like that.

  9. Replies
    1. It really has! I never know how to dress anymore...

  10. My upstate NY friends got 5 inches and refused to shovel or take out the snowblower.

  11. Even though the weather turned for you guys, the photos are still so beautiful. But I am all about warm weather being here for good. We have some storms coming through this weekend and I am not pleased. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. It was beautiful and rather peaceful but we had been having such wonderful warm sunny weather that it felt almost like a slap in the face... one I should have seen coming since that's our typical spring but somehow I am shocked each spring when we still get one last storm or two.

  12. Can you believe the snow!!!!
    Cream cheese in between cookies - you are my kinda person!

    1. They were my own original oatmeal cream pies! Honestly though I love cream cheese frosting on anything.

  13. Where I live in Australia the Summer doesn't want to leave us, although the mornings and evenings are now starting to become crisp and cool. Those cookies look delicious and I enjoyed your photographs of the snow, nature and your week. Enjoy your weekend. #WeekendCoffeeShare

    1. The last few falls have been warmer longer than I ever remember them being as a kid but somehow I don't mind the heat and sunshine lingering nearly as much as the cold and snow.

  14. Really beautiful nature photos. What lake is that? Hope you get warmer weather.

  15. Those cookies look amazing!! We had snow too but just a dusting!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. They were so good and gone in under 24 hours.

  16. We had spring snow on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning then the sun came out and melt all of it by Wednesday afternoon. It's great to hear you had family visits and dinner together, like pre-pandemic times. #WeekendCoffeeShare

    1. Luckily it all melted quite quickly here too.

  17. April snow is quite different from January snow. I love snow in winter...not so much in spring. It sounds like you had a great snow day. Very productive! Those oatmeal cookie sandwiches look great! What a wonderful twist on a plain oatmeal cookie!

  18. How awful is that snow. We had snow at the beginning of this month and the week after we had summer for a few days. And now it's way to cold ! Have a great weekend!

    1. Our weather keeps going back and forth too; I think it's supposed to be quite warm today.

  19. Your weather is even more crazy then ours has been. It sounds like a pretty good week though. I hope next week is sunny. I have to get out and start tackling our gardens too.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. It has been so weird! I mean we're used to changes in weather but not so much in such a short amount of time.

  20. Oh wow! You've had snow, it wasn't just a little bit either! We've had glorious sunshine & I actually got a little sun burnt on Thursday!
    Those cookies look so tasty. x

    1. Yeah we got a good couple of inches; luckily it only stuck around for the day and melted quickly.

  21. We had a snow flurry on Wednesday as well, coating the daffodils and flowering trees with snow for a couple of hours, and then disappearing quickly. Quite fun.

    1. I don't mind too much as long as it doesn't hang around. LOL

  22. Snow in April! Great pics as always - I love love love that one of the reflections on the lake. And, your oatmeal sandwich cookies look the business...

    1. Yep, We've had snow in May before too so it's not completely unheard of but somehow it takes me by surprise each time it happens. I love calm mornings on the lake with all the reflections off the water.

  23. I know several people got crazy. I always love your photos and it looks like you have lots of places to explore, and also how awesome to have family so close. Most of mine are on the east coast, or a few hours away.

    1. Yeah we even have a bunch of family that is within walking distance so we're very fortunate that way!

  24. Our Spring has been super-weird. It was warm earlier and now we've had a lot of "window weather" -- it looks nice and warm but is actually quite cold out. We haven't gotten much more snow but it just hasn't warmed up a lot. I am excited to see pictures of you all kayaking -- that would be fun!

    1. Yes, we've been having lots of window weather all of a sudden too! I want to head out and then I step outside and it's so much colder than I thought it would be and much windier too.

  25. I can relate the mid-Spring snow falls, Joanne! We get it every year as well. And now it just keeps raining and raining and raining and the temperatures will not get above the 50's! Your photos are all so beautiful as usual! Thanks for linking.


    1. Our weather has been a lot like that too; so much rain and cold temps to go with it. Though we do get the occasional sunny & 70 degrees just to tease us.


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