Cranberry Marinated Pork Tenderloin

I once remember making a cranberry marinade for boneless, skinless chicken breasts that the whole family really liked and thought that the same marinade would work really well for pork too.  I decided to try tossing everything into the crock pot together and we ended up with such a delicious dinner!  

I love a quick and easy recipe that is packed with flavor!  And this  recipe is super simple.  To make the marinade you only need two ingredients:  French dressing & Cranberry sauce!

That means for the entire recipe I needed just 3 ingredients! 

8 ounces French Dressing 
14 ounce can Whole berry cranberry sauce
Pork tenderloin ( I cooked up two but one works just fine)

In a small bowl I combined the French dressing and cranberry sauce.  I placed both of my pork tenderloins in my crock pot and poured the marinade over them. 

I cooked my tenderloins on low for the whole day (about 8 hours) and not only was the tenderloin nice and flavorful but it practically fell apart it was so tender. 

Once I sliced up the pork I did serve it with a bit of the juice from the crock pot drizzled over it.  

I really liked that added tartness from the random whole berries. 

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  1. This looks so delicious and I love that it's only three ingredients - my kind of meal for sure!

  2. Looks good and is so easy! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 42 for Crock Pot and Instant Pot Recipes, open until February 17. Shared on social media.

    1. Thank you for the social media shares and for hosting.

  3. I have made this with chicken, I bet its great with pork in the crockpot! Thanks!

    1. It is! I don't know why I rarely think to use the same marinades with pork that I do with chicken; they tend to work very well on either.


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