A Winter's Day in Newport

My girlfriend had contacted me last month asking if we'd be up for a walking history tour of Newport.  I thought that sounded like fun so she set us all up with a private tour with Erin.  We learned all about Newport's role in the slave trade while walking around visiting different historical sites.  

We've been to Newport many times to tour the mansions (one trip here, one trip here), take a boat ride (you can read about that here), walk the cliff walk, or even just shop and walk around, but this was the first time we had done a walking tour. 

It was a chilly, winter's day but we had a fabulous time!  We met our tour guide at Perrotti Park.  Erin was a fabulous tour guide and we all had a great time.  She was quite knowledgeable about the history of the town and at least a few times gave us choices about what we could do/ see next.  

She had a binder with a few visual aids and gave a short talk at each of our stops along the route. 

 I alternated between taking photos of our stops and just fun "Newport in winter" types of photos... like this crazy icicle hanging from the house and wires. 

So many of the historic buildings have plaques and markers on them depicting their importance in history. 

We are so lucky it wasn't all that windy and the sun was out so even though we spent a good hour and a half walking around we weren't freezing. 

It was actually nice to wear a mask as it kept our faces nice and warm!

We ended our tour talking about other tour possibilities!

Erin and our friends left to head home while my boys and I headed to Panera for a quick lunch before starting our long drive home. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. This looks gorgeous!! So glad that you and your family were able to take this little trip!!

    1. Thank you! It was a lot of fun; more fun than spending another day around the house that's for sure.

  2. What a fun day! I need to finally get to Newport and see the mansions!

  3. It looks like a super interesting day out. I like the buildings and it looks so pretty in the snow! #MMBC

    1. Thank you! We loved seeing all the old cobblestone streets and colonial buildings everywhere.

  4. What fun! It’s so enchanting and looked like a great day!

  5. This trip sounds fabulous! Such a nice getaway!

  6. Newport is one of my favorite towns ever! My friends and I go every September for the Newport Wine and Food Festival- we missed it so much this past year but can't wait for this year!

    1. We go at least once or twice a year; usually to tour one of the mansions or do some shopping.

  7. Looks cold and interesting! I've been to Newport, many years ago!

    1. It was chilly but the walking helped us stay nice and warm (well, warm enough anyway).

  8. Looks like a fun time and delicious food!

  9. How nice to have that special tour of Newport Joanne. I want to visit so badly because my daughter goes to Providence college in RI. I hope to get there this summer. I will have to read up on your other posts. I hope you have a nice week.

    1. It was wonderful! I have been to Newport many times but other than it's role in the gilded age I knew nothing about its history.

  10. I have never seen Newport, so this was a super fun post for me to read and see! Looks like a sweet place to visit! Thanks for sharing, Joanne.

    1. It is really neat to visit with it's cobblestone street and old colonial buildings.

  11. What a fun outing. I've never been to Newport! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  12. We lived in Portsmouth for five years - love Newport. Took a lot of family field trips to historic sites, lots of shopping, great festivals, but never did a walking tour. You're brave to take one on at this time of year!

    1. We weren't so sure how it was going to work out but the weather cooperated; it was cold but manageable.

  13. I haven't ever been to Newport. It looks like it was a lot of fun! Those icicles were crazy! And yum to Panera lunch.

    1. I was so bummed that I missed the opportunity to photograph a bike that was frozen solid with icicles!

  14. What a fun learning experience. Someone might have an electrical problem with that leaky gutter freezing on the lines. I wore my mask shoveling snow to keep my face warm, when no one was around...LOL!

    1. I was thinking the same thing! That can't be great for the lines to be hanging off the house with all that ice.

  15. I LOVE Newport. All 3 of my nieces got married there. I never saw it in wintertime. What a wonderful way for your boys to learn about history!

  16. What an awesome place to visit! It sounds like it was so fun!

  17. How beautiful is all the snow?!? I love doing walking tours when we visit places - I think my favorite one would have to be the Game of Thrones tour in Dubrovnik :) #AnythingGoes

  18. My daughter goes to school in RI and we love going to Newport we we visit her. We've never done a walking tour and need to keep this in mind for our next trip!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. It is a fun way to see the sights and there are so many great tours to pick from.

  19. It looks like it was fun little trip. The older I get the more I like going to historical towns.

  20. One more town to add to the list! I love walking tours - I usually do that on the first day of a visit to a new city and then explore on my own after that. I especially love food tours!

    1. Ooh! I have never done a food tour but that sounds delicious.

  21. We really enjoy historical tours! We like to plan something historical on our vacations as it is always interesting to learn more about the history of our country.

    1. We try to do that too; I am always looking for fun and hands on ways to add a bit of history in since that is one subject I don't always feel like I do a good job of teaching.

  22. So good to be out and about but it sure looked cold despite the sun. Nice to have lunch with the boys too. I hope the drive home went well.

    Thank you so much for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week, the optional prompt is
    8/51 Explore. 22 Feb. I hope to see you there and I wish you well for the week ahead. Denyse. #lifethisweek #linkup #Mondays https://www.denysewhelan.com.au

    1. It was cold but not as cold as we thought it was going to be.

  23. What a gorgeous place! I love the pics of icicles.

    1. There have been so many icicles all around us; such a cold, cold winter.

  24. What a great trip, Joanne! I love quaint little New England towns. I don't think I have ever been to Newport, but it looks like a place I would enjoy very much. Thanks for linking with me!


  25. I LOVE walking tours! I love learning more about the history of places. Those icicles on the wires are pretty but slightly crazy. We've got some good icicles happening around our house lately...

    1. I am just kicking myself for not snapping a photo of the bike that we saw completely covered in icicles. They were just everywhere we looked.

  26. What a fun trip! I didn't realize that Newport is only 1:25 from where I live. That's crazy! We've never been. Honestly, I don't think I've ever been to Rhode Island now that I'm thinking about it. What would you suggest for a first timer with a 5 and 9 year old?

    1. When my kids were younger they really enjoyed a boat tour we took; they brought us all around the harbor and talked about the history of the various buildings we were seeing.


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