A Day in the Life

 It's been a few months since I shared a day in the life post so I stopped last Wednesday to take note and pictures (well, up to dinnertime anyway; somehow I forget to take photos by late afternoon each and every time I try to share a day in the life post.

5:15 I wake up and grab my computer to do some blogging.  First thing in the morning I typically link up to any parties before getting out of bed. 

5:30 I get up, get dressed and ready for the day.  I make my bed then head downstairs.

Taken later in the day

6:00 I pull out schoolwork for both Ian and Evan.  After consulting our dinner menu I pull out the ingredients I need to start the pull pork in the crock pot (which I'll actually do a bit later). Then I sit down to read until it's time to drive Alec to school. 

6:30 I leave to drive Alec to school; stopping on the way home to get gas.  

The sun is just starting to come up as I head back down our road

7:30 When I get back to the house I put the pork and BBQ sauce in the crock pot, start a load of laundry, then sit down to eat my breakfast.  It's another fruit and yogurt kind of day!

8:15 We start school.  The boys eat breakfast while I read aloud and then they eat tackle their pile of schoolwork.  I do leave at least once to start another load of laundry.

10:15 We were all finished up with table work and I sent Ian to work on Duolingo and reading; both of which he does on his own.  Evan had already read so he was completely finished with his work.  I started another load of  laundry and sat to do my nails, read a book, and work on my puzzle.

11:15 I leave to go pick Alec up from school since they have 1/2 days on Wednesdays.  I always spend my time in the pick up line reading. 

12:30 Alec and I ate lunch once we got home and went through some of his work from his day.  I swapped the laundry around once more and finished up my puzzle. 

1:30 We packed up our stuff and headed out snowshoeing. 

2:45 After we arrived back home and unpacked the car I swapped all the laundry around again and then settled down to fold the 6 loads I had cleaned.  I always keep each boy's clothes separated and then I don't even have to pay attention while I'm folding so I can read my book as I empty and refill each basket individually.  I finished up my latest novel while folding clothes.

3:30 I sat down to eat a quick snack-- cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, and Weight Watchers string cheese.  I also watched Modern Family and worked on the blog. 

4:30 I headed downstairs to make sure the boys were ready to eat an early dinner.  I took the pork out of the crock pot to shred it.  Unfortunately it slipped back into the crock pot at one point and splashed greasy BBQ sauce EVERYWHERE!   I left them to finish their own dinner after I finished shredding it; making sandwiches with pulled pork.

5:00 I took a quick shower and sprayed my clothes with Spray and Wash before starting my laundry. My husband came home while I was in the shower and he also ate dinner.  

5:30 My husband left with the younger two boys for haircuts while Ian walked in.  After he made his own sandwich I packaged up the leftover pork then headed upstairs to fold two more loads of laundry that I had finished since 3.  

6:00 I sat down to blog while watching Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist I then switched over to Firefly Lane. 

7:30 The boys were back from haircuts.  My husband and I settled in to watch a few episodes of Red Oaks while eating snack in our room.

8:15 I said good night to the boys and settled into bed; though we watched at least a couple more episodes of Red Oaks before falling asleep around 9/ 9:30.

Linking up with: Mid week link up, Loving life,  Thinking Out Loud, 


  1. What a busy day you have, and I thought I had a lot of laundry to do...you have given me an idea though. I'm going to pop in my headphones and listen to my latest audio book while folding my laundry...such a boring job. I love all your snow and your snow shoes. I can't go out in snow (I'm in a wheelchair) but I'd love to if it was as thick and white as yours.

    1. Folding laundry is pretty boring and that's why I always read or watch TV while doing it.

  2. I love your nails! They are so pretty! I also love to have fresh fruit with granola in yogurt for breakfast, it’s super healthy and yummy! Your day seemed so productive and fun! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! I have been loving these nail wraps.

  3. Do you do all your laundry on one day? And what time does your husband wake up. I'm up by 5:30 but my husband sleeps until 7 (at least) so I can't make the bed that early!

    1. I try not to.. but that does happen. My husband is usually up at 4:30 or 5:00 too; we almost always get up at the same time.

  4. Joanne,
    I am usually up by 6am...Even though I am retired, I like getting up early and going to bed late..I usually go to bed around 11:30pm...I am not much of sleeper. I guess that is why I worked night shift for 37+ years...Thanks so much for stopping by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. I have always been an early to bed; early to rise kind of person.

  5. I love this!! Day In The Life’s are so fun to read!! What a productive day you had!! Thank you for sharing!!

  6. Very fun to see a day in your life. I've never tried reading while folding laundry!

    1. The only hard part is keeping the book open while folding.

  7. I love that you wake up so early. I wish I was a morning person, but no matter how hard I try, I'm just not.

    1. I can understand that because I have never been a night owl.

  8. What a productive day- you get so much accomplished Mama!

  9. Such a packed day! I need to try snow shoeing!!

    1. It's a lot of fun; but a lot of work. It's quite a workout.

  10. You knocked a lot out in a day!! Love seeing these DITL's! I am a Modern Family fan too. :)

  11. I love reading day in the life posts! You are so productive! So fun to get a snowshoeing workout in too! Such a pretty setting!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  12. I love day in the life posts. I need to do one again.

  13. You have such a productive day!! Wish I could ever bring myself to get up this early, always want to but never manage to get out of bed before 7!
    Smart idea to separate the laundry in the baskets. Some days I'm not sure who's socks are whos, as both my husband and son have white and black socks with just a tiny bit of a difference on some of them. Glad they know LOL, but I always have to ask. I may start keeping them all separate!

    1. I have to be up by then as Alec starts school at 7. Yeah as soon as they all started wearing nearly the same sized clothes I got them each their own hamper and laundry basket so I no longer have to sort as I wash or fold.

  14. I love how you're both organized and spontaneous - and your nails are beautiful, btw!

  15. Hey there, your last day in the life inspired me to do one this week too. Great minds and all that. I love these glimpses into the everyday.

    1. I saw that we both shared a day in life this week!

  16. You are a multi-tasking diva!
    Your homeschooling and reading in the drop off/pick up line at.school brings back great memories!

  17. Now I see how you get so much accomplished by getting up really early in the morning. That sure is a lot of laundry to do! I am amazed how you read and do laundry at the same time. I usually fold laundry and watch tv. I hope you have a nice weekend.

  18. I always wish I could start the day earlier, but most of the time I'm getting to bed between 11-12. Working from home hasn't helped with the motivation to get up earlier, since I just have to shower and walk into my office. I love that you find so much time to read. And reading while folding laundry is next level! I hope you do more of these posts, it was such a treat to get a glimpse into your routine.

    1. Aw, thank you! I am trying to get better about doing more day in the life posts.

  19. I LOVE seeing what a day in the life looks like for people. Everyone is just so interesting. I used to write about my typical days a lot back in the bloggy beginning. You've inspired me to do one of those posts one day soon.


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