Friday Favorites: January 15th 2021

 We had a pretty good week and I managed to get quite a bit done around the house.  We're slowly getting back into a routine after the holidays.  

Alec was still attending school virtually on Friday but we learned that his school would be switching to a hybrid schedule come Monday! That was great news as it puts him the school for another cooking project.  We got the whole downstairs cleaned between his classes and the boys' school work and spent a relaxing afternoon playing ping pong in the basement. 

I spent most of my day on Saturday reading, working on the blog, cleaning up some clutter around the house.  I washed windows and ordered some new curtains for a few of the rooms downstairs.  In the late afternoon my husband and I went grocery shopping at both Bj's and Stop & Shop.  We came home, put food away, and invited my mother in law over for dinner- we had ribeye steaks, baked potatoes, roasted asparagus, and salad.  We ended our night watching a few new episodes of Last Man Standing and enjoying a nice fire in the fireplace (which is always my favorite!) then my husband and I watched a few episodes of Blacklist. 

Sunday I spent a huge portion of my afternoon visiting with my husband's aunt while he helped his uncle work on their heat pump.  Once home I painted my nails, read my book, put together a card for my nephew and then headed out on a quick Ranger ride with my husband.  I found myself whishing I had brought my real camera with us to zoom in on the pretty skies and frozen streams. 

Sunset was particularly colorful.

We had the most beautiful sunrise on Monday.  

Ian headed off to work while Alec logged on to start school.  He was done by 9:30!  Evan and I tackled his work and we were done by 10.  I ran to the library to pick up some more books and had a doctor's appointment later in the afternoon; I love hearing that I'm all set for the next year! 

Alec wore his new culinary uniform on Tuesday-- we had picked this uniform up sometime in November but he never got a chance to wear it.  He looks so official now!  

The other two boys had most of their schoolwork done by the time I got home from dropping off Alec (7:30!) which was perfect because Evan and I had an appointment with the ENT.  He had a hearing test and they ran a few other tests too but we won't have any real answers until after his CAT scan.  The poor kid has had a sound in one ear for over 2 years now (we were supposed to get this looked at back in March...)

Just before dinner we played Yahtzee and I got two yahtzees!  It's probably the highest score I've ever gotten while playing. 

Alec only had a 1/2 day on Wednesday and the other two boys were done school by 11:30 too.  Ian headed off to work while I went to pick up Alec.  Once home we did work on his Spanish for a bit and then played Sorry! I put out my new curtains, pillow covers, and table cloth and am loving these bits of blue all around the room. 

Alec headed out to dinner with his grandmother while Evan helped me cook.  

Alec had another 1/2 day on Thursday and was virtual for the day so I spent my morning going back and forth between Alec and Evan (Ian was at work). It was another super short day for them both. I cooked up a bunch of Weight Watcher recipes and put together a shopping list.  Then went out for a walk with Evan and a mini nature photo shoot. 

 Linking up with: On the Edge


  1. Looks like a fun week!! That sunrise is gorgeous!!

    1. We have had some really spectacular sunrises lately.

  2. Your pics are beautiful- always impressive- congrats on a productive week!

  3. I've been putting away Christmas decor and doing a lot of decluttering. Sold a couple of things too. I am changing up the pillow on our couch a little, I picked up a new textured lumbar one for Target and ordered a cover for another. Might check Tjmaxx for one or two more. Just loving having less things out! Love your pictures of the outdoors! so peaceful!

    1. Me too! I am loving our more streamlined home.

  4. Those sunsets are so pretty. Oh man, I know those hearing booths well. I hope you get some answers. Have a great weekend!

  5. Those sunsets are gorgeous and Alec looks so cute in his new culinary uniform! Have a sweet weekend!

    1. Doesn't he?! He came home with a whole stack of baked goods today to share too.

  6. I love these posts. I especially love that greeting card. :)
    We've had to do those hearing tests before; I hope you get some answers soon.

  7. Wow, I love the sunset and sunrise! I hope you work out what's up with Evan's hearing. Can I say I find it funny that you wrote Joanne on your Yahtzee card? I always write Mommy when I play a game with my kids!

    1. I usually do too! I think perhaps my niece wrote my name on the card this time... but maybe not. I honestly can't remember.

  8. Alec looks great in his culinary uniform... he looks like a pro!! I hope y'all get some answers on Evan's hearing. I've had a ringing in my ears for 2.5 years now and nobody can figure out what's going on... it's so frustrating!

    1. I am so afraid they're going to tell us it's just something he has to live with! They've already warned us that it's not always an easy thing to diagnose; thankfully it's not interfering with his hearing.

  9. What an amazing week - your landscapes and nature photos are amazing. And your son in his chefs uniform - he has to be so excited ! heres to another great week!

    1. Thank you! He was so excited to wear his uniform and get to bake up a storm this week.

  10. Such beautiful nature photos and loving the chef's uniform! Our schools are supposed to start with a hybrid schedule in February...

    1. Thank you! I love how official it makes him look.

  11. Love the blue accents and the nature photos.

  12. Don't you love being done with schoolwork before lunch? I love all of the pictures and Alec's uniform! We got snow here in Louisiana last week - it only happens every few years.

    1. It is the best! We have just been zipping through our work lately and I love it.

  13. I need to get an appointment with an ENT so badly. All I have is ringing in my ears.
    That culinary uniform... like a star on Food Network!

    1. He looks so official now. Hope you get an appointment soon.

  14. Looks like you had a good week! I can't believe your poor son has had a noise in his ear for 2 years! I hope you can get some answers soon for him. Alec looks good in a uniform!

    1. I hope we get answers soon too. He's such a trooper about it though.

  15. That looks like a great week! I hope your ENT can help figure out the sound. Alec looks great in his uniform. I love the sunrises! Have a great weekend!

  16. Sounds like you and your family had a very positive week. I love your sunset photos. Your budding chef looks great in his uniform #weekendcoffeeshare

  17. Last man standing is so funny, we watched it yesterday. I also love to play Yahtzee. At least that is something you can do with 2 persons. Have a good weekend.

    1. Yeah so many games require more than two players that it can be hard to find something to play when it's just the two of us.

  18. Hooray for back-to-hybrid school! My kids started back with hybrid school this week. I've never played Yahtzee before! Good luck with your son and his hearing. And what a great chef uniform! Can't wait to see all of the tasty things he'll be making at school and home for you! Have a great weekend!

    1. Oh my goodness; I can't imagine that! Yahtzee is my mom's favorite game so I grew up playing that and it has always been one of Ian's favorite games too.

  19. This is such an inspiring post. I love the sunset and sunrise too. So glad Alec's school is going back to hybrid.

  20. Joanne, Glad you and your family had a good week. I hope your ENT has an answer for Evan. Great to have a budding chef in the family. Thanks for linking up with #WeekendCoffeeShare. Please link back to spread the word.

  21. Hi Joanne, great to have you back for another visit. I loved your photos. One of our frequent posters also does some similar photo work with miniature shots. Look for Lizl's posts she does some amazing things with her camera and finish work.

  22. I love Alec's new uniform, I hope you get some answers for Evan soon, and those leaves frozen in water photos are incredible.

    1. I smile every time I see him in his uniform!

  23. Busy but lovely recount. Sounds like you are coming along really well. Gosh those ice photos were amazing. We are headed for around 4 days in over the old century (100F - 37C) soon. Summer in Australia can be brutal!! Thank goodness for air con.

    Thank you for sharing your post in Life This Week, the Monday link up on my blog. Each Monday, there is an optional prompt but you can link up a post (just one) old or new, on or off prompt. Next week's is 4/51 Cannot. 25 Jan.Hope to see you back here then. Denyse.

    1. Yep, that is pretty hot! We can have summer days like that too and I also tend to stay inside in the air conditioning.

  24. I love Saturdays around the house. You captured some beautiful shots on your nature walk.

  25. Joanne, your nature photos just keep getting better and better! I love the landscape and horizon photos, but the close up ones are so amazing, too. So much beautiful detail. And look how official Alec is in his culinary gear! I love it! You must be so proud! Thanks for linking with me.


  26. The sunset and sunrise pics look glorious as does the nature shoot!


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