7th Grade Mid- Year Check-In

I'm never 100% of how our school year is going to go. Some years we have so much material picked out that we have a hard time getting through everything we planned and other years we have so few materials that we fly right through them all.  Occasionally we do find just the right amount but not often.   

This year is shaping up to be one of those years that I didn't pick out nearly enough schoolwork! I can't believe we are 1/2 way through our school year already.  This school year has just flown by and we are moving through our work so quickly with no field trips or get togethers planned. 

I also discovered/ learned that Evan would much prefer to learn through a workbook than any hands on assignments/projects.  He likes to see his stack of work and steadily make his way through the pile.  Of course that doesn't mean I've scrapped all hands on learning but I do tend to have him do less than both of his older brothers who just loved hands on arts, science, and even geography projects! 

Math:  We'll keeping using the Key To series and this year we'll focus on Decimals and Metric Measurement.  We have finished up with the decimal series and decided after looking through the Metric Measurements book that we'd rather start on pre-algebra instead so I bought 3 new work books for us to begin using now that we'll use through the first part of 8th grade too. His brothers used these same books and we really liked them.

Spelling/Writing/Grammar/Language Arts--

We're switching to Apples and Pears for spelling this year.  Having completed book A we'll continue on hoping to cover B & C this year.  We're not finished with book B since we had to wait for the book to be printed and shipped due to Covid delays.  Since we got a later start on spelling than we had hoped I knew we wouldn't be able to cover both series this year but we are just over 1/2 way through book B so I'm happy with that.  

50 Writing Lessons that Work  -We've made a good dent in these writing lessons; some are meant for a large classroom so we've had to skip around and use the ones that work for us. I also bought a Writing Prompt book this month to give us some "fun" writing ideas.

The 100+ Series Grammar grades 7-8-- We have less than a dozen pages left in this book so we should finish up this week!

Reading: He'll continue to read books he's interested in making sure to read a minimum of 15 minutes each day.

History/Geography-- We'll be covering world history and government this year using a variety of books, movies, and games along with his older brother.  We are just about finished with World Governments and took a little side trip to learn more about the Civil Rights Movement reading through the entire March series. We have yet to even look at these 100 Events/Inventions/People books  yet but I have plans for them soon.  I also picked up this Geography work book to work through. 


Science-- We'll be focusing on biology this year and using Focus on Middle School Biology, the lab workbook that goes along with it, the 100+ Biology series, and The Body Book by Scholastic. We finished up his entire science curriculum in November and picked up this little book to keep our science learning going along with plenty of nature documentaries. 

We'll also keep hiking, going on field trips when we can, study nature, art, read wonderful books together, and make his education well rounded as always. We've been hiking quite a bit this year but all field trips have been put on hold.  We've continued listening to great books together though.

All in all I think we are well on track; but I have been looking to beef up our days with more interest led learning. 

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  1. I remember seventh grade wasn't a too hard year for me. I love that you guys get to go on hikes midday! I am doing virtual so I like to do my workout video in the afternoon when I would be at school if I was going in person!

    1. It is wonderful to be in control of our days; we've had times when we set aside all school work until after a hike too if it's nice out in the morning (though that is usually more for spring or early fall).

  2. It sounds like you have everything organised. Lots of fabulous books to help and it's good that you fit in some reading and hiking too. #mmbc

    1. Thank you! After so many years at this I do feel like a real pro.

  3. I am very much like Evan in the sense that I want to work through my stack!! I’m a very particular and organized person, so having everything laid out is so helpful!! I’m so glad that you’re able to go on hikes!! Such a nice way to get out and relax from the hustle and bustle of school.

    1. I like to work through a set list and check things off as I do them too but he flat out resists if his stack includes something hands.

  4. You have found some really interesting workbooks and I would love to dive into some of them!

  5. It's like the Universe knew I needed this post! We just finished our Science book yesterday, and I needed inspiration. I am so thankful for your posts because Ella is also in 7th grade. :)

  6. I used the elementary level of that Writing Lessons That Work book when I taught and it was one of my favorites.

    1. It is fun but doesn't work as well with one student.

  7. I have one who prefers workbooks and just plowing through the stack each day as well.

    1. I just think it was so funny that out of all 3 of them none of them have enjoyed any of the same work or share styles of learning.

  8. Some of these books look like something Mercie would be interested in. She's almost finished with her language arts curriculum, so I may check out some of those workbooks, especially the grammar one.

    1. I have used that grammar book with two of my boys now; I like it.

  9. Love that you piece together the curriculum, shows such a variety of what you can find!

    1. Thank you! It really is amazing just how many curriculum materials are floating around out there.


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