What I've Been Watching

 While so many of my favorite fall shows are back on (like This is Us, Gray's Anatomy, A Million Little Things, The Connors, American Housewife, The Goldburgs, etc) I haven't been watching that many of them.  I have been watching lots and lots of my favorite Christmas movie-- think Elf, The Holiday, Christmas Vacation, etc.  

When I'm not watching Christmas movies, I have turned to older shows and new Christmas movies to keep me laughing and smiling. 

1.  Happy Endings (Hulu)-- truth be told I've only managed to watch a few episodes so far but it's pretty cute. 

2. A Family Man (rented through Amazon)-- When a high powered head hunter is torn between his all important job and his family he has to make some really difficult choices. 

3. Holidate (Netflix)-- When a couple agrees to join forces and be each other's dates for the holidays so their family and friends will leave them alone they never thought they'd fall in love. 

4.  The Princess Switch; Switched Again (Netflix)-- I watched the Princess Switch last Christmas so I decided to give the sequel a shot.  It was cute; if predictable, but I don't mind that in a holiday movie.

5.  Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (rented through Amazon)-- My husband and I wanted to watch Bill & Ted Face the Music but the boys had never seen the original movie and I honestly thought they'd enjoy it as I remember watching it over and over again when I was a teenager. 

6. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Amazon?) -- Another oldie we watched with the boys.  

7. Life in Pieces (re-watching the whole series on Hulu)-- I just love the antics of this family!  

8. Unhinged (rented from Amazon)-- Talk about road rage!  Wow; this movie was intense.  

9.  Midnight at the Magnolia (Netflix)-- What a cute movie! Two best friends work the same morning show on the radio and when their New Year's Eve dates fall through they decide to pretend to be each other's date... only to realize they have been fighting feelings for one another their whole lives.  I think this might have been one of the favorite cheesy holiday movies I watched this season. 

10. Schitt's Creek (Netflix)-- I gave this show a try sometime last year or earlier this year and I just didn't get into it.  I decided to give it another try and I just LOVE it!  

11.  Virgin River Season 2 (Netflix)-- I was so excited to see season 2 being released for December.  I love this show about a big city doctor who finds herself practicing medicine in a small town. 

12.  The Beach House (Hallmark channel)-- I read the entire Beach House series by Mary Alice Monroe this year so it was only fitting that the first thing I watched with my new Hallmark subscription was this movie adaptation. 

13.  Mulan (Disney +)-- I liked this adaptation of Mulan but still couldn't seem to stop myself from comparing it to the animated version (which I did like better).  I couldn't help but think that Mushu was missing.  

What have you been watching?  Do you have any recommendation for me?

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  1. A Family Man ended up being one of my favorite movies- I am in the headhunting business so it really hit home and I love the way it ends :)

    1. Oh I bet; it looks like such a high stress/ high stakes job.

  2. I absolutely loved The Princess Switch, and Switched Again!! I still haven’t watched the new Milan yet, but I think I will try to watch it after Christmas! I just can’t bring myself to watch movies that aren’t Christmasy right now! Have a wonderful day!

    1. I love to blend in a little bit of everything!

  3. I totally need to see the new Mulan. I also haven't watched Shitts Creek. But I feel like I need to so I understand all the memes out there. ;)

  4. We are absolutely loving Virgin River! Only have a few more episodes in season two left and I hear it’s quite a cliffhanger! Unhinged was crazy intense! I really liked happy endings. I hope you have a great day!

    1. Oh no; not another cliffhanger. I love/hate when shows leave their season ending like that.

  5. I'm Canadian and I still haven't seen Schitt's Creek!! I need to get into it in the new year, I'm so happy it's done well. We have always love the Levys and of course the great Catherine O'Hara.

    1. You're making me laugh! You will LOVE it. We didn't begin watching it until this year. It takes a few seasons to get into it but once you do, it is so lovely. :)

  6. We were going to watch Mulan but then I decided i don't really want to!

    1. I didn't really want to either but I really did enjoy it.

  7. Virgin River was so good. I haven't seen most of these others. Movies are so therapeutic when life is busy.

    1. I love getting lost in a movie almost as much as getting lost in a book.

  8. FERRIS! I haven't watched many holiday movies yet. Just Home Alone. But we are planning to watch Love Actually this weekend. Schitt's Creek is just so good. :)

    1. We watched Home Alone too and I pointed out that it was another John Hughes movie; they MUST know who is by the time they move out.

    2. That's the only Christmas movie we've watched so far too! I always forget it's a John Hughes film.

    3. Truth be told I often do too!

  9. I felt the exact same way about Schitt's Creek. B and I started it earlier this year and then gave it up because we just didn't get it, but then we revisited it later and ended up bingeing the whole series in just a few weeks because it was SO good. I'm so glad one of my friends kept pestering me to try it again. And thanks for the movie recs... Midnight at the Magnolia sounds really cute so I'm adding that to my list! B and I will be watching movies like crazy these next couple of weeks while the kids are out of school!

    1. I think you'll really enjoy Midnight at the Magnolia. Totally cheesy but oh so cute.

  10. Wish I had the patients to watch more movies/TV shows! I've only watched 3 of the older Christmas movies so far this year and some Ballet performances through Marquee TV. Think I'll enjoy Holidate so will look into that. One of my favorite Christmas movies is "The Family Man" (it's 20 years old with Nicolas Cage), I need to be sure to watch it sometime before Christmas. And I enjoyed the Christmas Switch last year too, so hopefully will have time to check out "switched again".

    1. I really enjoyed Nicolas Cage in The Family Man; I thought the boys might enjoy that one too and it's one they haven't seen before.

  11. Ferris Bueller is my all time favorite movie.

    1. I went to go to the bathroom and they paused it for me but I told them they didn't have to do that since I knew most of it by heart anyway!

  12. We don't watch television that much. We don't even have Netflix. But I do love a good horror or thriller!

    1. Those are pretty much the only two genres I don't watch; I just can't handle blood or being scared.

  13. I have been watching some of these too. I loved Midnight at Magnolia. It was cheesy, but so cute. I watched Happy Endings while it was on tv. It is good and fun.

  14. I need to watch Virgin River seasons 1 and 2! I also can't wait to watch Midnight at the Magnolia and the Princess Switched movies. Schitt's Creek is hilarious! I usually bust out laughing at least a few times each episode. Thanks for the recommendations!

    1. You really do; Virgin River is a great little drama!

  15. I've been trying to get my family to sit and watch Christmas movies and shows with me, but it hasn't worked very well. Last night we were able to watch Home Alone, and tonight we have a few specials to watch, so I'm hoping this is the start of the holiday watching! I've only seen a few things on this list, I still haven't seen the animated Mulan! Should I watch the live action one or the animated one first?

    1. My kids would say the animated one but I actually liked the live action better.

    2. Which totally contradicts when I said when I wrote this post! LOL. But I did write it just after watching Mulan and I was still a bit baffled by the alterations in the storyline but with a bit of hindsight I really liked it. A lot.

    3. Ok, it's settled, I'm starting with the live action one :)

    4. You'll have to let me know if you like it.

  16. Love the two princess switch movies! We just got access to Hulu through my father-in-law… I am going to have to check out a couple of these that you mentioned.

    1. We got Hulu so we could watch all the current shows that air on network TV and found quite a few "new" ones to watch too.

  17. I'm saving The Princess Switch Again for Christmas Eve :) & Mulan for Christmas Day... cant wait to watch them both.

    1. What fun! We never have time to watch TV on either of those days.

  18. We love Schitt's Creek and Virgin River! Netlfix Christmas movies have been good this year too. Fun post!

    1. They seem like they really stepped up their game.


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