Sentence a Day in November

 We had a pretty good month and November seemed to just fly right by! We went hiking a lot and got a jump start on all things Christmas.  We enjoyed lots of delicious recipes and made plenty of family memories.  

1.  We went shopping for winter boots for the boys at Cabela's but only found boots for Alec.

2.  I had my 5 week post-op check-up and spent most of my afternoon taking it easy and playing board games with the kids.

3. We met up with some friends of our for our annual fall hike; we've been hiking this same trail then going to a nearby park for a picnic lunch for 3 years in a row now. 

4.  After Alec's 1/2 day of school the younger two boys and I headed out hiking trying out a new trail.  

5. Alec had his first day of virtual shop classes and when he was done we all went on a walk to the state park nearby. 

6. I finished making all my Christmas cards! 

7. I worked on making some money holder cards for the majority of my Christmas gifts all morning before taking Alec to karate. Then after lunch Evan and I went on a walk because it was in the 70's and just too nice to pass up the chance!  It felt wonderful to wear flip flops. 

8. A busy day of errands with my husband that resulted in Alec getting a "new" (to him anyway) bed. 

9. Evan and I ran a lot of errands before heading out for a nice walk during lunch; it was another unbelievably warm day.  

10.  Evan and I had dentist appointments followed by a hair cut for me.  

11. I took the boys fall photos and then helped Alec make up some French Baguettes to go with our soup at dinner.

12. After Alec's half day of school we went to pick out his new culinary uniform; he brought home a delicious leaf shaped sugar cookie that we shared on our way to the store. 

13. I spent a quiet day at home reading my book until it was time to take Ian and Evan for their yearly physicals.

14.  My sister's birthday is coming up soon so I spent the day making up a few cute long sleeved Christmas themed t-shirts for her.  I just love how they turned out. 

15. The younger boys and I headed out shopping at Barnes & Noble, Walgreen's, Michael's, and the pet store before stopping for lunch out at Panera Bread.

16. Alec started his new honors classes and I spent my day dividing my time and attention between all three boys & their schooling.  After school we went for a short hike but I spent most of the hike and the next hour or so on the phone with my sister; we hadn't talked in months and it was great to catch up with one another.

17. After school Evan and I headed out furniture shopping only to find that even if we order our new living room set now the best we can hope for is a January delivery but it could be as late as April! 

18. With Alec switching classes so many of his grades got messed up and we spent a good part of our day getting those squared away; thankfully he only had a half day of classes and a light day of schoolwork so we could relax and have fun afterwards with a couple board games and then a quick visit to my sister's house.

19. I spent most of my day reading my book, painting my nails, and listening in on Alec's classes; though we did take a quick trip to the uniform shop and pick up his culinary jackets so he's all set with his chef's uniform.  

20. It was in the 60's so as soon as Alec was done school for the day the boys and I took off for a hike around Pulaski park.  

21. I watched a few Christmas movies on Netflix while working on wrapping Christmas gifts.

22.  I whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies and helped Alec make some flatbread pizzas for lunch. 

23.  It was pouring out most of the day so I put off my library trip for one more day and spent the majority of today helping Alec with all his new school assignments.  

24. Even though it was pretty cold outside the boys and I went on an hour long hike through the woods as soon as their school day ended. 

25. I spent much of my day baking and cooking up a storm before heading out for a quick hike with the boys to the tri-state marker. 

26. I was feeling a bit under the weather on Thanksgiving so we just spent a quiet day at home just the 5 of us.  My husband and boys prepared all the food and I stayed in bed watching TV and sleeping. 

27. I woke after sleeping 12 straight hours and felt great so we decided to keep with our tradition of decking the halls. 

28.  I finished decorating the house for Christmas by tackling the garland in the stairs and across the balcony before heading to the grocery store and mixing up a batch of homemade chicken noodle soup.

29. Evan and I went Christmas shopping together so he could pick out gifts for his dad and brothers; it's so fun to get a little one on one time together. 

30. I woke to the not so joyous news that we'll be ripping out quite a fair bit of plumbing (walls, ceiling, possible flooring around it all, etc.) for major home repairs.  

Linking Up With: A Sentence a Day,  Spread the Kindness, 


  1. So amazed at how quickly you have recovered! I spy some beautiful Christmas decorations too!

    1. It did not feel all that quick at the time but I am so relieved to finally be feeling so much better.

  2. Your Christmas decor is wonderful! I love the garland on your stair case!

  3. I love the sentence a day idea. It is a great way to keep track of how you spend your days. Also, you were the winner of my Christmas book giveaway! I sent you an email from It may have ended up in your junk folder. Have a great day!

  4. We love Scattergories!!
    I also love your Christmas cards. :)

  5. Your cards and money holders are beautiful! I need to start thinking about teachers: I usually make boxes for gift cards. No hiking but some biking and running at the beach in November!

    1. I haven't been to the beach all year! I miss it too.

  6. The Christmas cards are gorgeous! Flatbread pizzas is not something I've ever made. I think I need to try that. Looks easy and delicious!

    1. It really was delicious. He has made flatbread pizzas one or two other times.

  7. Always so good to see how much time you and your family spend in nature!

    1. It's my happy place! I think after so many years of being out in nature with me that all my boys feel the same way now.

  8. I agree, November flew by. I like your cards, very creative & festive. Oh what good places to hike you have. I like all those nature pictures. Your decorations are very Christmasy. I like the mantel & those snowflakes. Karen

    1. Thank you!! My husband and boys made those snowflake stocking holders for me.

  9. OH NO!!! Sorry about all the plumping - that sort of thing gives me such anxiety. Hopefully its for a new hot tub or bathroom re-do - something fun!!!! Or at least you get to turn it into something fun.
    Dont you love when you sleep 12 hours & realize how refreshed you are. You know you need it then.
    I just love to see a family that reads together.

    1. While we're at it we will be updating our master bath a bit with a few new fixtures which I am looking forward to but just dreading all the work and living through construction in the meantime.

  10. I thought I was pretty awesome to have my cards sent, but I didn't MAKE them!
    Love hearing about your month.

    1. LOL! Thank you. I began making cards many, many years ago and I just love it.

  11. That Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins shirt is the best!!!

    1. Isn't it? I seriously thought of going back to Target to get myself that same long sleeved shirt so I could make one for me.

  12. Alec certainly has a talent for cooking! Your house is looking very festive, I think I may have to get the decorations out of the loft this week and do ours - we are way behind everyone else.

    1. He sure does! Sounds like he has been standing out in his culinary classes.

  13. Joanne, I seriously don't know how you do it all! I am impressed and inspired! Thanks for sharing all these bits of your life with us!


    1. Aw, thank you! Sometimes I'm not sure how I do it all either.

  14. You did so much hiking last month! What a gorgeous month for long hikes. And your food always make me really hungry. I think it's time for lunch :)

  15. I love these posts. I went back and forth from reading to commenting :)
    I love Cabella's! Do you get the donuts when you're there? We had that donut vendor at our wedding! He photo bombed one of the pics with me and my bridesmaids and it's one of my favorites from the day.
    Your Christmas cards are so beautiful! Do you enjoy making them?
    I am taking note of the cooking your boys do, so when my kids are old enough they'll want to do the same. Lorelai is into it, Jack not so much. He made banana bread once and made gagging noises as soon as we mixed the banana in, lol. That bread looks amazing!
    Panera makes pizza?! Mind blown right now.
    Chef's uniform! Did you get teary when you saw him in it? How exciting!
    Do you have any posts about how you use your Cricut? I really want to make tee shirts, but I haven't gotten the inspiration to get it started. Your posts always inspire me to do the things I've been putting off.

    1. They have donuts at Cabella's? How did I not know that??!

      I had a great time making my Christmas cards; it's one of my favorite things to do for the holidays.

      He hasn't gotten to wear his uniform yet as we've been virtual ever since we picked it up!! I can't wait to see him in it in January (we hope!).

      I don't have any Cricut tutorials as I am usually following along with other's tutorials as I make my projects since I feel like I am still a beginner at using it.


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