How I Did With my November Goals and Setting Goals for December

 With the new month starting now is the perfect time to look back at my November goals to see how I did and set a few simple goals for December. 

November's goals:

Get together with friends for some hiking-- Check! 

Get mine & Evan's teeth cleaned (finally!)-- Check! 
Get Ian's & Evan's physicals done-- Check! 
Find a new doctor and make a physical appointment-- Nope!  
Host a small Thanksgiving dinner-- Nope! I was feeling under the weather so my guys actually prepared our meal. 
Put up our Christmas tree and decorate the house after Thanksgiving-- Check!

Get most if not all of my Christmas shopping done- Check! I even wrapped quite a few of them!
Make Christmas cards-- Check! 

Buy the boys their winter boots-- Check!

I think I did pretty good with my November goals!! 

December's goals:
  • Begin tracking ALL my foods on Weight Watchers (the best way to keep an eye on my holiday snacking)
  • Drink 60 ounces of water a day
  • Slowly add in daily exercises like yoga and using my stability ball at least a couple days each week.
  • Hike whenever the weather allows
  • Finish up all Christmas shopping by the 14th
  • Host Christmas brunch
  • Try at least two new recipes for Christmas
  • Take Ian to get his license
  • Enjoy one last date of the year with my husband 
Linking Up With:  Midweek Link up, On the Edge, 


  1. Love your goals- you did great in November- yes!

  2. I really need to start drinking more water. That's a continual goal for me.

    1. Ugh, me too! I get into a kick where I am drinking more water and then can go weeks where I totally drop the ball.

  3. Well done on your November Goals! I too am trying to drink more water, which is so hard some days. Good luck with your December goals. :)

    1. There are some days where I completely forget to drink anything until lunch!

  4. Congratulations on completing most of Novembes goals. Good luck getting an appointment to get a driver's license!

    1. Thank you! The driving academy he took his classes through sets up appointments for all the kids to take the tests and then the license comes in the mail using the photos from his learner's permit so we thankfully don't have to deal with the DMV!

  5. Great job. I think I need to track what I'm eating too!

    1. I'm hoping that by having to log the food in I might be tempted to eat less of it and make better choices again.

  6. I had it on my list to find a new doctor this year, too, and I'm having the hardest time. No doctors are taking new patients here in town right now because of the pandemic. So I'm just waiting it out! Good luck to you! You did a great job on your November goals!

    1. We have a real doctor shortage around here; in the past 10 or so years we've had more than 5 of ours move away and I'm so sick of switching doctors. I think I might have missed that window to find a doctor as many aren't accepting new patients right now either.

    2. I actually don't have a doctor as the one I found last year for my physical left the field of medicine and moved away less than two months after I met her.

  7. You did great with your November goals and good luck with the December goals! I need to make a list too, water and yoga NEEDS to be on it. Our gym recently closed for group fitness :-( and I'm having a hard time bringing myself to do it at home. And I ALWAYS neglect drinking enough water!!

    1. I'm not so great at getting in any other form of exercise other than hiking and I just know that with the cold, cold weather coming I am not going to be motivated to hike much.

  8. Sorry to hear you were under the weather for Thanksgiving but happy that the boys took charge. Loving your cards too. Came out so cute!

    1. I'm just thrilled to know that my husband and boys can handle cooking a big meal like that without me; I was joking that I might have to be sick for the holidays more often!

  9. You are amazing Joanne! You are so organized with everything. I am still doing last minute shopping, decorating, and I need to make the Christmas photo card up! This year for some reason I feel so unorganized. I know it all eventually gets done in time! LOL.
    Thanks for the blog visit. The ornament is made of plastic resin. I though it was going to be ceramic for some reason. It's not that bad for only $5. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week. :)

    1. I thought it was going to be ceramic too! But I guess I should have realized that it wasn't likely with such a small price tag.

  10. great goals for December. I need to get a new dr too i just keep putting it off

    1. Me too! I went 10 years between doctor visits last time and I don't want to do that again!

  11. Those cards you made are beautiful! I'm so impressed that you have most of your shopping done! I love doing yoga every night before I go to bed!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  12. Yay for goal setting and goal meeting! I have a teeth cleaning appointment on Monday that has been rescheduled twice since my original appointment in July! Thanks for linking with me!


    1. We finally got our dentists appointments done!


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