What's in My Fridge

 Our fridge is usually pretty full. Our family goes through a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables so when it starts looking empty it's time to shop. 


Our top shelf always hold at least 3 large stacking containers of fresh cut up fruit- typically pineapple, grapes, and then strawberries mixed with blueberries.  We keep fruit to refill them right by the side of them and then have some milk and juice.

The second shelf holds all the breads, muffins, bagels, and tub butter.  This is also the shelf I usually store leftovers on and small yogurt containers for the kids. 

Our meat drawer holds sandwich meat and sliced cheese as well as shredded cheese & string cheese.  If we have any tuna fish mixed up we keep it in the meat drawer too along with any hard boiled eggs.  We also keep the pepperoni and any blocks of cheese in there (if we have any).

The shelf immediately below the meat drawer holds a giant bowl of salad (that we made twice a week).  Behind the salad bowl we keep the extra lettuce, spinach, and broccoli.

The very bottom shelf always holds a few cartons of eggs and then either whatever I'm thawing out for dinner or possibly fruit and vegetables that don't fit in the drawers. 

The vegetable drawer is always really well stocked with a mixture of vegetables for salad and an assortment of squashes/ fresh vegetables for dinner.

The fruit drawer usually has lots of apples, pears, peaches, and clementines plus a few lemons for lemon water. We also keep some apple sauce on hand for the boys and store them here.

Turning to the door we have sticks of butter, tub of cream cheese, and plenty of hummus on hand.  (Alec takes the single serving packs for his lunch with some of Stacy's pita chips).

Items in the door tend to move all around as people use them but we keep things like ketchup, BBQ sauce, dressings, mayonnaise, mustard, minced garlic, yeast, large containers of yogurt for me and for cooking, syrup, pickles, sour cream, etc. 

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  1. This is kind of cool to see. I may have to borrow this post idea.

    1. The What's In My... link up isn't until Thursday; you should totally write up a post and join us!

  2. I thought this post was so cool!! It’s funny, we have so many of the same stuff in our fridge! Have a great day!

  3. Replies
    1. We revamped all our eating a year and a half ago and have not looked back. The boys aren't nearly as thrilled but they're adjusting.

  4. Your fridge looks a lot like mine! We go through so much fruit too!

  5. I love seeing what other people have in their fridge. It's always so interesting.
    We keep our bread in the cupboard. I have never thought of putting it in the fridge.

    1. We freeze loaves of bread, muffins, bagels, etc. when they're on sale and they thaw and keep so much better in the fridge after that.

  6. Is this link up this week already? I will have to do mine! I try to keep my fridge organized but my husband always puts things in the wrong places.

    1. I think so? I often reorganize just about anytime I open the fridge door. LOL

  7. I love to peek in anyone's closet, bag, home or even fridge!

  8. I'm always interested to see how puts bread in the fridge. Does it keep it fresher longer?
    & what's in your salad? I like that idea of making it & putting in a big bowl to sort of dish out over a day or two!

    1. Our salad has baby spinach, romaine lettuce, and baby crispy green lettuce with tomatoes, cucumber, celery, carrots, fresh mushroom slices, broccoli florets and sometimes I add in a bit of shredded purple cabbage or sliced radishes.

  9. Haha I like this. I love snooping into what is in peoples bags, fridges, houses, etc.


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