This Year I'm Thankful For...

 I know so many people who have been struggling this year to stay positive and who can blame them with everything this year has thrown at us?  While I can't say I am always a happy and upbeat person, I really do try and know that so much of how I feel depends on my state of mind.  In fact I feel like me and my family have handled this year so well and that's mostly because of our attitude.  

So this year I thought it would be fun to list just one thing I am thankful for each day in November (until publication of this post anyway).

I have found that while it can be much easier some days to find something to be thankful for some day, that I can always find something to be thankful for if I really look for it.  

1.  We took the boys shopping for winter boots and I am so thankful that we could go in stores and try them on. 

2. I am so thankful that my doctor thinks I am healing really well from my surgery in September (even if I'm not always sure I agree with him)!

3. Getting to see our friends today.

4. Such beautiful weather to go hiking in and that we found a new place to hike.

5. Being able to afford to feed these growing boys; even if I do end up at the grocery store more often than I'd like. 

6.  Beautiful sunrises!  

7. Unusually warm weather in November that allowed me to wear flip flops even if it was only for a couple of days! 

8.  Delicious treats like an impromptu ice cream sundae date with my husband. 

9.  My sweet boy making me lunch; it was just frozen chicken nuggets but I was still so thankful he thought to make them for me. 

10. Evan and I having a good check up at the dentist and that I still had plenty of time to make it to my hair appointment. 

11. I am thankful that I live in a free country even if sometimes it might feel like some of those freedoms get eroded away from time to time I know that we are still so fortunate to have so many men and women willing to fight for our freedom.  

12.  Alec brought home some delicious sugar cookies from school and I am so thankful he is always eager to share what he's learned and baked. 

13. Evan and Ian had wonderful physicals; I am so thankful that my boys are so healthy.  

14. Our library and all the wonderful ladies that work there.

15. Memorable lunch dates with my boys! 

16. I am so thankful for all the wonderful & hardworking teachers that Alec has had this year; I was so nervous about THIS year being our introduction into traditional schooling and he has some really phenomenal enthusiastic teachers so far. 

17. I made it an entire day without feeling tired or in pain and felt nearly normal again.  

18.  Fun family times together like playing board games.

19. I just love listening in on some of Alec's classes and hearing his classmates and teachers crack jokes with one another, I love getting to see the creative assignments these teachers are putting together and I often sit with him through part of his school day... so I guess I have to say I'm thankful for virtual learning (even if we all prefer the days he gets to go into the building). 

20. The beauty of the natural world all around me.

21. Getting a jump start on all my Christmas wrapping this year; I wrapped any gifts we already had in the house!

22.  Delicious smells like fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.

23. Not having any plans on a blustery, dreary, rainy day. 

24. New and funny TV shows.

25. A wonderful family that is always willing to jump in and help out. 

26. A delicious Thanksgiving dinner my husband and boys cooked entirely from scratch! 

27.  Meaningful holiday decorations that always make me smile. 

My stocking from when I was little 

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. It really is the simple things that bring us so much joy. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving week.

  2. I love that you found so many things to be thankful for. This always makes me happy. To find the good within a hard time. I am grateful for your blog every day that I see a new post in my Bloglovin feed. You have inspired me so many times this year. Thank you for that. :)

    1. Aw, what a sweet, sweet comment that totally made my day!!

  3. This year really hasn't been horrible for us either. I am glad you were able to find so many things to be thankful for.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I do count us as rather fortunate that we have managed to have such a good year despite everything going on in the world; it sure hasn't been perfect but life rarely is.

  4. What a nice list of things to be thankful for! I agree; it is so important to lookin the bright side of everything and try to find the beauty in the hard times! Thank you for sharing!

  5. So much to be thankful for! Love your list! Your stocking is so cute and how wonderful that you still have it!

    1. Aw, thank you! It's the first year I've hung it up but I never could get rid of it.

  6. Thanks for the uplifting post! We do have so much to be thankful for!
    Take care,
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

  7. I love this list of thankfulness. And now I want a chocolate chip cookie :) We go around our table every night and say what we're thankful for from the day and it really is an attitude changer.

  8. I love this so much! It's always so nice to focus on the positives, even if it can be hard some days.

    1. It really is mood changing (for me anyway) to focus on the positives whenever possible. We have really been fortunate this year to not have any real major problems or trials when so many others have.

  9. It has been a crazy year and we've all had a lot to deal with. I have struggled to stay positive all of the time but I have tried.
    What wonderful things to be thankful for. It looks like you had a great month x

  10. This is a lovely list. I know it has been hard for me to find things to be thankful for as I used to try to do every day!

    1. I wish I had challenged myself to do this everyday!

  11. So much to be thankful for here. It really is the simple things that make the difference to our lives

    1. Thank you! I definitely think that simple things can make all the difference in our lives.

  12. That's a lovely list of things to be grateful for! Loving the photos of nature. This year has been especially hard but I do think if we look hard enough, there are all the little things to be thankful for.

  13. There are so many things to be thankful for when we look around and take the time isn't there? Lots of great moments here for you. #lifethisweek

  14. That was so lovely to read and I can 'feel' your recovery in your words!! Well-done, you! We have both had abdominal surgeries this year and yes, they are both uncomfy and somewhat limiting for a while, but I am doing well now and it sure seems you are too!!

    Thank you so much for linking up this week for #lifethisweek. We are nearly at the end of 2020 and only a few optional prompts left! Next week is 49/51 Lucky 7.12.2020. Hope to see you there. Denyse.

    1. I really am doing quite well now thank you!

  15. I really like this as I am a great believer in being grateful. I just find that it makes my life so much easier.

  16. Reading your list lifted my spirits today. Thank you. Visiting you from the spread the kindness link up.

  17. Joanne, this is such a beautiful post! If we just take a moment every day to see all the things around us to be grateful for, it really does make a world of difference. I have been so grateful lately for the amazing girl next door. She is just the sweetest, coolest young human I have ever met and we are blessed that she loves to hang out with my boys! I love sitting in the other room and listening to them talk and laugh and play games and joke with one another. It really is heart warming to watch best friends grow up together right next door to one another. Thanks for sharing your lovely post with us!


    1. You sound like you are really lucky to have such a wonderful neighbor. I love listening to my boys interact with their friends.


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