Friday Favorites: We Have a Culinary Student!

We had such a weird weather week with lots of snow followed by two days of rain and then some cold, sunny days and ended our week in the mid- 60's.  It was a pretty quiet week spent mostly at home though we did get in some really nice hikes! 

It was a miserable day here on Friday with sleet and ice and lots and lots of snow.  Alec had virtual learning again and had a great day of school.  He got a few assignments he's pretty excited about and best of all-- He got into the CULINARY program like he wanted!!  

Alec had a physical in the afternoon and after running a few errands I came home and then headed out for a snowy walk with Evan.  I should have dressed better for the weather but as much as I hate the cold and dealing with snow I just can not deny it is so beautiful.

After our walk I whipped up some hot cocoa and sat down to work on some blogging.  

For dinner we had chicken, couscous, and some frozen vegetables. 

The lake was just stunning on Saturday morning.  The sun was shining off all the snow making it sparkle and the change in temperatures brought a bit of fog with it too.  

My husband and I headed out grocery shopping early and then Evan and I worked together to clean the house while Alec worked on a project for school.  In the late afternoon I helped my husband rake/shovel at the hydro. 

We ended our day with a delicious chili and cornbread dinner and a family viewing of The Adams Family (with my mother in law).  We had a fire going in the fireplace and all the fixings for ice cream sundaes.  

I woke early on Sunday with the time change and we decided to head out after breakfast to try and get both Ian and Alec some snow boots-- we were only 1/2 successful finding some for Alec.  We were back home by lunch and I spent much of the rest of my day folding clothes and reading my book.  

I did head out with my husband to the hydro for the second day in a row to rake leaves.  It was miserable in the snow yesterday and not any better in the rain today.  He rakes and I just push leaves and organic matter off the end of the platform back into the river (no heavy lifting for me). It takes about an hour of work to clear enough leaves that we can turn the turbines back on. 

For dinner we cooked up some fish (ham steaks for the younger boys), rice pilaf, acorn squash, & salad.  

I woke Monday morning thinking I had my 6 week recheck with the doctor only to realize that it was my 5 week recheck.  I had anticipated getting cleared for all normal activities but he could still see some stitches in place and cautioned me to give it another 3 weeks.   

Alec was "meeting" with all his teachers online while I was gone and working on his schoolwork without any issues.  The other two boys quickly settled in once I got home and we had all the schoolwork done in just under and hour and a half.  

I was feeling really achy and sore after all the doctor's probing and tried to take it easy in the afternoon.  The boys asked to play a few games and we enjoyed a few rounds of Scattergories & Apples to Apples Disney edition before it was time to cook dinner.

I took some Motrin and gave Ian instructions from the couch on how to make the pork chops, egg noodles, corn and peas.  My husband was stopping by the hydro again to rake leaves and I thought I was going to have to take Alec to karate but my husband got home just in time.  I was so thankful as I really was in a lot more pain than I was letting on. 

Tuesday Evan, Alec, and I had plans to meet up with friends of ours for a hike.  Ian was going to work with his father.  It was supposed to be COLD so I cautioned everyone to dress warm in layers.  I went to vote before we headed out and was relieved that it wasn't very busy.  Though I did find it odd that I was given a pencil to vote with-- a pencil?! So weird.  

We had a great time hiking and despite the cold we even ate lunch outside with our friends while playing a few fun word games.  

I had put meatballs and sauce in the crock pot so I just had to cook up some spaghetti for dinner and then I made up a quick salad to go with it. As soon as Alec, Evan, and I ate my husband came to pick Evan up since my husband, Evan, and Ian had haircuts.  They also stopped at BJ's since my husband had a list of things he needed at work.  I added a few things for us too.  I watched the Holidate on  Netflix. 

Alec had a 1/2 day of school on Wednesday. Their marking period ends soon and they switch back to shop cycle this week so Wednesday was a catch up date in most all of his classes and teachers updated grades so the students could see what their final grades on their report cards would look like. 

The other two boys sat at the table and flew through their work.  Once Alec was done school I persuaded them to head head out for a bit of hiking. We went to a new place near Purgatory Chasm and could not get over how many trails there were! We picked one and hiked for an hour.  This pond was such a pretty hiking destination.

While we were gone Ian was working on building a jump out in the woods and later he sent me a few videos and photos of himself going off the jump on his four wheeler.

I had a turkey breast in the crock pot and I mixed up some of my stuffing to go with it (recipe coming soon!).  I also cooked up some roasted vegetables and steamed broccoli to go with it. 

 Thursday my husband and Ian headed off early for work while Alec settled in for his first day of virtual shop.  

Until now, freshman had priority on shop cycles so they were in the building each day during shop and the seniors they were supposed to be sharing the shop with all worked from home virtually.  Now that the freshman have been assigned a shop they're broken down into 3 color groups and one group stays home each day for virtual learning while a mix of seniors and freshman attend shop in person.  We had no idea what to expect.  Mostly his teacher tried to keep his camera/ microphone on and just teach both students at the same time-- it didn't always work the greatest but what else can they do?

I spent most of my afternoon working on Christmas cards, doing laundry and cleaning house.   I also whipped up a few spice mixes for my pantry-- taco seasoning, cream of anything.

When Alec was done school we went on a nice hour long walk before he settled in to do his homework.

For dinner we made steak, roasted potatoes, green bean casserole and salad. 

Linking Up With: On the Edge,  Fancy Friday, 


  1. Sounds like another productive week- have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Congrats to your son on getting into the culinary program! I see more tasty dishes in your future! What beautiful hikes! We have to enjoy this beautiful weather while it lasts! Have a great weekend!

    1. I can't wait to hear what delicious recipes he gets to try and make.

  3. I think you've had the same weather as us - snow early in the week and then high temperatures. Crazy week! I'll take the warm temps for now. I love seeing your kids play games together :)

  4. We're going to play a game tonight - I might suggest Apples to Apples!

    1. My husband refuses to play Apples to Apples so we try to play in the afternoon when he's not home.

  5. Oh man, I started crying when I read the Scattegories part. We played that with my grandma every holiday and she just passed. It brings back good memories. I love that game. Yay for having a culinary student. That is what my sister majored in in college!

    1. We'll see if he wants to pursue that in college too after 4 years of it in high school.. so far he's pretty determined to open his own bakery one day.

  6. I think we are just going to have to embrace the snow here this winter too, guess I had better stock up on some good hot cocoa as an incentive to get outside. Congratulations to you son, that's great news!

    1. Hot cocoa and fires in the fireplace are the only things that motivate me to go out in the snow.

  7. I can't believe you already have snow there! I feel like we're just barely feeling like fall. I actually like the snow though, and it really is beautiful! Scattergories is a fun game! And that's great culinary news! I'm visiting from the On the Edge link up today. Have a wonderful weekend Joanne!

    1. We couldn't believe it either; we haven't had snow this early in the season in years.

  8. It was so crazy to see the photos that my daughter shared from her college in Rhode Island of the snow! You got some great shots of the snow. The weather is so crazy as it's so warm this week! Have a happy Friday and weekend Joanne.

    1. And then it was in the 70's today! It's crazy how our temps keep fluctuating so much but I'll take the warm days over the snowy ones anytime.

  9. Great to hear that Alec got into the culinary program. I bet he was so pleased.
    I would so love to have a go on that 4 wheeler! How fun.
    The scenery is so pretty around your home. I would love to see some snow here in the UK, especially now we are spending more time at home with the current lockdown.
    I hope you are feeling more comfortable now and recovering well. x

    1. He was beyond thrilled he got into culinary! I am feeling better and just keep reminding myself to take it easy... which I'm not so great at doing.

  10. I love these beautiful snowy pictures!

  11. That was a weird week weather-wise, but you got some beautiful snowy pictures!! Yay to Alec for getting into the culinary program!!!!

    1. He can not wait to get beyond the basics and actually start cooking/ baking.

  12. Glad your husband got home just in time on the day you were hurting so much. It is a good thing the doctor is being cautious about letting you return to normal activities.
    The snow is so beautiful. Love the frosty lake photo.

    1. Oh I was so thankful too; I wasn't sure how I was going to sit comfortably in the car for the 2 hours to drive there and back and through the class.

  13. Congratulations on the culinary program! I know how excited he must be over that! Great wrap up!

  14. I always love your lake photos. Would love to know more about how you make the turkey breast in the crockpot if you can share a recipe or instructions.

    Have a Good weekend!

    1. Yep, it's right here:

  15. Congrats to your son on getting into culinary school!! Love the snow pictures!! We are having unseasonably warm temps and may break record highs!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Thank you! He was so excited. We are having real warm weather this weekend-- it was in the 70's today!

  16. Oh what a snow! I love to see it but it makes always such a mess here. And we hardly ever have snow in winter. Have a great weekend!

    1. I love it when it's falling and everything is pretty but cleaning up after it is such work and it starts looking awful as it melts and gets muddy/slushy.

  17. You live in such a beautiful place. I love all of the pictures. I do hope your pain goes away soon and that the next three weeks bring you back to full health.
    Blessings, Dawn

  18. Congratulations on your new culinary student! You are guaranteed to eat well for life now! I love your snowy pictures. There is always something so special about the first big snow of the season. We had a bit of snow over the weekend that accumulated in the evening hours and the kids were so excited to run out and play in it. Two days later, it was nearly 80 degrees. But now we are back to the normal November temperatures of COLD. Thanks for sharing and linking with me!


    1. Thank you! He has been loving being in the kitchen this week and already cooking up delicious goodies to share with us!

  19. I'm way behind on commenting but I'm glad Alec got into Culinary. And I'm sorry you got handed another three weeks of restrictions -- that's hard. Hang in there.

    1. It is tough but I can tell he's right; I definitely know when I'm trying to do too much but sometimes it feels like I will never feel 100% again.


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