A Sentence (or 2) a Day in September 2020

We had a busy month with school starting up, a new karate class, an ER trip, a surgery, and lots of hikes and fall changes. 

1. On Tuesday we had Karate for Alec and a haircut for me but I managed to sneak in some fall shopping; snapping up a few goodies from Michael's and Target.

2.  First day of school for everyone-- Alec had a full day orientation of sorts while the other two boys and I eased into our year with just a couple of subjects! 

3.  I finally finished both my pumpkin luminary and my pumpkin garden flag.

4.  I put out all our fall decor; the earliest I've ever decorated before but it made me smile all day long to see the new decorations around.

5. I read two books in one day! 

6.  I made some Weight Watcher's 2- ingredient pumpkin muffins using canned pumpkin & a spice cake mix. 

7.  After helping my husband at the hydroelectric dam I settled in & began reading my newest book-- Swimming Lessons by Mary Alice Monroe.

8. After a short day of lessons we took Ian to get a haircut and then Ian & Evan enjoyed an ice cream lunch while waiting around with me to pick up Alec from school.

9. Evan and I went to the apple orchard while Alec was at school and Ian was at work.  An injury at Alec's newest karate school had us ending our day in the ER for chest/lung X-rays (they were clear- most likely a contusion). 

10. All three boys were home today- Alec rested while the other two boys tackled a fair amount of schoolwork before I took Ian off to his first driver's ed. class. 

11. Evan, Ian and I joined up with our hiking group for a nice hike-- we haven't gotten together in months and it was so great to see them all! 

12.  We had a nice dinner out before heading to BJ's to & Market Basket to pick up some groceries.  

13. We spent the day clearing off the patio and stacking wood.

14.  Evan and I went hiking while Alec was at school and Ian was building a patio with his grandfather. 

15.  With Alec at school and Ian at both work and driver's ed, Evan and I spent a quiet day cleaning and going for a walk at the local state park.

16. Alec was feeling good enough to return to karate class just one week after his accident; I never thought that would happen so quickly!

17.  Evan and I met up with some friends of our for a cob oven class where we made our own pizzas. 

18. A quiet day at home for Evan and I with Alec at school and Ian heading off to work on the patio with his grandfather the minute Ian had finished his schoolwork. 

19. After visiting with my father and his wife most of the afternoon, my husband, Ian, and I set out for a quick ride through the woods that found us getting our ranger STUCK in the mud (so stuck we left it overnight before tackling the rescue again in the morning).  

20.  We had a small party with a few of the grandparents to celebrate Evan's birthday. 

21.  Another quiet day at home for Evan and I with Alec at school and Ian heading off to work on the patio with his grandfather the minute Ian had finished his schoolwork. 

22.  Alec's first day of distance learning was only a 1/2 day so we headed out hiking as soon as he was done!  

23.  I had a pre-op check-in with my doctor and came home feeling much less anxious about my surgery on Monday.  

24.  After Alec finished school we all went on a nice long walk to the state park and were joined by my mother at the last minute.  It was so great hanging out together. 

25.  After my pr-op bloodwork and Covid test we spent our afternoon revamping one of the gardens. My boys were such a big help!

26. My husband and I spent part of our afternoon lying stone down in the new garden the boys an I had revamped the day before.  

27.  The younger boys and I went on a quick hike through the Thompson Dam knowing this would be our last chance for a few weeks to get in any hiking.

28.  I had my surgery and all went so well. 

29.  They sent me home with a long list of post-op instructions and I slept, watched Sleepless in Seattle and just rested. 

30. A quiet day at home in bed blogging, reading, and watching TV.

How was your month?


  1. What a busy month! I love that you did a recap using a sentence each day. Also glad to hear your surgery went well and that you are recovering.

    1. Thank you! It is such a relief to have that behind me. Now I just need to remember to take it easy and rest.

  2. What a lovely month....more outdoor time and more cooking and baking...just love it!

  3. I am loving all your fall hiking pictures! Also, I'm glad that Alec's injury didn't hold him back for long.

    1. Me too! I thought for sure he was doing to be down and out for weeks.

  4. It looks like you are truly taking in fall even with your surgery! I have made those donuts before and they are really good and low points too! I love WW so much because you can have so many things and not feel like you are hungry. I hope you are feeling well. I have been thinking of you. :)

    1. Aw, thank you! I have been feeling pretty well though I overdid it yesterday and felt awful by dinnertime last night. Back to the bed/couch for me today!

  5. Wow! You really were busy, but it sounds like a really good month with lots of reading. Hope you are recovering well.

  6. That state park looks like such a pretty place for a walk! I'm so glad to hear your surgery went well! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Thank you! We are so lucky to have so many wonderful places to hike nearby.

  7. I'll have to try those maple cream Oreos. I'm going to make your 2 ingredient pumpkin muffins. I put spiced cake mix on my grocery shopping list. Kevin & I heated with wood when we were 1st married & I remember the mess. I enjoyed seeing the pretty fall colors in your area. Good your surgery came & went without a hitch.

    1. We supplement our heat with wood as we have an old soapstone woodstove in our basement that keeps the first floor of the house nice and toasty warm.

  8. One of my favourite things about blogging is posts like these - and a peek into how other's live. For example, I've never heard of a cob oven, but assume it's what we'd call a bread oven or (more commonly) a pizza oven. Then there's pumpkin - in Australia it's mostly used as a vegetable & in soups and (in some parts of the country) scones - as a sweet pie it's not really a thing and nor is canned pumpkin (spiced or otherwise). It opens up a whole new way of looking at the humble pumpkin. Your autumn decor and those hikes look lovely. #teamlovinlife

    1. A cob oven is made in a dome shape using clay and brick and cooks using wood and can also be called a pizza oven, bread oven, masonry oven, brick oven. I use both pumpkin and butternut squash as vegetables or as sweet treats with muffins and baked goods. If we didn't have canned pumpkin here I probably wouldn't use it at all since I'm (personally) not a huge pumpkin fan. It is so neat to see even small differences like that from around the world and I just love that with places like Amazon more and more of those "local foods" are getting out into the world. We've tried many British treats that way!

  9. I need to find those Maple Cream Oreos! I hate regular Oreos, but these I could get on board with! I love how you keep so busy and organized enough to share with us! Thanks for linking, mu friend.


    1. They were so good-- and I don't typically like anything Maple!

  10. I love the look of that pizza oven! Plus all your lovely autumn leaves. It's spring here. The blossoms have just disappeared and making way for leafy greenery.

    1. The people that run the farm built that oven following some online plans they had found. It was really neat!


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