Friday Favorites: The Week I Had My Surgery

We had a pretty quiet week at home.  I tried to squeeze in a few last minute activities before surgery and then spent the rest of the week resting.  


Friday morning I had pre-op testing (you must have a negative test 2-3 days prior to any non-emergency procedures) & bloodwork.  I put a whole turkey breast in the crock pot for dinner and took the squash casserole out of the freezer to go with it. 

I was home by 10:40 and everyone had done well with school while I was gone.  As soon as Ian and Evan were finished we headed out to tackle some yardwork.  I had 10 plants arrive I had ordered earlier in the summer that I just knew needed to be planted before Monday.  Ian ripped out the old plants in one small garden with the excavator and Evan helped clear them away.  Two of the plants were being planted there and then Ian made small holes spaced 6 feet apart for some of the others lining the side of our yard where it meets the trees. 

After Alec was done school Ian, Alec, and I headed to Lowe's to stock up on potting soil bags.  We stopped for ice cream on the way home to fuel up and then spent the rest of our evening clearing away the edging on the garden, planting new plants using the potting soil to fill the holes, and raking/sweeping the yard and driveway where we had been working.  What a transformation!

We ate dinner and then my husband and I went grocery shopping. I came home to found out that Alec had spent all of his time working on schoolwork while we were gone.  His teacher gave them an assignment due in 5 days and Alec really wanted to finish it up that very night. By 8:30 I forced him to take a break but I just love his work ethic!

I was up at 1 or maybe even before that on Saturday morning. I just could not fall back to sleep with so many things going through my mind-- my to do list, my anxiety and worries over how the week would play out, remembering things I need to tell my husband/mom/mother-in- law before surgery, etc. 

Ian headed off to work with his grandfather and my husband headed out as well.  Alec and I spent most of the morning working on his schoolwork again then headed out to the library and Target.  By the time we arrived home my husband picked up Evan to go to work so Alec and I planted the last two plants by ourselves. 

I took a good hour long nap and my husband woke me up around 4. He had brought home stone for the garden and we spent our time before dinner finishing it up. We had enough stone to make it all the way to the front door. 

For dinner we made chicken parmesan with spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad.  

I slept through the night and didn't wake until 6:30 on Sunday.  It was a cloudy day but I really wanted to head out hiking knowing it would be my last chance for awhile. We ran a few errands with my husband-- traffic was stopped watching this huge snapping turtle cross the road. 

The boys and I went on a quick hike through the Thompson Dam.  I took so many pictures! I just could not get over all the colors everywhere!

We had pulled pork, rice, and leftover squash casserole for dinner. 

Bright and early Monday morning I had to be at the hospital.  I arrived at 5:30 and by 7 or so they had me in the OR.  By noon I was moved out of post-op and into my room for the night.  My husband was able to come visit late that afternoon.  

I was amazed at how good I felt!  I was actually in more pain when I arrived in the morning than I was after surgery.  I only used Tylenol & Motrin to manage my pain and was up walking that very night.  My nurse kept joking that I was looking too good and too peppy to have just had surgery.  My only real complaint was how sore my throat was so I mostly just drank cold fluids and ate the ice cream from the dinner tray. 

All the doctors and nurses agreed I was ready to go home on Tuesday.  It took forever for all the paperwork to go through so I didn't actually get home until 3:30 and all I wanted was a nice hot shower and my bed.  It was not a restful night in the hospital.  My two mother in laws each stopped by to drop off flowers and check up on me.  

My husband ran out to get my prescriptions filled, pick up dinner, and run errands.  I slept the whole time.

My husband headed off to work Wednesday morning and the boys and I settled in for day at home. We were having lots of rain and high winds so I warned Alec his internet might be spotty and again to just do the best he can with distance learning- we can't control the weather.   I spent most of my day in bed blogging, reading, and watching TV.  

My mother brought us lunch from Pub 99 and some cheesecake for dessert.  She even bought me a get well plant. I was feeling good enough to sit downstairs at the table & eat with them.  

Alec had an essay to work on for World History that he needed lots of help with and we spent most of the afternoon working on that.  I finally convinced him to set it aside and I took a nap until dinner.  I was running a low grade temp. and feeling pretty miserable by then so I spent the whole night dozing off and on until my next dose of Motrin. 

Alec had school in the building on Thursday and Ian was heading to work with his father so it was just Evan and I home for the day.  I think Alec was pretty nervous about his first day of official classes and having to actually find each of his subjects/teachers but I assured him that all the other kids in his class would be in the exact same boat.  I spent my morning sleeping and watching TV. 

Evan checked in on me a few times as did my mom and mother in law by text to make sure I was Ok. My husband had set a meal of leftovers for me in the fridge so I just had to heat lunch.  

Ian had driver's ed. and my husband was going grocery shopping while he was at class so Alec, Evan and I were left on our own.  Alec made us pasta, sauce, and garlic bread for dinner. 

My family has just been so helpful this week! 

Linking up with: On the Edge,  Life this week, 


  1. So glad everything went well with your surgery. I will keep praying your recovery is quick and easy! Also you are right, the colors on your hike were amazing! I am eagerly awaiting for the trees to start changing here in NJ. Best!

  2. So glad you are home and have the best boys to take care of you!

    1. I really do! They've been cooking, cleaning, doing their chores without my asking. They have been fabulous.

  3. You have such a wonderful family to help you after your surgery! I hope you rest up and have a speedy recovery.

  4. Happy to hear your surgery went well and hope you continue to feel better. I have to say your view is amazing!!

  5. I am so glad the surgery went well and you feel better! Sending you lots of positive vibes! :)

    1. Thank you! It is such a relief to have it behind me.

  6. Rest up and aI hope a speedy recovery. Your family is such a blessing. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you! It is so hard to just rest. I'm trying though.

  7. Prayers for a speedy recovery! I'm so glad everything went well!

  8. Eeek! Those fall colours!! I love them so much. Such lovely treats for a patient :)

    1. I love them too! Fall colors are one of the only reasons I stick around in New England.

  9. I hate waking up and not being able to fall back to sleep. I'm so glad to hear everything went well with your surgery. I'm jealous of all the beautiful fall colors. Our leaves probably won't change till late October-early November.

    1. It was such a relief to have it behind me; finally! Ours feel like they changed early this year and I'm not sure if it's just my memory that's faulty or if our drought added to those early changes.

  10. I'm glad to hear you're home and the recuperation appears to be going well. How lovely that you have so many gorgeous flowers to look at while you rest.

    1. It is quite lovely! Everyone has been so sweet.

  11. It sounds like you're doing well, that's great! The turtle is really cool and I need a fall hike!

  12. Sending you healing thoughts. I am glad you finally got your surgery and are on the road to recovery.

  13. Wow! So thankful to hear your surgery went well and you are feeling okay. I am loving the fall pictures of where you live. The trees are gorgeous!

    1. They really are beautiful right now. Hopefully I can get back outside this weekend; if only for a little walk or car ride.

  14. Happy to read your surgery went well and that you are healing well too! And what beautiful colors on your fall hike!

  15. So happy that your surgery went well! I wish you a speedy recovery. Love the fall foliage on your hike! Have a restful weekend!

  16. I'm glad to see that your surgery is behind you and you're on the road to recovery. Enjoy the fall colors, beautiful flowers, and help from your family while your rest and heal!

  17. Also thankful to hear you are doing better and sounds like you have a great tribe taking care of you. Yay for new plants, and oh, turtle does look so big! Enjoy a restful weekend!

    1. I haven't seen a snapping turtle that large since before my boys were born.

  18. It's great that you are doing well. Now you can enjoy the new plants! And that turtle!! Wow, in the wild?

    1. Yep, totally in the wild. It was crossing the road from the stream to the pond.

  19. I am so glad you are doing so well. I hope you have a wonderful week.
    Blessings, Dawn

  20. I am glad that you are back home and resting! I hope the recovery process is going quickly and easily for you. And how wonderful all the loving people around you to help out! I love the fall hiking photos. This is the best time of year to get out and enjoy the beauty of nature in fall! Thanks for linking.


    1. I can not wait to get back out and do some hiking!

  21. So glad your surgery went well and you have your family to care for you. Have a wonderful week!

  22. Yikes, I had the wrong Monday!! Glad to know your surgery is behind you and that you are well on the way to recovery. You are loved!! Sounds like everyone rallied to take care of you and keep things going while you rest.
    My doctor suggested I take my pain meds/Tylenol/whatever so that they slightly overlapped and before the pain really returned so I wouldn't be very uncomfortable. It worked. Not sure if you had the same surgery I had but I think so. Mine was done on a Thursday and I absolutely had to be at work on Monday. Which was a bit traumatic but I got through. My parents were wonderful to come help me with the kids. And before I knew it, I was back to 'normal.' Hope this week is easier and more comfortable.

    1. Wow! I can't imagine being back to work just days after surgery. My husband won't let me do anything because he fears I'll prolong my recovery. So far Motrin every 6 hours seems to be doing the trick and I've even made it 8 hours between doses. I had minimal pain but I don't want to be completely pain free as I know I would definitely over do it then.

  23. Glad everything has gone well. Your garden looks lovely and those autumn colours are just stunning.

    1. I am loving all the autumn colors this year.

  24. The northern hemisphere does Autumn so well. Your photos were just lovely. Yes, surgery once done is a great feeling. I know I do well afterwards and home is always the best place to recover. You are going well it seems. The temptation to "do" is high I know but try to resist! Take care.

    Thank you for linking up this week. Next week on Life This Week, the optional prompt is 41/51 I Have Never. 12.10.2020. Hope to see you there! Denyse.

    1. It is so hard to just rest and not do too much.

  25. Glad your surgery went so well. It's great to have family nearby to help at times like these.

    1. Thank you! It is such a relief to have it behind me and I really am feeling better each day.


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