Weekly Wrap-Up: Our 2nd ER Visit in 2 Months

This short week has felt pretty long... luckily we've had beautiful weather and quite a bit of fun.  

Ian headed to work on Friday as after two whole day in a row of homeschooling I decided I needed a break! LOL.  Honestly though I haven't been sleeping well and wanted to make sure I focused all my attention on Alec and getting him successfully through his first week of school.  

After dropping Alec off I did work on my blog, got the house decorated for fall, and then Evan and I worked together to clean the whole thing!  It felt so good to get those items off my to do list.  I'll have a full post up soon but here's a little look at my fall decor.

We went for a hike after lunch, checking out a new trail before picking Alec up from school.  He was all smiles talking about his day and assured me he loved his first 3 days.  

Alec told me he could take pictures of all his projects if I wanted as each teacher has been reminding the students to get their phones and take photos-- of course I said yes!  It's like he doesn't even know me! 

For dinner we made up taco/rice bowls.  

Saturday morning was beautiful and cool.  Ian and my husband both headed off to work while Alec, Evan, and I slept in.  We had a quiet morning at home planned and I ended up reading two books in between doing laundry and unclogging the bathroom sink.  

Alec wanted to make dinner all by himself and put together a ground turkey lasagna for us.  I did sit in the kitchen to give instructions and field questions as I don't really use a recipe to make my lasagna (it never comes out the same way twice either).  I forgot to take photos but here is a quick pic. of the leftovers we had for lunch the next day. He did a wonderful job!  

Alec and I did tackle a page in his Algebra practice workbook that we were going to use if we had homeschooled 9th grade this year.  He feels like he needs a math refresher after taking the last 5 -6 months off from school.  We're going through a few old concepts & it's all coming back to him pretty quickly.  

Before dinner I went on a little walk and took a few pictures.

I tried rescuing this baby snapping turtle from the road but I'm pretty sure he found his way right back there.  

I started my Sunday watching a few episodes of That 70's Show.  It's leaving Netflix on Monday and I have 2 seasons left.. I'm never going to make it!  Ian left to go to work with his grandfather. 

After breakfast I did a bit of blogging and then made some pumpkin donuts.  My husband took the younger two boy to go cut and stack wood.  After lunch I helped cut and stack wood too and we got the whole pile done.  We took a quick ride to his work to look for a replacement part on the wood splitter and stopped to get ice cream. 

2-ingredient pumpkin donuts using a WW recipe I found on Pinterest

For dinner we cooked up steaks on the grill with egg noodles and salad. 

Even though Monday was Labor Day, my husband was heading to work at the hydroelectric plant.  He asked me to go and keep an eye on him since he had to crawl under the hydro and try to find a door to let out the water.  Dressed in waders and armed with a small laptop camera he descended into the whole while I recorded what he was finding (spoiler alert we found nothing but muck and mud that the camera couldn't see through anyway).  If you've ever thought it would be cool to own a hydro it really isn't... mostly it's messy and smelly and a whole lot of work.  

The yellow dot is my husband's head; he's standing in a few feet of water moving the underwater camera around while I look at the computer screen (not really seeing much of anything but debris floating in the water)

We stopped by my mother in law's house to fix her lawnmower on our way home.  We all ate lunch and I helped Alec with another page in math.  After lunch Ian and my husband headed out on a Ranger ride and I settled in to blog.  

We did a quick grocery shop just to pick up some fresh fruit for the week and then Alec helped cook dinner-- pork chops, roasted potatoes, and salad. 

Alec was taking the bus to school on Tuesday; the first time ANY of my boys have taken a bus to school.  We had to be up at the bus stop at 5:30  (this ungodly hour is one of the reasons I drive him to school most days!)---And the bus never showed!  After 30 minutes we gave up and I ended up driving him to school.  We'll try again tomorrow I guess.

The other two boys and I started school around 9 and finished up by 11.  They each did another 4-5 subjects and then we headed out to get Ian a haircut, drop off books at our library, get ice cream (for lunch!), get my ring cleaned & inspected, then pick up Alec.  

Alec worked in electronics today and worked soldering with copper-- He didn't get to finish either project though and asked if he could go to work with my husband after supper to finish up his pumpkin.  It turned out so cute!! It now sits on my mantle.   

The pieces he assembled at school 

His finished pumpkin!

For dinner we cooked up some pineapple teriyaki chicken with couscous & peas (and salad for those that wanted it).

Ian headed to work and we managed to successfully get Alec off on the bus on Wednesday. Evan and I finished up his 4 subjects (Math, reading/history, & grammar) in no time then headed out to the apple orchard.  We picked apples & brought home cider, peaches, corn on the cob, and some delicious apple cider donuts.  

I picked Alec up from school and he told me all about his day in hairdressing-- they had to curl and straighten hair, & paint nails.  

Then he made up a fresh batch of cornbread to go with our chili for dinner.  

And yes, he did have a minor burn on his hands after touching the hot cast iron pan here

We headed out before dinner to check out his new karate class. 

Unfortunately he had a real nasty fall at karate that completely knocked the wind of out him and with a nasty snap sound that had his teacher concerned for a broken bone we headed to the ER for x-rays.  

Thankfully, they found no damage to his lungs and his ribs felt in tact (apparently rib bones are hard to capture on chest x-rays) so as best they could tell he likely has a contusion somewhere near his upper ribs/ shoulder bones.  

While the doctor did clear Alec to go to school on Thursday (if he felt up to it!), I was rather thankful that Alec decided to spend the day at home resting.  He still wasn't able to take full breaths and the shop they were trying out for the day was masonry.  I just could not imagine him lifting bricks all day! He was so disappointed and I felt so bad for him but did believe it was the best decision all around.  

When I gathered up his brothers for school, I encouraged Alec to join us & listen in to our Harry Potter book and to practice some more math-- he's still not done his assessments at school so he hasn't had any "real" schoolwork or homework yet and I figure the practice can't hurt. He reviewed how to find slope from two points and graphed the lines.  The other two boys each worked on science, math, reading, grammar, and government.  

I spent my afternoon running to the doctor's office to get a note so he can have Motrin at school and picking up Motrin to bring to school.  Then talked with both my mom and my mother-in- law about our fun night.  

Dinner was a fend for yourself night as Ian had his first driver's ed class and the other two boys were heading out for haircuts.  

Linking Up With: On the Edge, 


  1. Gosh I am glad your sweet boy is ok- sending you strength as you get into the new school year routine...hope you have a restful weekend!

    1. I was so thankful he made it through a full day back at school today!

  2. Sounds like an eventful week, but glad to hear your son is okay. Hope y'all have a restful weekend!

  3. I am so glad he is okay! Boy what a week. We have had nothing but rain all week. It feels like November which has made us feel so blue. Lots of homeschooling here though, so there is the positive.
    Next week is supposed to be beautiful, fingers crossed. :)

    It was nice to hear that you also need a break from homeschooling. I get that way too. This week, the homeschool curriculum online that we have been supplementing from has been so slow (because everyone is using it now LOL), so I just gave up and went back to using the old method. They are updating it today though because they didn't anticipate all the new traffic. :)

    1. We met a few new homeschooling families today on our hike. It's kind of wonderful to see so many joining ranks and I can't help but wonder how many of them will realize how great it is and turn to it full time as most only plan to homeschool until our schools open back up. I often take random days off here and there but I am so tempted to skip school with my youngest each time I'm left with just him home and I really need to shake that off before it becomes a bad habit!

  4. Oh my gosh friend, what a week! I’m so glad your boy did not have any injuries from the karate accident. The pumpkin donuts sure do look good and isn’t it a great feeling to have your house decorated for fall! Have a beautiful weekend!

    1. It really is a great feeling! I came pretty close to buying mums at the orchard too but wasn't sure I could keep them alive through October if I got them this early in the season.

  5. Wow! You had a busy week. I'm glad your son is ok from doing the karate. It's so nice to have a baker in the house and to make dinner too. Hope you have a nice day and weekend.

  6. Ooh, sounds like a hard fall. I hope he's recovered well. Everything sounds pretty busy!

    1. Oh yes, it was a very hard fall. I heard it from across the park where I was reading my book and that poor kid was gasping for air. It was pretty scary.

  7. I'm glad it wasn't a break, but sometimes a non-break injury can be far more painful, and take a bit to get back to normal. All your food looks so good!

    1. That's what the nurse at our pediatrician's office was saying when we called on Friday. She did say as long as we were seeing improvements of any kind within 4 days and no worsening of symptoms that it was a good sign. He actually seemed quite better today even.

  8. Hubby cracked a rib this week so I understand how that is painful! So busy you have been! I am trying to figure out whether to have the boys ride the bus home in the afternoons. I like dropping them off in the am because it is quick and we do not have to wake up as early.

    1. I much prefer dropping him off and picking him up (even though his school is a good 30 minutes away) but did want him to at least familiarize himself with the bus so that when I am recovering from surgery and unable to drive he can use it then.

      I hope your husband is feeling better soon!

  9. I am glad to hear that Alex is ok. You guys have been very busy. Getting lots done around the house!

    1. Thank you! It was a huge relief to hear nothing was broken. I'll have my full fall decor post up this weekend.

  10. Oh my gosh, I am thankful to hear Alec is okay! How scary!!! Love your fall decor.

    1. It was definitely scary! I was so glad he was OK.

  11. So glad your son is okay. It sounds like a pretty good week otherwise.
    Blessings, Dawn

  12. Glad your son is okay. ER visits are always scary! We just went apple picking yesterday. Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. I just love apple picking! I have such a hard time not buying all the extras we see each time we go.

  13. Thankful that Alec is okay and stayed home to recuperate the day after his incident. How scary. I have had the wind knocked out of me once and it was a horrible feeling. Horrible.

    Love the wire pumpkin. Those would be cute to sell for a little extra spending money. He could make gourds, too!!

    We had chili and cornbread last weekend. Was a great way to inaugurate our first days of fall temps. Pinning all the chili recipes and look forward to making more real soon.

    1. This is the second time he's had the wind knocked out of him; the first time he was much younger and at a trampoline class. Both have been pretty scary and that awful feeling stuck with him; he just knew as soon as it happened this time what it was though it didn't make it any better. We have white chicken chili on our menu for this week!

  14. Oh gosh, poor Alec. I'm glad to hear that he is recovering well, though! I bet that was scary for him. And for you!

    1. It was definitely scary for both of us; I am actually quite surprised and pleased with how quickly he is recovering!

  15. Joanne, seriously how do you get so much done!? Pumpkin donuts and practices and homeschooling and blogging. I feel like I am drowning over here! And I am sorry to hear about the ER visit. There is nothing worse especially during COVID. Ugh, I am so glad that Alec was okay and he is recovering well. Thanks for sharing and linking up!


    1. I have no idea how I get so much done! LOL. I am pretty good at multitasking I guess.

  16. Whoa! That is quite a scare! I am glad he’s doing ok and able to manage the pain with Motrin. Hopefully he’s feeling better soon! That pumpkin is so cute!!

  17. I'm so glad Alec is enjoying his time at school! The pumpkin he made is adorable. I hope he's feeling much better.

  18. What pumpkin donut recipe did you use? I need one for bible study and those look delicious.

    1. You can find the recipe in this post: https://www.myslicesoflife.com/2020/09/recipes-weve-been-making.html They are small weight watchers donuts and while they were good they were a bit to wet tasting to me.


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