Wellness Weekend: Flexibility

 It's been a few months since I participated in the Wellness Weekend Link up.  I don't feel like I have much to report in the wellness area.  I have been just awful about exercising and working out since we have been having what feels like a month-long heat wave here. I'm wearing shorts and tank tops nearly every day! It's such a change from me who never used to wear shorts at all.

With temps near and above 90 most days and high humidity I can barely even stand to just sit outside and read a book!  Thankfully we have had some breezes off the lake that make it more livable but it's all I can do not to hide out in the air conditioning. 

Once or twice this month we did have cooler temps and I made sure to get out hiking on those days.  A few times I did some shorter hikes with the boys and once my husband and I spent several hour hiking up a small mountain.  I don't usually like to sweat but it did feel great to get those legs pumping and give the lungs a good workout. 

Despite all the many, many sweet treats, burgers on the grill, and all around awful eating habits I feel like I'm falling back into I am holding steady at my weight; which is just 2 lbs above what Weight Watchers says is my goal weight.  I had surpassed my goal weight by 5 lbs back in February but I think that had more to do with feeling so sick from the hormones my doctor was trying me out on than anything else.  I've been joking with my husband that after my surgery (that I'm still waiting to hear about a date for!) I should be all set as we're already talking possible hormone replacement and I know there will be an adjustment period there.  

This month's topic is all about flexibility and while I did immediately think of actual muscle/ flexibility I realized that this one little word took on a whole new meaning this year! 

I am such a planner at heart and love to know exactly what to expect in any given situation.  One thing I have really been practicing this year is flexibility.  Mostly because I am forced to but also because I have always known it's something I NEED to work on. This year, it seems like everything is always changing-- from our grocery store one way aisles switching directions, to Covid protocols changing daily, to what schooling will look like in the fall (which we are being warned daily could change at any time!).  I am learning to plan while keeping options open and knowing that things might change even right up until the last minute.  I'm actually amazed at how well I am adapting as it is not usually in my nature to just go with the flow.  How are you holding up?!

I am trying to be flexible with my expectations, flexible with our plans, and just know that so much is completely out of my control.  

That said I have been wanting to work on my actual flexibility too.  I used to take dance lessons all through high school and could drop into a split at any moment.  I miss feeling that flex and give of my muscles and have noticed more pain in my hips and lower back (probably partly due to the whole hysterectomy/ growth things) that I really want to address by adding more yoga and stretching into my weekly exercises.  

One year my mom, sister, and I danced together!

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  1. Being flexible is SO hard, this year more than ever. I think the unexpectedness of this year, the not being able to predict one week to the next is what is hardest. Add in our hormone fluctuations? It is hard. Give yourself grace. As a woman who is going through the tail end of the menopause journey, let me tell you that you are stronger than any man is. It's not a competition but I say that because we are doing the job that most men could never do and we are expected to do it with a smile. So I am sending you so much love. You look amazing, healthy, and strong considering all that is going on behind the curtain. :)

  2. You look great! I love that outfit. Other than a 5 minute ab work I don't exercise in the summer because I consider gardening my exercise.

    1. Thank you! I always have intentions of exercising in the morning but somehow I talk myself out of it most days.

  3. Congratulations on reaching your goals!

  4. What a wonderful photo of you, your mom and sister! The 3 of you look beautiful together. I think we have all had to be so flexible this year. A lot of our plans, goals, and dreams had to be altered, scrapped or postponed. Adding yoga to my fitness routine would probably help my (physical) flexibility too. I find myself doing yoga almost every day for 2 months or so, then forgetting about it for 2 months. Right now, I am not doing it at all. Sigh!

    1. That's how I am with Yoga too; it's either an all or nothing thing with me.

  5. When it's hot and humid, I wouldn't want to be outside much either. I got the Wellness Weekend code for Aug 23 so I wrote about my Canoeing trip on Aug 16 instead of Flexibility, totally off prompt, LOL. COVID-19 has forced all of us to be flexible and make adjustments. Thanks for linking up this Wellness Weekend. Have a wonderful week! #WW2020

    1. Oh well, we don't have to follow the prompts anyway!

  6. This year has been testing my flexibility too! And not my physical flexibility either :)

    I love that picture of you, your mom, and your sister -- what fun!!!

    1. Thank you! We have great memories of our dancing times.

  7. I think you look so fabulous. Glad you are wearing shorts. You certainly look great in them. I am a planner, too. High five. And this Covid business is reeking havoc on my planning. It is sure teaching me patience and flexibility. Ugh. More than I care to have.
    I am back at trying to move more and trying to eat better but need to make a chocolate pie this week for my bucket list. Ha!!
    Wanted to tell you that I would love to buy you a copy of The One and Only Ivan, if you haven't bought it already. Please let me know. My email is mommyhon333@hotmail.com.

    1. Clicked on notify me too late. So please notify me!!

    2. Aw, thank you. I am so thankful for shorts this year; it has been one of our hottest summers on record.


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