What's Up Wednesday in July

I am feeling so sad that July is almost over already.  Knowing that school starts in just one month is going to make August fly right by too I'm sure.  Since it's the last Wednesday of the month it's time for what's Up Wednesday where I join up with Sheaffer and Shay to answer a few questions.
What We're Eating This Week: While I don't have our menu made up for this week just yet here are a few things we've been eating lately.

Summer squash lasagna

Grilled chicken with salad and BBQ Macaroni salad

I made chocolate chip banana bread last Wednesday and I always keep one loaf out and freeze one.

I also made zucchini muffins with butterscotch chips.

What I'm Reminiscing About:  Alec's school photos-- how can he be starting high school already?!
He started preschool in winter since his January birthday finally made him eligible and he wanted to stay every single time we dropped Ian off.   He LOVED it!

They had plays a few times a year and Alec was always the loudest one belting out the lyrics-  he was not shy and he KNEW all the words.

His preschool graduation

He was always eager to get to school and taught himself to read at 4!

For career day he dressed as a zookeeper and up until a few years ago when he discovered a love of baking we always thought he'd wind up working with or learning about animals in some capacity.

By the end of kindergarten we turned to homeschooling and those past 8 years have flown right by! I have love watching him immerse himself in books and just soak up the knowledge like a sponge. I'm going to miss having him home with me every day but I am so excited for him.

What I'm Loving: All my new birthday clothes and gifts!

My mother in law bought me this tank top

My other mother in law bought me these Clark's flip flops

My sister mailed me this hat and mug and the hat has been so handy for keeping the sun off my face while kayaking

I just adore my new Vera Bradley bag I picked out while shopping with my mom
My mom and I hit some great sales and this top from Talbots was only 9.99

My absolute favorite was this jumpsuit from Nautica (which I almost didn't buy!) but it is so comfy
 Sorry the pattern showed up so weird in the above photo but it's a simple blue/ white pinstripe like this:

My husband convinced me to splurge on a Sea Bag while we were in Maine and I just LOVE it!
These pants were on sale at Talbots and I just love the little buttons on the legs

This cute daisy skirt was another Talbots special 

What We've Been Up To: It has been such a fun month between celebrating the 4th of July, my birthday, the birthday of one of the boys' friends, two mini trips to Maine, and lots of time with family.

What I'm Dreading: Not much of anything at the moment. 

What I'm Working On: Trying to get all of Alec's back to school supplies ready-- so far we've ordered his uniforms, bought a backpack and lunch box, and found him some work boots to wear.

What I'm Excited About: All these small life changes-- Ian working, Alec starting school, Ian getting his learner's permit and starting to drive... it's scary and fun and exciting all in one.

What I'm Watching/Reading:

Watching: My husband and I watched the entire season of Outer Banks this past month and really enjoyed it!  I've also started watching the Babysitters Club for that nostalgia feeling having read the entire series with my girlfriends.   I also re-watched Book Club

Reading: I finished another 10 books this month and they were SO good! (you can read all about them here)

What I'm listening to: My boys playing with their cousins (mostly on-line).

What I'm Wearing: We've been having a heat wave with temps in the 90's so I'm wearing all kinds of short shorts, skirts, and bathing suits.

Same outfit/different view

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Not much; just trying to keep cool!

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: We have two birthdays to celebrate, I'm still trying to convince my husband to get away for the weekend (with or without the boys), and start back to school/ hiking with our friends.

What Else is New: In case you couldn't tell by my above post, Alec was accepted into our local technical high school where he hopes to study culinary arts.  Being homeschoolers he had to take an entrance exam and we were told he had the highest reading score they've ever seen!  He did really well on the math portion too and it's such a relief to know that this whole 8+ year homeschooling gig has been a success! LOL.  I am so proud of him and his excitement has helped quiet all my fears; I just know he's got this.

Linking Up With: Mid Week link up, Fabulous Friday,  On the Edge


  1. Such sweet pics of Alec- love them. I also love the pink pants and black ruffle skirt on you- so cute!

  2. Just loving the throwbacks of sweet Alec! You look adorable in all your outfits, that lasagna looks so good and I wish you a beautiful day!

  3. Such cute outfits. I love the new sandals. I'm enjoying The Babysitters' Club!

  4. Cute clothes and all looks so comfy too. Congratulations on homeschooling and achievements!

    1. Thank you! I know my boys are smart but I often wonder how much of their skills are seen through my mom goggles and how much others see it too.

  5. Oh, I love the hat your sister sent you and both your bags! They are so fun!!!

    And way to go Alec!!! What an exciting adventure! And now I need to go look at some pictures of my kids when they were in preschool. Sob.

    1. The bags are lots of fun and just perfect for summer.

  6. BSC were my favorite books growing up! I need to watch the show on Netflix. I can't wait until Olivia is one or two years older so we can read the BSC books together. I'd love to reread all of them!

    1. Me too! I loved that series and the movies have brought them back with a slightly updated vibe (they do have cell phones and such).

  7. Awee seein our littles become bigs is gratifying but sad! What a good mama they have!!!

    1. It is both gratifying and sad. I love seeing them gain new skills and independence but don't know what I'll do with my time when they are all off doing their own thing (which is only going to be a short few years away).

  8. So exciting for Alec & your family, huge congrats!! Great deals on the new clothes, that is always the best ;) I need to check out babysitters club...

    1. Thank you! We are excited... nervous (me!) but excited!! I'm anxious to see how his schedule interferes and/or works with our homeschooling activities.

  9. I just want to say how impressed I am that you put on REAL clothes everyday. I did today, and I felt all proud of myself. Most days I live in some cross between work out clothes and pajamas...

    1. Oh yes, everyday! I have been a stay at home mom waaay to long to give into the lounge wear/ PJ vibe. I just know I feel so much better & more motivated to do things in "real" clothes.

  10. I loved the little walk down memory lane, and also all your new clothes etc. Way to go, Alec on the amazing test scores!

    1. Thank you! This prompt makes me do that every month and I just love it. Funny thing too that once I started looking through scrapbooks I found my son and his cousin looking through many others.

  11. I love the Clarks flip flops and that seabag! I am actually looking forward to school and a routine: my children are turning into little bums.

    1. I like the routine of school too but I do tend to miss those carefree days of summer at the same time.

  12. I haven't watched Outer Banks but it has caught my eye a few times. I'll have to give it a shot! Happy Birthday to you! You received some really great gifts! Love the Nautica jumpsuit too!

    1. It was a pretty neat show; part murder mystery, part treasure hunt, part teen drama. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

  13. All of your outfits make me want to go shopping! So cute! And I love Clarks. Happy belated birthday! I'm so behind on reading blogs.

    1. Thank you!! It was definitely different trying to shop this year but we had lots of fun.

  14. Congrats to your son on his acceptance to HS! Sounds like he is primed for success! I love the little Thomas the Tank Engine bag - reminds me of my son when he was little. Your summer looks exactly as it should -filled with fun and carefree days. I've been thinking about going to Maine this summer. I need to read more - your book list looks like a good place to start!

    1. I'm trying to convince my family to make one last Maine trip together; I don't think my boys have ever been but they all seem pretty reluctant to go anywhere this year.

  15. Cute outfits and fun times. Love the hat! enjoyed your post.

  16. Zucchini muffins with butterscotch chips sound so good! I've been wanting to watch Outer Banks and need to check it out! Love your blue polish on your pedi!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Thanks! I often pick pale blue shades for summer since I tend to wear a lot of blue.

  17. Looks like y'all are having a great summer!
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

  18. You got so many wonderful birthday things! I am loving the hat from your sister. What a gorgeous color. And that pinstripe jumpsuit is incredibly adorable! July really did fly by and now here we are a third of the way through August already! Yikes. Thanks for linking up!


    1. I know! It's nuts how fast the time is flying by.


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