Friday Favorites: Another Scorching Hot Week

We had another full week of temperatures in the 90's every single day.  Thankfully the mornings and evenings have been a bit cooler.  We spent so many afternoons in the lake or by the water just trying to keep cool.

We had a small break in our heatwave Friday morning so I convinced the boys to go for a walk along the river trail.  We walked for an hour and a half and while it was warm we weren't HOT.  It felt so good to be out walking again.

After walking we headed to my mom's trailer for lunch and spent the afternoon visiting with her and and one of her friends.

We made BLT sandwiches for dinner and I made french fries using potatoes and butternut squash from our Misfits Market box to go with our salads.  We also tried our hand at making Dole whips at home for dessert.

It was another hot day on Saturday but both my husband and Ian went to work anyway.  Evan and I worked on planning an early birthday party for his 13th birthday.  He likes to have his party in the summer so we can hold it outside and everyone can swim.  This year he only invited 5 friends so we'll keep it nice and small.

My mom and step- father spent much of the afternoon here on our patio so they could use our WiFi and it was nice to visit with them.  It was a busy day on the lake but in the shade with a nice breeze we were content to watch.  Alec's new uniforms came in and he tried them on; everything fit great!

For dinner we tried Five Guys; only my husband and Ian had ever eaten there.  The burgers, fries, and shakes were delicious!

We had another hot & sunny day here on Sunday.  After lunch my husband and I headed out kayaking.  We went to see if our friends were at their cottage and spent a wonderful afternoon hanging out with them and catching up.  We all went to grammar school together and hadn't seen each other in a couple of years.

We had my parents over for dinner.  We cooked up baked potatoes and had salad with our grilled steaks then started watching a movie together-- Galaxy Quest; it's sort of a spoof on Star Trek.  Super silly but pretty funny.

Ian had a side job set up on Monday so he headed out in the loader to help a neighbor fix their lawn while Alec and I had to go free the chickens.  LOL. I know that sounds so weird but my mother in law is chicken sitting for family this week and could not get over to the coop to let "the girls" out in the morning. It was already pretty warm and they do much better free ranging outside in the heat.

We stopped to get gas before heading home because I knew I had a few errands planned.  I needed to drop off books at the library and get our groceries.  I headed out to do my errands around 10:30 and arrived home just as my mother in law picked up all three boys.  She was taking them to lunch at Outback Steakhouse so I put the groceries away, ate my lunch and then laid out on a raft in the lake reading my latest book all in silence. It was weird; nice but weird.

For diner we had meatballs, sauce, and spaghetti/ spaghetti squash. Then my husband and I had to head over to Verizon so they could fix/replace his phone.  It took forever!  We stopped at the ice cream stand on the way home and it sounds weird but it was so HOT waiting in line (96!) that by the time we got to ordering I didn't want anything.  He got an ice cream and we headed back to the truck and the air conditioning.

Alec had karate on Tuesday morning and then we stopped by the craft store to pick up a few things. After lunch we all went in the lake. 

It was so hot that for dinner I just popped an old chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole that I had in the freezer into the oven and served it with salad.

We had a fabulous day on Wednesday.  It was a beautiful clear day so I ate breakfast outside (something I've only done occasionally lately with our heat and humidity).  

We went to Buttonwood farms to check out their annual sunflower event.  We were surprised at how many of the sunflowers are already looking rather dead since they just opened this past weekend but with the heat and no rain in sight they are slowly baking in the sun.  We picked a few in their picking field, got some of their homemade ice cream and headed home.  I'll have a full post up with all my photos this weekend. 

We spent our afternoon cooling off in the lake.  The boys used my camera in it's waterproof pouch to take photos underwater and we tried out a new pineapple raft we ordered for Evan's party.  

Alec and I did a bit of reading by the lake.  I started two new books today. 

We had grilled pineapple teriyaki chicken tenders (I'll have to make this again with photos and share soon-- I had no idea the marinade would be SO good!!) with roasted potatoes, green beans, zucchini, and mushrooms for dinner. 

After dinner my husband and I went out on the ranger for a ride.  It was hot and dusty.  

We had plans to meet up at the park with one of Alec's friends on Thursday.  They wanted to practice their karate moves and I convinced Evan to come with us.  It's a beautiful park near the water and tends to be nice and shady.  

After the park we had lunch and then hung around inside the house; it was still hot but threatening rain and we decided the air conditioning was calling our names.  

For dinner I made shrimp stir fry with cauliflower rice and the boys ate chicken tenderloins with white rice.  We all had some salad too. 

How was your week?


  1. Love all of your outdoor time despite the heat and you amaze me with all of the lovely meals you whip up even in the dead of summer!

    1. And yet, I always feel like I'm just throwing something together at the last minute and rarely feel like cooking in the summer.

  2. We had some "cooler"weather this week, so we went for a walk as well. How did your Dole Whips turn out?? My neighbor has chickens that he allows "free range" and it's always so funny when when they come into our yard. Have a great weekend!

    1. The Dole whips tasted just fine but they were more the consistency of a smoothie (despite following a few recipes that clearly showed their final product as a soft serve ice cream)... maybe I missed a step?!

  3. This is the perfect way to social distance. :)
    Looks like a great way to enjoy summer.

  4. I love the sunflowers! I bet you'll have a great picture for water week. I haven't taken any yet!

    1. I'm actually having a hard time picking my water photo of the week! I submitted a fountain photo but am seriously thinking of switching it to a fun lakeside photo.

  5. I'm glad y'all enjoyed Five Guys!! It's a staple in our house! And I love the sunflowers. I've been wanting to find some around here to take some pictures, but we haven't taken the time to do it. Happy weekend!

    1. It was delicious but the nearest one is over 30 minutes away so we won't be going there very often.

  6. Such fun activities! The "chicken sitting" had me smiling :-) I've not heard the term before.
    It's been so hot here too but have enjoyed Summer so far! I spent a lot of time outside gardening this summer.

    1. I might have made that phrase up but it seemed to fit!

  7. I love those lake photos! So idealistic. We always have chicken in our garden, from the neighbors!

    1. I kind of wish our neighbors had chickens; I have heard they are great for eating ticks which is something we tend to have a lot of problems here in CT.

  8. It looks like you guys had a good week. But very hot. I love the underwater photo. How did the Dole Whip turn out?

    1. The Dole Whips tasted great but looked much more like a smoothie than soft serve ice cream.

  9. It's so nice you have the lake nearby to cool off on hot days! I'd love to go to a sunflower field! Have a great weekend!

    1. It really is wonderful for cooling off... though we're going to need some rain soon as the water is starting to just feel wet and not really refreshing anymore.

  10. How wonderful to live by the lake to go for swims with the family and enjoy the summer. I love the sunflowers and all of the food you make sounds so good. I would love the recipe for the grilled pineapple teriyaki chicken! Thanks for the blog visit and enjoy the weekend!

    1. I just bought the ingredients last night to make it again this week. This time I'll be sure to take down measurements and take photos so I can share it here!

  11. Great pictures!!!
    Thanks so much for all your visits!! We actually had a nice day with low humidity and a nice breeze so I took advantage of it and sat on the front porch and did some reading!! It was great to be able to spend some time outside!!

    1. That sounds lovely! I'm sitting outside this morning while the temperatures are cooler.

  12. Love reading about your week. My favorite part of vacation has been hanging out my the river. The sounds and sight of water is wonderful. I need to get back to reality tomorrow with menu planning, august budget planning and school is coming up in a few weeks.

    1. We think school starts in just over 3 weeks but we're still waiting to hear from the school and get simple things like the calendar, the student handbook, etc. so we know what in the world we're doing.

  13. Oh that lake! I love it every week. You all had some great dinners too.
    Blessings, Dawn

  14. Whew, that’s hot! The water pics are so sweet and I love the sunflowers. Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. We're having some hot weather as well. My thermometer read triple digits this week for the first time ever.
    Love summer!

    1. Yep, that is hot! I don't think we've hit triple digits yet this year but we definitely have in the past.

  16. I feel like I have been living my summer vicariously through your weekly posts! You all look like you are making the very best of what summer has to offer! So many memories are being made, too, I'm sure! Thanks for sharing and linking up with me.



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