Friday Favorites: Shelter in Place Week #8

We had a very productive week!  Our weather was pretty nice and we spent lots of time outside too.

Friday morning as soon as we were finished breakfast and had cleaned the bathrooms, Alec and I headed out to buy some paint.  We were planning to head to a local/ small paint store but the sign on their door said they were only available for phone orders and curbside pickup-- and all their lights were off. I had no idea how to custom order a color of paint online so we headed onto Lowe's.  While there and waiting for his paint we picked out a few flooring choices and a really cute gift idea for my mother-in-law.

We arrived home at lunch and after eating tackled his room.  We got a full coat of paint on all 4 walls and realized with only 1/3 of the can left that we were going to need to make another trip to the store.

For dinner I had thrown a whole turkey breast into the crock pot and prepared a salad just before breakfast so I just had to pop the leftover squash casserole into the oven to heat.  I knew I'd need something easy after spending my afternoon painting.

Saturday morning I started putting the second coat of pain on Alec's walls.  I managed to get a second coat on two of the walls before running out of paint.  I was able to put most of his furniture back though.  My husband and I went to Lowe's that night and we picked up all his flooring materials as well as a quart of paint.  We picked up dinner from the Pub 99 curbside to go and it was delicious and so nice not having to cook.

I can't wait to see it with new flooring! 

It was so beautiful out on Sunday!  I spent my morning making mother's day cards, a house warming card, and wrapping gifts and then after lunch we all headed out for a nice 2 hour hike.  It was actually quite warm and I couldn't believe I felt HOT hiking in pants and a t-shirt!  The only downside was all the bugs (and bug bites).  

We had a quick and delicious dinner of citrus yogurt marinaded chicken tenderloins (recipe coming soon), roasted sweet and red potatoes, and salad then headed out to get some ice cream from a local stand that opened up.  We had to wait in line 6 feet apart and we had to take our ice cream "to go" but since my husband's work is nearby we sat in their parking lot on chairs to eat it.  It was a bit weird but so darn yummy!

Monday I had a doctor's appointment so we didn't have anything on our agenda.  Ian headed off to work early in the morning using the excavator and truck to help fix a neighbor's beach which turned into a couple of different neighbors and he was gone all day.  While he was working the younger boys and I went on a nice long walk.  We didn't want to hike since we all wanted to wear our flip flops and I didn't want to go far in case Ian needed something so we took an hour walk around the neighborhood. 

One home I made up another large salad, cut up more fresh fruit for the week, and prepared a ham and Alfredo lasagna for dinner (recipe coming soon).  Then I headed out to my appointment... only to get a phone call 1/2 way there letting me know it was going to be a video chat session. I turned around and came back home to "meet" with the doctor.  We both agreed that surgery was my best option but he did warn that we probably won't be able to schedule it until late summer at the earliest.  I'm bummed but totally understand and honestly wouldn't want to be at the hospital anyway until my husband can accompany me.  Though with the pain I've been in since this phone call... maybe I wouldn't mind getting in sooner if I have to go alone. 

I made up a few sympathy card (not covid related) and talked to my mom updating her on my doctor's appointment.

 My mother in law "took the boys to breakfast" Tuesday morning; which really just means they got take out from Dunkin Donuts.  While they were gone, I worked on my blog an took photos for a bunch of upcoming posts.  I placed an on-line order from Michael's and then after lunch we went to pick up my order, stop by the post office, and went on a nice hour long hike.  It was a beautiful day and the trails were a bit crowded.  There are enough trails and a wide enough paths that we were all able to stay sufficiently far enough away from one another.  The view just could not be beat though!

I had a pork roast cooking in the slow cooker all day with some BBQ sauce so once home we cooked up a bit of rice and finished off the salad.

I decided to head to the grocery store on Wednesday after breakfast.  As soon as I got the groceries put away the boys and I went on a walk.

We watched a movie together (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; which we're reading together again) and then I spent my afternoon working on some crafts for some upcoming posts.

A father's day t-shirt 

A serving tray for summer
 I put some meatballs and sauce in the slow cooker at breakfast and cooked up some spaghetti and garlic bread to go with it.  My husband and I also enjoyed an eggplant/ vegetable casserole I had in the freezer but I could not get the boys to even try it.

I spent most of Thursday morning preparing food.  I made up a huge tossed salad, cut up fruit for the week, baked up two ham/cheese/broccoli quiches, and two peanut butter banana bread loaves.

It was really beautiful out though so we headed out for a hike after lunch.

We whipped up some of our Weight Watchers pizzas for dinner to go with the salad I made earlier in the morning. 

How was your week?

Linking Up With: On the Edge, A Morning Cup of Joe,


  1. Yeah for a productive week! That chicken looks amazing too- have a great weekend!

    1. I love a productive week! I was starting to think I was never going to have one again. LOL.

  2. That ham and alfredo lasagna looks AMAZING. I need to find that recipe!

    1. Thanks! I have the recipe written up and set to share on June 14th but if you can't wait that long I based my recipe off of this:

  3. The cards are beautiful and I just love the room color! I’m so sorry you have to have surgery and that you have to wait but I’m sure it will be what is best! I hope you have a beautiful Mother’s Day!

    1. I am loving the color he picked out and can't wait to see it with dark wood flooring he picked out.

      I'm not thrilled with waiting for the surgery but it's been almost a year at this point anyway so I figure what's a few more months?! LOL

  4. I hope you get to have the surgery at a good time for you! We got to go hiking last weekend!

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty sure at this point I will think any time is a good time and I know we'll make it work.

  5. You had a great week! I love seeing the cards you make. And the bedroom color is a fun one! Happy Mother's Day weekend!!!

    1. We really did! I love how much that color brightens up his space.

  6. All of the food makes me really hungry. Ha. I love getting outdoors. And that color that your son painted is a great change to his room. Fingers crossed for that surgery.

    1. Thank you; I am hopeful they don't have to push it off much more than that but realize it could depending on what happens with all these phases and stages. Just trying to stay positive that I will feel better soon! I am loving spending all this time outside.

  7. Jealous of all your good walking/hiking time! Happy Weekend!

    1. We have been so lucky to have such great weather this week and so many fun places to hike.

  8. Went walking with the boys again and took some more blog pictures. Worked on making a poster to celebrate my parents anniversary. Today was the last day of school work so the boys are out now for 3 months.

    1. Yipee for the end of the school year! We are done until Sept... though I am making my youngest practice spelling and my two older keep up on their Duolingo almost daily.

  9. Your chicken looks delicious! And what a beautiful place you can go for hikes!

  10. So much goodness here, I love the new paint color on Alec's walls. Can't wait for that chicken recipe - it sounds delicious! I hope you have the best Mother's Day!

    1. I love his paint color too! I wasn't so sure at first but I think with his dark flooring it's going to look amazing. Wishing you a wonderful Mother's day as well!

  11. Oh I hope the pain gets better soon! And your paint project is how mine always go, there's always a second trip to the store.

    1. Thank you. Glad to know I'm not the only one but I joked with my boy that if I had bought 2 cans I wouldn't have needed the second one (because I've done that before too).

  12. Such yummy food and beautiful places to hike! I love the way his room turned out. That blue is so refreshing and spring-like! We have had some beautiful weather lately, unseasonably cool for Louisiana!

    1. I love his room too; it makes me smile each time I enter now. He seems to like it too as I have rarely seen him around the house this week! As I type this we have snow flurries outside the window... that's not typical of May in Ct either (though I have seen snow in May it's just rare).

  13. Your banana bread looks so Good! I also love the colors of your walls.

    Have a Good weekend,

    1. My husband said it was delicious (I don't eat bananas in any form so I'll take his word for it)! I added 1 cup of creamy peanut butter to it this time and he loved the combination of tastes and told me to add a few chocolate chips next time as well.

  14. I love your outdoor photos. They are so beautiful. We were planning a hike this weekend, but then we woke up to a whole bunch of snow outside, so I think we will pass until next weekend. The room painting looks amazing! We need to paint our whole house room by room and should probably get started this spring/summer. Thanks for sharing and linking up.


    1. Thank you! I'm hopeful to go hiking tomorrow. We have snow flurries outside right now but it's not accumulating (yet?!) and I had heard it was supposed to warm up again this coming week so I'm staying hopeful. I'm always amazed at the changes a can or two of paint can bring!

  15. You were really busy making delicious things in the kitchen and beautiful cards! I love the new paint color, and can't wait to see the flooring. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. I definitely kept busy. I am so anxious to see his room with the flooring in!


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