Wellness Weekend: Water Sports

I typically have the majority of my posts ready to publish a good two weeks in advance. However, this month I kept putting this post off and putting it off.  It was Friday afternoon and I still didn't have anything written.

It was Friday night at 8:30 and I still didn't have anything written... Maybe because I'm not feeling like I'm doing all that well.

I haven't logged anything (or even opened my Weight Watchers app) in months.

I am stress eating and baking and stuffing my face with sweets and fatty foods.

It's been cold and rainy and miserable out so we haven't been hiking much and without hiking I have had zero motivation to work out.

I'm watching numbers rise on the scale and while I want to care-- I don't.  Thankfully I've only gained 2 or 3 lbs. and all my clothes still fit so it's not like I need to start panicking yet but I don't want to gain that quarantine 15 we all keep joking about.

I know when the nice weather hits we'll be hiking and kayaking an going for bike rides.  Once nice thing about living right on the lake is that we have an abundance of things to do right outside our door-- as soon as we have warmer weather.

Which brings we me today's theme of water sports.  Living on the lake we have ample opportunity to try out so many of them.  Yet, it's kind of weird to be thinking about water sports today when we have a snowstorm dumping another couple of inches of snow outside my window.

However, it is spring and I am already dreaming of summer.

My boys like to go tubing off the back of the boat.  We often swim from our house to the cottage owned by my husband's family across the cove.  We take our kayaks out fairly often and since just about everyone in all our families own kayaks we often meet up with others to kayak together as a group (something I'm hoping we'll be able to do again by this summer).

We'll walk to the nearest bridge where my boys like to jump off; they've even gotten me to try a time or two though I really don't like heights.  But best of all we like diving off the dock and playing in and around the water while we entertain with family and friends.

Linking Up With:


  1. Oh I love this- first, girl, you got this. Give yourself some grace- we are in a time of trauma- you are allowed to stress eat and do whatever you need to do to get through this. Two- I LOVE your lake- I am thinking I have been there-which lake is it? Are you near Winnipesaukee at all? One of my favorite things about living in NH is that we have everything at our finger tips- beaches, the ocean, the lakes, the natural parks and funky cities like Portsmouth, Manchester and Concord....ahhh...we are lucky! :)

    1. Than you; I am trying to give myself grace. We actually live in Ct not NH (though we visit NH often). But everything you've said about your area I feel like we can say about ours too. Lots of lakes, nature parks, the ocean is just a short drive a way and I love all the old seaside towns.

  2. Your lake area looks beautiful. Be kind to yourself during these uncertain times. The weather will improve and soon you'll go out to enjoy nature. Thank you for linking up with me on this Wellness Weekend. The next link up is on May 17. The optional prompt is Commitment. #WW2020

    1. Thank you! We are very blessed to live where we do. I know the weather will improve soon and we'll get to hike again it's just hard not to worry that I might backslide all the way back to step 1. But I think just being aware of that worry will help me not let that happen.

  3. I think a lot of us can sympathize with you and the "quarantine eating". I have been eating way too much lately and I am afraid to step on the scale! Our weather has been cold, gray and windy too. I am so ready for some REAL spring weather. Thanks for posting the photos of happier times. They are fun to look at and they give me hope for the future. We will get through this!

    1. I haven't stepped on the scale in quite a few days! LOL. I really don't want to know what it says. I too am ready for spring weather and I think part of my quest to find these old photos was to give me hope and remind me that life won't always be like this.

  4. I find that bad weather and the crisis are both great de-motivators. Love the lake - the sun will come out both in reality and figuratively with the crisis. Hang in and enjoy the lake when you can.

    1. I know I just need to hang in there... in fact ever since I wrote this we've had a few nice days of weather in a row and have walked a total of 3 hours! It's amazing what a difference that makes on my whole attitude.

  5. My darling friend, I could have written so much of what you shared. We are just venturing back to WW tracking this week but I made my coconut pie this week, too!! Ha! Self-sabotage.

    I love swimming/playing in a lake. Probably my favorite place to actually swim. Used to do a little water skiing but it has been many, many moons since I have tried that. Love the pictures of the boys on the lake, coming along behind the boat, diving off the dock into the water, paddling out across the lake. Makes me eager for summer.

    1. I made a promise to myself that I was going to start tracking yesterday... and then forgot all about it!


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