Friday Favorites: Shelter in Place Week #6

Another week down and while they are all really starting to blur together I think we had a pretty great week this week!

With a winter storm warning that it could drop 5" on us overnight I headed out to the store bright and early on Friday morning. While I did have to wait in line 5 or 10 minutes to get in, I managed to get every single thing on my list!  I was so happy to see things like toilet paper, paper towels, and napkins well stocked too (not that I needed or bought any of it) but it was nice to see there were very few bare shelves.  I even bought myself a bouquet of flowers! Once home we got the groceries put away, ate breakfast, and finished up what little schoolwork there is.

It was chilly-- like upper 30's chilly but I just got sick of waiting for decent weather and told the boys to bundle up.  We were going for a HIKE!!  It has been nearly 2 weeks since our last real hike and I was itching to get outside. We hiked for an hour and half and it was wonderful!  We ended our night with a taco dinner-- some of us put together actual tacos, others had taco salad, and one even made nachos instead.

We woke Saturday morning to a covering of snow. Ian headed off to work hoping he'd get a chance to finally plow.. but he didn't.  Even though it snowed most of the day it also rained off and on and was warm enough that it melted on the roads and driveways.  I spent the afternoon at the woodworking shop helping my husband work on our basement cabinets.

Alec made some chocolate chip cookies and my husband and I worked with clippers and scissors to give all 4 guys a much needed hair cut/trim.  I have never been so thankful to have long hair without bangs!  Since I don't color my hair either it's just content to keep on growing and it's so easy to pull into a bun, clip, or pony tail.  We ended our night with a chicken &/or shrimp stir- fry.  I tend to cook the rice, chicken, shrimp, and veggies separated so each person can put together their own stir fry based on how they like it.

It was sunny and warm on Sunday so we planned on a nice long family hike after lunch. We set out from home and hiked for over 2 hours.

We ended our night with a delicious rib eye dinner complete with baked potatoes and salad!

Monday morning we started our day with two chapters in our Harry Potter book.  After "school" (which is basically just me reading Harry Potter at this point) the boys and I worked together to dismantle the Rubbermaid mini shed that blew apart in our last wind and rain storm.  We carried all the life jackets and pool floats into the basement to dry.

After lunch we headed out on a walk and walked to and through the local state park; we were just a few seconds shy of an hour.

We ended our night with some Tuscan herb pork tenderloins, rice pilaf, and salad.

I began my Tuesday cutting up more fresh fruit, making 2- ingredient bagels, whipping up a batch of chocolate chip pumpkin bread, and hard boiling eggs for the week.  I was so disheartened to already have a pretty long grocery list going.  I'm only shopping once a week but now that only 1 person from each family is supposed to shop using just one cart I can not seem to get enough to last us a full 7 days.  But I am going to try like crazy!

We headed out for an early morning hike hoping to beat the rain in the forecast.  It was sunny when we left home and by the time we made it 1/2 way it had started raining pretty hard.  Luckily it let up a bit on the way back to the car but we took what normally lasts more than an hour and hiked the whole thing in under 40!   

It poured the rest of the day.  We spent our afternoon watching more Nailed It! season 4 and ended our day with a delicious Weight Watchers friendly American Chop Suey.  After dinner we played a few games of Beat the Parents and a couple of rounds of Scattergories.

There was a high wind advisory on Wednesday so we couldn't go for a walk in the woods.  We decided to tackle another science experiment instead.  Though our school year is officially over at this point we do have some experiments from Ian's chemistry set we didn't get around to doing and since it wasn't cheap I thought we'd tackle a few now and then until we run out of supplies.

I also spent a good part of my day working on my latest puzzle, doing a few loads of laundry, and writing up my grocery list. 

Ian spent part of his day in the excavator trying to fix our beach; with all the rain combined with the crazy winds that have been making waves crash against our shore we had a pretty big drop off into the lake where all the sand was washing away.  He pulled some of it back out of the lake using the bucket and smoothed out our shore.  He also cleaned out all the sticks and debris that had washed ashore.

I wasn't feeling the greatest as the pain reliever I took for fibroid pain made me feel jittery and nauseous all day.  I just threw dinner together at the last minute and cooked up burgers, hot dogs, and frozen fries served with raw veggies and dip.  Once my husband got home for the night (at 7!) we decided to rent Bad Boys for Life and oh I just LOVED it!

I realized I couldn't put it off another day and headed out grocery shopping on Thursday after breakfast and our read aloud.  Our state passed legislation on Monday requiring us to wear face masks in public spaces so I grabbed a mask and headed out.  I went to a smaller, local store this week and pretty much felt like I had the store to myself.  I managed to find almost everything on my list (or a good substitution for it) and decided to make do with those items we couldn't find.  Once all the groceries were put away Alec began making Ian's birthday cake while I ended up chatting with my mom on the phone for a good hour or so.  Ian wants a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and Reece's Peanut butter cups-- Yum!

After I hung up the phone, Evan and I decided to head out for a hike.  We walked over to the state park and walked a few of their trails.  We only managed a 45 minute or so walk but it was nice to get out in the sun. Ian and Alec stayed home because they were involved in a pin pong battle that lasted most of the afternoon!

After our walk I worked on some blogging and whipped up a chicken pot pie for dinner.. even though only Ian and I would be eating it since the younger two boys wont and my husband was working late again.  (He finally came home at 8!) 

How was you week?

Linking Up With: A Morning Cup of Joe,


  1. Your hiking trails are beautiful! I am also jealous of your baking skills- I have to dial mine up a notch- ha!

    1. Most of those baking projects are done by my son!

  2. Great post and wondering if that was an indigo bunting in your photo?
    I've been trying to get outside as much as possible as well. Can't remember having winter clean up on the lawn done so early!

  3. How normal it must feel to see paper products on the shelves again :). Looks like a good week of baking and that puzzle looks like it a good challenge. Enjoy the weekend!

    1. It really did feel so great and so normal to see paper products again!

  4. I see that your weather is as changeable as ours! I love all the baking you all do, can't wait to see the finished birthday cake!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. It looks fabulous; I will definitely be sharing the finished product next week.

  5. I bet that’s a movie our whole family would love! That pot pie looks so good!

    1. Ian was the only one old enough (or interested) in watching Bad Boys and he then went on to watch the first two which he had never seen before either. The pot pie was delicious and the perfect way to end a chilly day.

  6. It looks like you had a great week there. I love the nature pictures.

  7. I've been shopping at a smaller local grocery store chain too and while it's not full service (no butcher, no fresh bakery, etc) I feel like it's not very crowded and I'm able to minimize being around people. Love seeing your meal recaps for each day, I always find it useful to see what others are eating! Have a great weekend!

    1. I try to shop at "off" times too mostly because I just don't like shopping when store are crowded.

  8. I'm jealous of your outdoors, although I could do without the snow!

  9. Love that you and your family take daily hikes. It looks beautiful there! Here in NJ they closed all the state parks :( Stay Well!

    1. Most of our state parks are closed as well; I'm not really sure why some are open and others aren't.

  10. What a beautiful place to walk! We have trails like that here in CA too. I need to venture out!


    1. You really should; if you can. It's great to get out in nature.

  11. This was dangerous for me to read - I want Alec to come stay here and bake his little heart out - ha!!! I seriously am craving cookies, chocolate chip pumpkin bread, and cake!!!! Have a good weekend!

    1. LOL! He is pretty dangerous to have around... and I always say I'm just going to have one bite and end up eating much more than that.

  12. Such lovely photos, the photos of the birds are incredible. I would love to try a jigsaw during lockdown, I haven't done one in years xo

    Makeup Muddle

  13. How nice you were able to get out and hike. That blue bird is so pretty! I'm anxiously waiting for all the spring birds to arrive to life my spirits.

    1. I just love hearing them all and seeing those pretty & unexpected pops of color.

  14. What an awesome week! I love that you got outside so much. Also, the pumpkin bread looks amazing. My mom and I went to the store last week, she started making her own masks and it was so stressful! I am trying to only go once every two weeks. It's a little easier since my kids are only 8 and 4, they don't eat as much as teenagers. But once we hit the two week mark I'm starting to feel the crunch. I know I say it all the time, but I love that your son bakes, it must be such a treat to have yummy baked goods at home without the hassle of actually cooking them! I'm trying to get my kids into it, and so far my daughter has really taken an interest. My son, not so much.

    1. Oh me too! I was starting to feel so shut up inside the house. It was beautiful out today too and we tackled a bunch of yard work.

  15. I love all of the puzzles you are doing. They are so much fun. Hang in there.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thank you! I just finished up a great puzzle today.


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