Sentence A Day in February

My last post wrapping up our month; this time with just one sentence a day.

1.  With both my husband and Ian struggling with the flu the younger boys and I thought it might be a good idea to get out of the house and go for a little hike to get some fresh air; we are trying to hard to stay healthy!

2.  I spent the day modifying all our vacation plans and pushing our Disney trip off until May while running up and down the stairs keeping an eye on those that were still sick.

3.  I went grocery shopping and to the doctor for myself (see My Health Saga part 2).

4.   I spent the day cooking up a storm in the kitchen,  washing all the sheets/ blankets/towels/ everything I could think of, and then the younger boys and I went for a walk just to get some fresh air and sunshine.

2 ingredient bagels

Weight Watchers Cinnamon buns using 2 ingredient dough

5.  Before starting school with the boys I took a quick run to Target to pick up some Clorox wipes in the hopes that I could give the whole house a good cleaning and keep the rest of us from getting sick.

6.  It was an icy day and I just could not get over how pretty the trees looked; so I snapped a bunch of photos of them.

7. Ian and I tackled a new science experiment on conductivity and ionic bonding.

The light doesn't light up in this solution

But does in this one!

8. After grocery shopping, my husband and I headed out for a date night.

9.  Nothing better on a cold winter's day than snuggling up with a good book by the fire.

10. Just another typical Monday at home.

11. Alec and I made some flatbread pizzas for dinner.

 12.  We went on a hike at Purgatory Chasm.

13.  Alec graded up  to a red belt in karate.

Breaking a board at graduation

14.  Alec made a beautiful (and delicious!) cake for Valentine's day while I cooked up a yummy pot roast.

15.  I spent most of my day working on the blog, creating some new cards, and working on my last few scrapbooking pages.

16. My husband and I took off for the day to do a little shopping and enjoyed a delicious dinner at Texas Roadhouse.

This sweater was $89 at LL Bean and I got it on sale for $24.99!

17.  We shortened our school day to meet friends of ours at the bowling alley and then hung out together at Dunkin Donuts for the afternoon.

18.  We bought Alec's new karate uniform when he went to class today; it's all trimmed in red to match his new belt.

19.  Ian had a friend coming over for the afternoon so we had our schoolwork completed by 9:30!

20.  I got a hair cut!

21. We went roller skating with some friends of ours.

22.  I had the whole house to myself Saturday morning while I baked up some pumpkin muffins, 2- ingredient bagels, and tossed together a salad for dinner as well as doing dishes and laundry!

23.  The whole family went to breakfast with my mother- in- law at the Cracker Barrel.

24.  Despite having a sore knee (from roller skating?) we met up with our friends for a fabulous hike.

25.  I ran a few errands while Alec was at karate and then we spent the rest of the day at home completing our schoolwork.

26. We spent a quiet day at home cleaning house, tackling every single subject in school, and packing up more of Ian's stuff.

27.  Alec baked up some muffins while Ian worked on chemistry and we ended our day with a nice brisk hike.

28.  The younger boys and I took off after lunch so they could spend their gift cards at Barnes and Noble and I could return some clothes to Old Navy.

29.  I spent my morning working on the blog, planning out a few crafting projects, and cleaning house.

Linking Up With: Sentence a Day


  1. The ice on the trees is so pretty! And having gift cards to spend in a book store is the best! We're a muffin family too.

    1. I do love how the ice and snow looks when it's covering the trees.

  2. That beautiful cake was a highlight of the month! Have a terrific Tuesday!

    If I had a place to read in front of a fire place, I'm not sure I'd ever leave.
    Those Harry Potter page clips - SO CUTE!
    OK - I've made that WW dough before - but making them into cinnamon rolls???? YUMMMMM

    1. He is loving his Harry Potter clips and loaned me one for our Harry Potter books we're reading together.

  4. What a fabulous way to remember your month. I love this concept. I also love your pretty blue sweater! Thank you for sharing, and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party community!

    1. Thanks! I saw some fellow bloggers linking up with this format a year or so ago and thought it was a great way to remember the month too so I joined in the very next month.

  5. What a fun month! I love all the pictures, too. The flatbread pizza was my favorite...Yummy :)

  6. A month of lovely activities as always. Very impressive!

  7. That cake looks fantastic - how lucky to have such a good cook in the house!
    The ice on those trees looks so pretty, but I bet it was cold out there. Hope you are all now over your illnesses and ready to enjoy Spring.

    1. It was very cold out there. But compared to the usual ice and snow we get I was Ok with that.

  8. I love that you all spend so much time outdoors! The cake your son made looks amazing and the pictures of the ice on the trees are beautiful!

    1. We try to get outside whenever the weather cooperates; even if we can only last 30-45 minutes some days.

  9. I always enjoy your posts. Partially because I cannot wait to see what Alec is baking. The Valentine's cake looks spectacular. And I need the cinnamon roll recipe!!

    I have really gotten off track with the Weight Watchers. Can't get this holiday 5 pounds off. But not even really trying. We have been lax about exercising, too. Hopefully now that it will be light later with the time change, we will be more willing to go to the gym.

    I have had the same 2 scrapbook pages on my easel for a month. I just want to add some lettering to the second page and I am done. But I can't seem to sit still long enough.

    1. Those cinnamon rolls will be on the blog tomorrow. I am definitely struggling to stick to WW but hope that the lighter days and warmer weather with redouble my efforts.

  10. I love the icy shots, just beautiful! Your month sounds very active and I always enjoy the glimpse into the lives of other bloggers through this linkup! Thanks for sharing :)

  11. A good book by a fire = perfection! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's.


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