Friday Favoites: The Week We Kept Active

We had a pretty good week. We kept nice and active too with roller skating, hiking, and karate. All that activity was well balanced with lots of time at home baking, reading, and relaxing.

After finishing our schoolwork on Friday the younger boys and I headed to the roller rink to go roller-skating.  3 other families that we go hiking with decided to check it out too and we all had a great time together.  Once home we made some burgers in the air fryer and watched Ford vs. Ferrari (though I fully admit I fell asleep less than 1/2 way through!).

I had a pretty quiet day at home on Saturday.  The boys all went to work with my husband and I set to work in the kitchen baking up some Weight Watchers pumpkin muffins, 2-ingredient bagels, and a salad.  I also started cleaning bedding and re-making beds.  I tried to watch the rest of Ford vs. Ferrari in the afternoon and ended up falling asleep again!  I honestly think it was a pretty good movie and I love movies based on real life stories but I have not been sleeping well and I am just so darn tired all the time.

We started our morning off on Sunday with a big family breakfast at Cracker Barrel.  My mother- in- law came out to eat with us.  After breakfast I cleaned some more bedding, pulled out food for super, and worked on finishing up the latest book I was reading as well as getting a bit of work done for the blog... I fell asleep for a good hour while trying to read even though my book was amazing.  My husband and I went for a little ride through the woods and then took Ian to Lowe's to pick out his flooring.  We ended up having to bring pizza home because we took so long at Lowe's special ordering the flooring he wanted.

We had a quick morning of schoolwork planned for Monday.  Ian headed off to work with the loader and excavator cleaning up the beach before spring thaw.  After lunch we all piled in the car and went hiking with our homeschool group.  My upper calf has been so sore for a few days and I wasn't sure how I'd do hiking but I was OK.  Just a bit more sore afterwards so I spent my evening with a heating pack on it and by bedtime it was feeling so much better.

Alec wore his new karate uniform on Tuesday and learned a new form and a few new federation steps.  He's really enjoying the extra challenge that comes with this new belt level.  We talked about buying him a bo staff and starting up a weapon's class too. After karate we spent the afternoon at home working on our schoolwork and packing up Ian's room.

We had another quiet day at home on Wednesday.  We tackled lots of extra schoolwork since we had been sort of slacking off for the last week or so.  We finished up schooling at 1 and I got the boys to clean their rooms too.  Ian made us all lunch and I tried like crazy not to fall asleep.  I swear it's got to be the new pills making me so tired; I just can't think what else it could be.

With no plans for Thursday other than some more schoolwork I asked Alec if he'd like to try tackling another new recipe from one of his books.  He decided to make banana muffins using up some old bananas we had on hand.  Ian tackled another new chemistry experiment and we ended our day with a brisk hike in the windy weather.

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  1. The muffins and fresh air look delightful. May your weekend be just as sweet!

    1. My husband and oldest son said they are good (I don't eat banana anything so I'll take their word for it). Wishing you a sweet weekend too.

  2. That picture of the boys on the rock is really good!! I have been getting back to exercising and hope to go biking with the fam again this saturday. Chilly but sunny!

    1. Thanks! I zoomed in from pretty far away so they had no idea I was even taking it.

  3. Replies
    1. I do too! I am the only mom that participates with the kids and while I often feel kind of bad I'm missing out on that mom time we roller skate so infrequently that I just can't pass it up.

  4. Y'all WERE active this week! So much good fresh air and exercise!

  5. Those muffins look perfect...what a great cook your son is. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. He is really taking over and I just love it.

  6. Those muffins look amazing. Yay for hiking. I haven't been roller skating in forever. Sounds like it was so much fun!

    1. Everyone always teases me because I still have my roller skates from high school and bring them with me. I just love it. Though I do tend to skate a bit slower and keep my eyes tracking all over the place so I don't end up falling. Not sure I could recover from that at "my age!" LOL.

  7. I so wish we had more places to hike around here. There aren't alot of ourdoorsy options near home. Hope you have a super week!

    1. We are very fortunate to have so many nice places to hike.

  8. Even though we watch some great programs and movies on TV sometimes I can't help but fall asleep! I don't always sleep well at night so I guess that must be it!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I haven't been sleeping so great either at night and I think that's my problem.

  9. You week sounds great and your walks look amazing. Can't beat getting out on a nice walk :) Thanks for stopping by and linking up to Warm And Cosy Outfit And Wait For Another Storm!! Weekend Link Up.

    1. It feels so good to get outside and out of the house.

  10. I haven't been sleeping well, either, with sick kids and the baby. I feel like I could fall asleep anywhere sometimes! I always get super sleepy at the most random times. I was too afraid to roller skate with my kids last month - I just knew I would fall and break something! Kudos to you for staying so active.

    1. I remember those days with young kids and being so tired all the time.. it's how I feel now only I don't have anyone keeping me up at night! LOL.

  11. You fell asleep during Ford v. Ferrari??? With all those loud motors and racing?!? Wow! We actually really enjoyed that movie!

    1. I know, right?! I couldn't believe it either but I just could not keep my eyes open... either time apparently.

  12. I think you are more active than me every week! LOL A very fun week! I also love the photo of the boys up on the rock <3

    1. LOL. It doesn't really feel like it though I do like to keep busy.

  13. Another beautiful hike, and those muffins look delicious!

    1. I am getting so anxious to see signs of spring on our hikes.

  14. Sorry to hear you haven't been sleeping well! Being tired all the time just makes everything so much harder. Roller skating is always fun though!

    1. It really does. I often feel like I'm struggling to stay awake.


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