Weigh- In Wednesdays: The Month I Did NOT Reach Goal Weight

I had such high hopes for the month of January.  I thought I would feel like a million bucks after my outpatient surgery and... I didn't.

However, I have decided pain or no pain I've got to stop using excuses.  I decided January 2nd was the day I was going to start logging in everything, start drinking more water, and start exercising (even if I had to do lighter/ less intense workouts than I planned).

Jan 2-- drank 2 1/2 Yeti tumblers of water, worked out for 30 minutes using an exercise DVD, went for a light stroll with the boys for 30 minutes and logged every bite of food that went into my mouth-- and stayed within my point range!

Jan 3-- I was in so much pain after exercising yesterday that I decided to give myself a bit more time to heal and focus on healthy eating instead.

After my appointment clearing me for all regular activity on the 6th I made sure to work out a minimum of 3 days a week.  Most days that I squeezed in a morning workout we ended up hiking in the afternoon too so I got in a double workout!

I did great drinking more water too! Most days I drank 2 1/2- 3 of my Yeti tumblers and since those are 30 ounces I was very happy with that!

Mid-month found me down to a new all time low weight with just 6 left to go to reach my goal!

I ordered some new jeans in yet another size down.

And then I slid off the wagon a bit and stopped tracking points.  I gained 2 lbs. back and while I was bummed there was no denying that I was indeed wearing smaller clothes.  So I'll take it!!

I do need to focus more on tracking what I eat and to cut out sugar from my diet as much as possible.  I started eating sweets at the holidays and now I crave a piece of chocolate or something sweet every single day!



  1. Wow! You can't hear me, of course, but I'm cheering you on from my desk here in Maine!
    You are an encouragement to me as I also seek to establish better and healthier habits.

  2. Good for you getting to your all time low! I just started my hybrid WW diet two and a half weeks ago along with exercise and intermittent fasting and I feel so much better than I did three weeks ago. I am also down five pounds but know that can fluctuate. I crave sweets every single day too, that is my downfall. LOL

    1. It's so hard with a baker in the house too; I always think I just won't eat any but then it smells so darn good!

  3. Your body does need time to heal, so don't beat yourself up over not doing as much. Smaller clothes is awesome!!

  4. Great job losing more weight! And I totally relate to gaining back. I'm still 5 pounds up and don't know what to do about it, because I'm scared I'll keep going up!

    1. That's what I'm most concerned about; I really don't want to gain any more.

  5. Keep it up, lady, and remember to give yourself grace if you don't meet your goal every time. You're doing great!

    1. Aw, thanks! I am trying to remember to give myself grace.

  6. Keep up your good work, Joanne. Thank you for joining us on our first Wellness Weekend 2020 link-up. The next link up is on Feb 16.

    1. Thank you! I marked the link up's and themes on my calendar.

  7. I am up about 4 pounds since Thanksgiving. But back at it again now. So proud of your hard work. Celebrate your victories and know that you can get back to it too! Tracking points makes the difference for me because I don't realize how much I am nibbling til I write down every bite. If you want to do a post together about tracking and Weight Watchers let me know. One thing that has helped me is knowing that Saturday I can just enjoy without worrying too much (but not going totally hog wild). And I only drink alcohol once or twice a week, usually Thursday and Saturday.
    You are doing great. Show us those new jeans and you in them!!
    Thanks for linking up with us. Hope you will join us again the 3rd Sunday of February.

    1. I am grateful that my weight stayed the same throughout all the holidays but I am really struggling to get back into tracking points and eating healthier. I just got my jeans in on Wednesday so I'll include photos of me in my next post... and they still feel a bit roomy!

  8. Aww, you are doing great. Take your time to heal too. I was going to get fit in January again but with one thing and another I have not been too good. I have joined a gym and have an healthy eating plan for next week already in place as I am going away at the weekend so no need to start yet. Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Blog Hop.

    1. I feel like I no sooner hit a good stride eating well than we have an interruption like a birthday or a weekend away or something like that too when I sort of give myself permission to cheat. I just need to get back to cheating a bit less often.

  9. Good for you! Your healthy lifestyle will pay lots of dividends, even if they don't always show up on the scale right away. Those hikes look so appealing.

    1. Thank you! I sure hope that's the case and that's why I am not giving up on my three or four workouts a week.

  10. Replies
    1. :) I truly have loved doing WW; I feel like I am eating so much healthier 99% of the time.

  11. Hig five for all the progress you have made! And if we had a beautiful place like this to get out to each day, I would be all over it. A little jelous over here. I am also struggling with the midday sugar craving. 😢


    1. We are very lucky to have lots of beautiful hiking areas around.

  12. Hang in there! So cool that you're wearing smaller clothes. Love the path you were walking on - those trees are amazing!

    1. We do have some really nice paths and areas for walking.

  13. I admire your dedication! Good for you!


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