January Goals-- How I Did

We only have a few days left in the month so I thought today I'd check in and see how well I did with my January goals.  


1.  Make my goal weight-- Nope!  While the scale moved pretty darn close to my magic number it moved right back away. I'm not all that upset though as I did go down another clothing size.  I hope I will get there one day but it is just a random number I picked and I am focusing way more on how I feel and how my clothes fit.  

2.  Exercise 3 days a week EVERY week!-- Check!  I couldn't tackle this until after January 6th but then I did great!  Most days if I exercised for 30 minutes in the morning we often ended up outside for a good half our in the afternoon too.   The weather was even nice enough to squeeze in a few hikes. 

3.  Drink 3 full Yeti tumblers of water every day-- Not quite.  I did manage 2 1/2 most days and started drinking 3 many more days towards the middle of the month so hopefully it will become habit soon. 


1. Set up a Facebook/ Instagram/ or other social media account- Check! I set up a Facebook page and I'm still debating/ thinking about setting up an Instagram account... maybe? 

2.  Set up my blog newsletter-- Check!  I had been hoping to only send out a Friday newsletter but I ended up just setting up a daily newsletter since there seems to be no way to just have snippets of each post shared through MailChimp (at least not that I could figure out; I'm not all that tech savvy or patient).  

3.  Go through each day in January and make sure all links in all January blog posts ever posted are working. -- Check!  It's kind of daunting to think this will take a whole year but I think it's sort of become routine now.  

For fun:

1.  Make cards for all the January birthdays-- Check! 

2.  Go to lunch with my mom-- Check!  The boys and I took my mom to Uno Chicago Grill for her birthday lunch.  It was delicious and we had a great time. 

3.  Make up at least 5 scrapbooking pages-- Check!  You can click here to see ALL the pages I've been making. 

All in all I'm pretty happy with how I did.


  1. These are really good goals. I have always toyed with the idea of a newsletter but have no idea what I would put in there. Was it easy to do with Mail Chimp?

    1. Honestly, I thought it was made way more complicated than it needed to be and took me a few days. If that is not where all the email addresses were stored (and it wasn't free) I probably would have used a different company.

    2. Hi Mother of 3 and Kari... I used MailerLite for my newsletter. I tried Mailchimp and it is much less user friendly. I don't have my blog set up so that my individual posts are sent to an email list, so my newsletter is how I share my posts. I also share a little bit about things happening on my homestead there. MailerLite is also free up to 1000 subscribers. Hope this is helpful!

      PS: Way to go on your goals, Mother of 3!

  2. You did great! I enjoy Instagram, would love to follow you there!

    1. I'm just so hesitant to try another social media outlet; I don't want it to suck up any more of my time and I am so awful when it comes to learning "new" technology... but I do enjoy photos so I'm pretty sure I'd like it.

  3. Lots of checks! Bravo! I am still trying to get back to my goal weight. Hopefully February. Great idea to check links on your posts. I am going to follow your good lead and do the same.

    1. Thank you! Good luck getting back to your goal weight!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you. I was pretty happy with how well I did.

  5. Damn girl, you rocked it! I need to take a page from your book and start exercising more. I have a spread in my bullet journal for workouts and it literally only has one day filled out for the month of January. I know that I could easier maintain my goal weight if I just started working out. As it is now, I'm floating three to four pounds above goal weight. Isn't it the best feeling ever when you go down a size? I haven't done it in a while, but it was easily one of the best parts of my weight loss journey.

    1. The weather has been a real bonus for me this January. We've been out hiking quite a bit and I find it so much easier to get out and do that than pop in a DVD or hit the home gym.

  6. I love this! You did awesome with all of your goals. I really should start making goals and writing them down, but with a 14-month old, my goals right now are simply GET THROUGH THE DAY ALIVE. :-)

    1. Thank you; and I definitely remember those goals of just having everyone alive at the end of the day!

  7. Good for you - checking off lots of goals! January is a great time to kick off all the healthy habits you hope to keep up with all year - like drinking water, and you are nailing it!

  8. You did great with your goals! Let us know if you ever decide to get on the Gram! You'll have a follower in me!

    1. Thanks! Sounds like it's something I really need to think about.

  9. Reading about your perseverance is an encouragement to me!

  10. Way to go!
    I use Constant Contact for Newsletters. But I only send 1-2 a month. It is not free. I may follow Lisa's lead on the MailerLite once my time is up at CC.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Farm Fresh Tuesdays!
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead


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