Friday Favorites: The Week We Saw the Breakers Mansion All Decorated for Christmas

It has been quite the week and when my doctor mentioned yesterday that he'll see me again a week from Monday we both paused and thought; wow, Christmas really less than two weeks away!  That's crazy!

We had the  best day on Friday!  My boys and I met up with some friends of ours in Newport to tour the Breakers mansion all decorated for the holidays.  After we finished at the house we went to a nearby cafĂ© so we could really sit and visit.  The time just flew right by.

I was up early and out the door on Saturday to mail Christmas gifts and wander around town to try and find a photo opp. for this week's 52 Frames photography assignment.  Once home I got every single gift (that was in the house) wrapped while watching Love Actually and The Holiday.

My husband and I enjoyed a date night Saturday evening and finished up ALL the Christmas shopping!

I spent most of the day getting wrapping done and working on the blog on Sunday. In the afternoon I had offered to take Alec to a concert that a couple of his friends were singing in; I had been picturing a children's choir but was surprised to find that there were all ages of singers included in this choir.  It was a wonderful concert!

Monday we tackled some schoolwork and got to work on our Christmas Around the World presentation.  We're reporting on Christmas traditions in France and we're making our first ever Yule log cake.

After Alec's karate class on Tuesday he wasn't feeling the greatest so we stayed home and he slept for almost 3 hours.  The other boys and I worked on wrapping gifts and cleaning a few rooms in the house.  It poured all day anyway so I was glad to have an excuse to stay home.  I watched Noelle on Disney+ and it was really cute!

Evan had big plans to attend his first ever hockey game and then have a sleepover with one of his best friends on Wednesday.  He was so excited!  But first we had to plow away the snow that fell overnight. It looks so pretty; I just wish it snow wasn't so cold and wet. LOL. Then we made our yule log and did our schoolwork.  The boys all helped clean a bit of the house and Evan's friend finally picked him up at 4:30 for the game.

I had a doctor's appointment Thursday so we weren't having school (besides the fact that Evan wasn't home either).  We then headed to our friends house for an Around the World Christmas party.  This was the same friends house Evan slept over so that worked out perfectly.  Each family picked a country and put together a little oral report about some Christmas traditions from that region and then made a traditional dessert to share.  We learned about Germany, Italy, the Republic of Ireland, and Syria and we reported on France.  We had a great time and even put together a little ornament craft to remember Ireland by.


  1. That mansion is stunning. I love the gates. Have the BEST weekend.

    1. It is definitely stunning! My son was joking that our summer cottage was lacking since theirs has 20+ bathrooms and we only have 1.

  2. WOW!! I am so jealous that you got to tour the Breakers!!! How amazing is that!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    1. We're trying to tour one mansion each Christmas season; they are so fun to see anytime of year but extra special at the holidays.

  3. How awesome, touring the Breakers. Everything looks lovely. The around the world. Heist as party looks like fun. Happy weekend.

    1. They were both definitely the highlight of our week; special in their own ways.

  4. Love your yule log! I really should try to make one. I miss having one each Christmas. We used to get one every year when I lived in France. Lots of memories!

    1. I should have picked your brain for more Christmas in France ideas! We did pretty well using Google though and found that many of the European countries had similar traditions with small variations between them. We loved that Yule Log though; so yummy!

  5. Can't wait going to see the mansions after the holiday this year!

    1. They are so fun; we're slowly trying to make our way through them all; though I was told my husband and oldest son want to see Under the Breakers so I think we'll try for that one in the spring/summer.

  6. I love the Yule log. That mansion is amazing!
    Blessings, Dawn

  7. Check you out with all the wrapping done and time for a date night, too. You look adorable in your date night outfit. Would like to cut my hair and have it look like yours.

    Your yule log looks delicious. Love the varied ways you teach the boys...through cooking, crafting, hands on experiences.

    1. I can't believe how far ahead of the game I am this year! I think knowing I'm heading in for (minor, outpatient) surgery on the 23 really motivated me to stay on top of everything.

  8. Oh, I've always wanted to visit one of those old mansions decorated for Christmas. How fun. That cake looks delicious!

    1. They are beautiful all year round but there is something so magical about seeing them all decorated at Christmas (even if that's not historically accurate!).

  9. What a gorgeous place to visit for the holidays. You looked fab for date night. I want to see that movie!

    1. Thank you! Though my husband and I were laughing afterwards about how I wore heels (which I NEVER do) and a lightweight wrap on what ended up being a night we had to do a ton of walking outside on one of the coldest days we've had yet.


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