Friday Favorites: The Week of Christmas

We knew going into the week that our Christmas might be quite different this year than years past.  With my surgical procedure on Monday I just wasn't sure I'd be up for anything on Christmas Eve or Christmas day.  We had all sorts of plans and contingency plans in place just in case.  Luckily, I felt good enough to participate with almost everything and we had a very nice Christmas celebration.

On Friday I was feeling pretty good so Alec and I spent most of our day in the kitchen cooking up some food.  Together we made 2-ingredient bagels, homemade English muffins, and a turkey pot pie.  We also planned to make pie crust but ran out of time.  We finished up our schooling for the month; taking the next few weeks off for a winter holiday break.  Ian headed off to work with his grandfather after lunch.  I am loving my new sweater and boots from JC Penney!

Ian was home on Saturday morning and helped me finish up our puzzle.  We then got dressed and ready to head to my father in-laws for a Christmas brunch.  I just had to take a photo with my husband since we were dressed up (well, for us anyway!).  We spent almost all day at my in-laws visiting with family.  Once home, Alec and I did make up pie crust for a chocolate chip pecan pie we were making on Sunday.

Alec helped me make a chocolate chip pecan pie on Sunday and then the younger boys, my husband, and I headed out to lunch at the Whistle Stop and braved the grocery store for one last trip before the holidays.  Ian was off at work with this grandfather and brought home some left over banana bread.

I was 1/2 dreading and 1/2 anxiously awaiting Monday.  I checked in at the hospital bright and early for my procedure and everything went real well.  I was back home by 1 or 2 in the afternoon and while I still felt a bit groggy I did manage to eat, drink, and stay awake for several hours.

By Tuesday I felt pretty much back to normal with just a little ache that required Motrin every 6 hours.  I made sure to take it real easy and spent most of my day on the couch and even managed a nice long nap.  I oversaw Alec making up a couple of cookie cakes and around 5 we headed out for a Christmas Eve celebration at my mother's.  The boys were kind enough to carry all their gifts down to put under the tree for me and we headed to bed nice and early.

Wednesday morning we were up by 6:30 and the boys had a great time opening all their gifts.  We headed to my brother in law's house for Christmas brunch and then my mother in law followed us home so we could open gifts with her.  I took a nap in the afternoon and then watched the 12 Dates of Christmas on Disney+.

I felt pretty good on Thursday morning when I woke and started gathering up the Christmas decorations from around the house.  I took a quick run to Michael's for some vinyl and to browse through the leftover Christmas décor & wrap.  I started feeling really awful on the drive home and spent the day on the couch with a heating pad on my lower abdomen. The boys were great about going through all the stuff under the tree and putting away anything that belonged to them.  I do love Christmas but by the time it's over just can't wait to have our furniture and house back to rights. I managed to at least get my new camera out of the box and tired playing around with it a bit as well as my new photography sphere.


  1. I hope you're recovering well! Jealous you got a sphere!

  2. The tree is lovely! I'm glad the procedure went well and that your recovery has been smooth. Listen to your body and rest when you need it, "stuff" will wait.

    1. I'm trying.. it's hard because I don't always notice that I'm overdoing it until it all hits me at once. I'm not used to being so still and while I had so many plans and back up plans for Christmas Eve & Christmas day I really didn't think at all beyond those two days. I'm not sure what my thinking was there...

  3. I really have enjoyed having a look at your blog - the food photos look yummy! I'm curious to know a bit more about the 2 ingredient bagels. I have a feeling the ingredients are greek yogurt and all purpose flour. I'm wondering about the quantities/instructions. Do you happen to have the recipe posted anywhere?

    1. Yep, nonfat Greek yogurt and all purpose flour; 1 cup of each make 4 bagels so I often double the recipe. I haven't shared a recipe on my blog since it's posted on so many sites. I often use this one when I need to remember what temp and how long to bake it (I just omit the egg wash and everything bagel seasoning since I like mine plain): I have used this same dough recipe to make pizza crust ( & pot pie ( and have plans to try it out as a cinnamon bun recipe for New Years breakfast.

  4. So glad that you did well and felt good enough to participate in most of the Christmas festivities! Praying that you continue to rest and recover. All the baking looks yummy, and the tree is gorgeous!! Wishing you all the best in the New Year!

    1. Thank you! Wishing you the best in the New Year too.


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