Friday Favorites: The Week I Changed the Blog!

I have been thinking of switching over my blog for quite some time.  I don't blog much about homeschooling anymore and have been slowly becoming more of a lifestyle blog.  I hadn't meant to switch things over this week as I was shooting for a new blog roll out for the new year but I started playing around with it and one thing led to another....  I merged my old blog(s) into the new blog so every post I've ever written can be found in one place but it killed me to see those pageviews reset to zero.

I also think I've lost a few comments and I know I'll encounter a few more hiccups along the way; bear with me please!!

Sorry if you tried to click over to specific posts I had linked using the old blog address; I have it set to forward to my new blog but it brings you right back to the main landing page which I know can be so frustrating!   Hopefully the search bar will help you find what you were looking for in the first place.

On Friday we met up with some friends of ours and went to the Fire museum. We spent over 2 hours getting a personalized tour; it was fantastic!

We had a funeral to attend on Saturday and while I would not say that was a favorite seeing this guy all dressed up was!  I also loved the dress I had found and best of all it kept me nice and warm too.

We spent our afternoon stacking wood and got a lovely, warm fire going in the fireplace that night.

It was so sunny and beautiful on Sunday that we decided to swap out our plans for the day and go on a nice long family hike.  We had planned to hike 7 miles but ended up just hiking 4.  The hike was a bit more overgrown than we anticipated and while we were having fun we did all agree that a shorter hike was just fine.


After hiking and showering, my husband and I headed to JC Penney to return some pants and ended up buying a coat and a new shirt.  Then we headed out to dinner together.  In case you've been following along (and counting-- though why would you?!) that's 3 dates in the last two weeks!

Ian had his yearly physical on Monday and after a great check-up and a short day of schooling we headed out to meet our hiking group for a hike.  We hiked around 2 hours and had a great time sharing one of our favorite places with all our friends.

We didn't have much planned on Tuesday so I spent my whole afternoon making phone calls and accomplished so much; including scheduling Ian's wisdom teeth removal for later in the week.  Neither one of us was thrilled but I would rather just get it over with.

Wednesday we ran a few errands and the boys and I stopped at the park for a little walk.

We had Ian's surgery on Thursday.  I gave the boys the day off from school and spent the morning biting the bullet and switching Our Unschooling Journey to redirect to my new blog-- Slices of Life. I tried to get most of the kinks out but I know I didn't so bear with me if things aren't 100% just yet.  We left around 10 to head to the oral surgeon's office.  Ian had to have all 4 wisdom teeth removed and we were warned that it was not going to be an easy process.  Luckily he seems to be doing great and even managed to eat some ice cream and swallow some pain pills as soon as we arrived home.

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  1. Had to shop for my oldest on Monday: Walmart was my place for affordable clothes. Hiking sounds so nice, we haven't been in too long!

    1. Seeing as it's flurrying outside right now it might be awhile before we get out hiking again.

  2. Sounds like what I did last year. I just wasn't sharing much about homeschooling, so my blog name didn't make any sense. :) However, when I changed my website name, I lost all my pictures from the posts prior. :( Has that happened to you, or do you know of a way to recover them???

    1. I actually did not have any photos disappear (that I've noticed yet). I did download/back up my old blog before uploading the files to the new blog so other than a few unpublished comments that never got backed up I haven't noticed anything else missing yet.

  3. I went here this morning and thought I had the wrong blog, lol. Then I clicked on a comment you left someone else and realized it was you!!! You and the Mr. are looking soooo great.

    1. Surprise! LOL! I ended up changing it last minute.

  4. Great week. I like your new blog. I have been wondering what to do when my graduate in about 18 months from our little homeschool. My blog will need to change or go into retirement.
    BLessings, Dawn

    1. I knew I just couldn't give up blogging and had to find a new way to keep doing that.

  5. Congrats on the new blog and same thing happened to me as Andrea!

    1. Sorry about that; I had planned to warn my readers but when I was trying to work behind the scenes I did something that I'm still not really sure about and so... here we are! I'm glad you finally "found" me though!

  6. Welcome to the world of Lifestyle Blogging. I started blogging solely as a paper-craft blog, but also transitioned over to lifestyle. Your fireplace is gorgeous by the way.

    1. I had a separate blog for my paper crafting too but merged that with my old blog a couple years ago and then found more and more I was writing less and less about homeschooling. My husband build that fireplace surround a few years ago and I just LOVE it! Before that re-do we just had a plain brick fireplace with a slab mantle on top; it was nice but this is more eye catching for sure.

  7. Best of luck with the change :) Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 6. Shared.

  8. I missed this and I saw your new url on a link up and thought it was you but then it was a different address and I was confused, lol!

    1. LOL! I think I confused a lot of people but I am so happy that most seem to be "finding" me anyway! :)

  9. I love the new name!! Good luck getting it all changed over. I want to move to WP and I'm terrified even thinking about it. haha.

    1. Thank you! Yeah I thought of switching platforms completely but knew that was above my skillset. I'm still not sure I have everything quite right as it is.

  10. Beautiful pictures of the autumn leaves and your cute kids! I had a blog on Wordpress for about a year, but I honestly hated the platform and went back to Blogger. It's more user-friendly, at least for me. I have multiple blogs, but that's an ADD/OCD thing. I have a need to categorize stuff. (I literally have ADD and OCD, I'm not using those terms in a flip way. I hate when people do that.)

    1. Aw, thank you! I am pretty content on Blogger since I really just like keeping this going as a hobby. I had separate blogs for awhile but found it was difficult for me to spread my time evenly between them all.

  11. Congrats on the new blog name and platform! Love the name!


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