10 Favorite Gifts to Give

This month's 10 on the 10th list is all about our favorite gifts to give.  While I am hard at work writing up my Christmas list this list could not come at a more perfect time!

1.  Something I've Crafted-- I love making gifts for family members and I really enjoy experimenting with different crafts each year.  I've made homemade lotions and sugar scrubs, pillows and blankets, vinyl embellished everything and lots and lots of ornaments.

2.  An experience-- Rather than buying just another toy that will be forgotten about in no time we try to buy experiences for our boys (and this year other family members too!). We have bought family passes to the obstacle courses, the zoo, one year we used our Disney trip as a surprise Christmas gift.  I'd rather make memories with my boys and we have always found creative ways to wrap these gifts that get them so excited!

3.  A themed gift basket-- I love pulling together gift baskets and often add a unique handmade item or two to go with it.  For example when putting together a coffee basket I include a few flavors of coffee, some syrups, maybe a photo or personalized mug and usually some chocolate stirring spoons that I make and wrap.  When I used to put together book and PJ gift baskets for my younger nieces and nephews I'd include a small box of homemade cookies or a gall ornament filled with hot cocoa and mini marshmallows.

4.  Books--  I just love to read so when I know that someone I am giving a gift to enjoys reading too or I find a book about a subject I just know they'll enjoy I don't hesitate to buy it for them.  I firmly believe you can never have too many books.

5.  Photo/ personalized gifts-- I often make up calendars with photos of the boys for all the grandparents and include a new photo of each of the boys and possibly even a family photo.  I have made scrapbooks for various wedding and baby showers too; in fact I've become so known for them that I actually feel guilty if I even think of buying a gift!  I've had more than one mom tell me she was hoping I'd make her one of my famous scrapbooks.  I always craft my scrapbooks to go with the wedding theme/colors, the nursery colors or shower theme, etc.  That personalized touch makes it all the better.

6.  Gift Cards-- This is my all time fall back gift idea.  When the kids have a birthday party to go to and we aren't sure what the birthday boy/girl owns and has-- gift card!  When buying for older adults who seem to have everything they need-- gift cards!  Family and friends that we have to ship gifts to?-- Gift cards!

7.  Something from the Kitchen-- I love giving out tins of cookies for Christmas.  I've been known to make full meals as a "welcome new baby gift" and have made spice rubs and jarred mixes.  I think one of our favorite little side gift ideas was the year we made Rudolph cocoa sacks for all the nieces and nephews.

8.  Practical gifts-- I honestly do enjoy gifting things I know people will use-- like the year we bought my parents a cool new coffee pot they really wanted.

9.  Puzzles and Games-- We are a big game playing family and I just love buying some of our favorite games to share with other families.

10.  Clothing-- admittedly there aren't many people I can buy clothing for-- my younger nieces and nephews (they must be under 8 or so for this to work!), my sisters, and my mother... as long as I know that person pretty well I can generally pick an item of clothing that I know they'll love!


  1. What wonderful gift ideas. I have to agree homemade gifts are that little more special.
    The themed gift basket is another fab one!
    Thanks so much for sharing with #MMBC. :)

  2. These are all great ideas and also gifts I like to give and receive myself!

    1. Yeah, I find I mostly give gifts I'd like to receive myself. (I think mostly because my family/ friends and I have the same taste)

  3. You are so talented. I loved seeing your crafts. Visiting you today from the hello Monday link up. laurensparks.net

  4. Great ideas!! You know, the experience idea is one I have started thinking about more for the kids' birthdays. Memories are just so much more treasured I think.

    1. Yep, we did that with birthdays for my boys a few years ago; we let them pick a fun family activity for the day and I loved that we got to make more memories together. It always feels like we have so much stuff and I'm just buying things to say I bought them something.

  5. Great list! I love giving similar gifts! And the kids get a book every Christmas :)

    1. I definitely end up getting each of the boys at least one book each year; some of them are more excited about that than others. ;)

  6. We've been doing the experience thing with the nephews and nieces for years. It gives them a chance to do something they might not otherwise have the chance to do and often is longer remembered than the gifts I've bought.

    You have a great list of different kinds of ideas for different people. I make stuff for some people but others aren't really into crafty gifts so I prefer to spend my time on crafting for people who will use what I make. In fact that is what I try to think about when gifting. Will it be used. I may love it but what about the person getting it? When in doubt gift cards are great alternatives.

    1. Yes, will it be used is a big one for me?! I even have a few family members who don't use gift cards-- doesn't matter what store/restaurant/ etc. they just don't think to use them! I can't image that but I've been trying to think of other things to buy them instead.

  7. I love #2 especially. I've been trying to think of experiences to give as gifts. I am seriously considering the zoo for my daughter's family!

    1. I'm getting a zoo membership for my sister and her family... (I think; one of the local zoo's usually has 1/2 priced passes on cyber Monday so I'm hoping to do that!).

  8. So many great ideas, thank you for sharing them at The Really Crafty Link Party. I particularly love the cocoa reindeer. Pinned.

    1. Thank you! My boys loved making those and their cousins thought it was fantastic to receive them.

  9. These are all great ideas. I love experience gifts and themed baskets/gifts.


  10. My gift choices are very similar to yours. As a coincidence, I made very similar cocoa reindeer for all my grands this year. I combine my homemade Epsom bath salts, sugar scrubs, sachets, etc. with "storebot" Santa/snowman/angel/gingerbread themed things for a great gift basket! I also try to make some different Christmas ornaments every year, too!


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