Weigh- In Wednesday-- The Month I STRUGGLED

I struggled so much on Weight Watchers this past month.  As I sit and type this I am only down an additional pound.  Which means I have 10 left to go.  I am feeling a bit more confident and hope I am back on track.

When the first Sunday of this month rolled around I was up 4 lbs!!  I had the hardest time falling back into healthy eating habits after our vacation to South Dakota last month and then I came down with a nasty head cold and I wanted nothing but comfort foods.  Not feeling great, much of our hiking fell by the wayside as well and I was feeling pretty down on myself.

I know 4 lbs. isn't a huge amount and I wasn't so upset by the number as by the thought that I might really start struggling to get back on track and derail even more of what I have worked so hard to accomplish these past 6 months.

I usually love fall as it's my favorite season to get out and hike and see all the pretty colors,  but we have had weeks of rainy, cloudy, miserable weather and one of the reasons I struggle so much with winter is the lack of sunlight.  I am just not motivated to get outside and move when the weather is miserable.

Throw in some added stress with sick kids and a sick husband, doctor's appointments that lead to more questions than answers and I am just not in the best place emotionally.  I tend to be an emotional eater so when I'm stressed or upset I eat.... and I eat junky comfort food at that.  But I am still trying and I will not give up.

On the plus side I have found a few new foods and snacks to enjoy.  My mom mentioned these Two Good yogurts to me and each container is just two points.  I used one container to make myself some flavored bagels too.

I've also been playing around with revamping some of our favorite fall comfort foods with lower point values and am just loving some of the new low point soups we've been cooking up in the crock pot.  Like this bowl of taco soup that is zero points!  (I'll be sharing the recipe soon!).

I also made my traditional beef stew recipe and just used fewer potatoes and added in some diced butternut squash.  I could not believe the punch of flavor that the  squash added and I just loved that I didn't have to give it up entirely!

Beef stew made the "old" way

I am already trying to put some plans into place to help me with all the sweet temptations of Thanksgiving and Christmas... if you have ideas please share them!  I really want to reach my goal weight by the time we leave for our Disney vacation.


  1. So proud of you for staying in the game!
    I've been keeping food records this week, and find that it's helpful to LOOK AT what I am putting into my mouth every so often, just as a way of being accountable to myself.
    You've got this!

    1. Thank you! I definitely have not been keeping myself accountable at all. Not feeling well I find I either don't want to eat at all or else I just eat whatever I do feel like points be darned.

  2. You have got this! You have not given up and that is the most important thing!!! The hardest part for me is night time but I am working on it! HUGS - keep up the great work!

    1. That's true; I have not given up. I have way to many cute new clothes to throw in the towel.

  3. Don't beat yourself up over it... this time of year it's HARD to stay on track staying healthy because 1) too many sweets and other goodies are out in full force and 2) the weather makes it hard once it gets too cold/snowy/rainy. Just keep trying your best! You've got this, girl!

    1. Thank you! I really need some bolstering today.

  4. I've heard good things about the two good yogurt. I also gained a bit this month but hope it will go back down soon!

    1. It is pretty good. At first bite I thought I hated it but it has definitely grown on me.

  5. Give yourself some grace and then get right back on track! The seasons we go through in life will always present some obstacles. I rarely get on the scale anymore and instead just try to always be mindful of making better choices when I can, giving myself grace when I don't and keeping active. While I firmly believe it's 80% what we eat and only 20% activity, I'm so much better with my eating when I'm moving!

    1. I am so much better with my eating when I'm moving too.

  6. It's amazing how how hard it is to lose weight yet how easy it is to gain it, isn't it? At my age, if I can lose even a pound a week it's a miracle. But the second I get off track I can easily pack on the pounds. So unfair!

    1. It is so unfair that it is so much harder to drop those pounds than it is to gain them!

  7. Thank you for sharing at #ThursdayFavoriteThings. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too!

  8. I have been where you are, and actually I am back in there thanks to a back injury that kept me down for over 6 months. We got this though. Through the help of the Lord I truly believe we can do this. One thing that helped me in the past before I went to any Christmas party, where there was going to be lots of goodies, I ate a really good snack loaded with protein and fiber. This helps to feel you up that way you will not splurge on unwanted calories. Remember though, it is OK to have a little bite because we enjoy it.

    1. OH no; I am so sorry to hear about your back. That is an awesome tip about holiday parties!! I don't tend to each much at the actual parties because crowds tends to make me a bit nervous.. but somehow tons of junk food finds it's way into our house and I have a much harder time just throwing all that food away and end up eating more of it than I should. I have vowed that I won't be keeping it all though. My husband can bring lots of it to work and we're going to share, share, share!

  9. I definitely feel you! I have been trying to lose my last three pounds for months. Months! The important part is that we get back on the path after we wander off. It sounds like you are already diving back into it, and the best thing about WW is that ever day is a new opportunity. You got this!! And I am hoping to be below goal weight so that I can offset the weight I'm going to gain from Christmas cookies! I still haven't come up with a better plan than that.


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