A Sentence a Day in August

As September is just beginning, it's the perfect time to take one last look at our August and see all the summer fun that we had- one day at a time.

1.  We started our month off right with a trip to the orthodontic office to have Alec's braces taken off!

2.  We had some friends over for a cookout.

3.  I got 3 more scrapbooking pages done!

4.  We went on a bike ride and a 2 hour hike out to Mount Misery (that really lives up to it's name when you get lost and an hour long hike turns into 2).

5.  We tie dyed some shirts.

6.  We unwrapped and washed our shirts checking out how the colors blended and moved through the fabric.

7.  Ian went to work and Alec had had a sleepover so for a good portion of the day just Evan and I hung out at home enjoying the peace and quiet.

8.  We tackled 4 science experiments: making homemade butter, extracting a DNA strand from a strawberry, looking at the strand under the microscope and making our own candy DNA strand.

9.  My husband was home sick from work so even though we had no idea if we'd be hosting my mother-in- law's birthday party or not Alec decided to get working on her s'mores cake.

10. We had my mother in law over for her birthday dinner and Alec finished off his cake with the toasted marshmallows.

11.  We hiked Mt. Wachusett; it took us about 40 minutes each way and it was such a clear day that the views were really spectacular.

12. We joined our homeschooling group for a hike and then my mother came over for the afternoon.

13.  It was raining by the time we left for Alec's karate class so we decided to just hang out at home once our errands were done for the day.

14.  Alec made a blueberry lemon loaf, we worked on a science experiment, and then we went hiking at Wallum Lake.

15.  The younger boys and I went to the orchard to pick peaches and blueberries but we also bought corn on the cob and some freshly baked blueberry donuts.

16.  We went to visit Gillette's Castle with some friends of ours.

17.  The boys and I spent most of the day helping my husband at his work; cleaning up the shop and sweeping the yard.

18.  We went a big family kayaking trip with my parents to try out their new kayaks.

19.   I spent most of the day outside reading; I was trying so hard to finish up my latest book On Folly Beach.

20. Alec hurt both feet over the weekend so we didn't go to Karate but we did find time to stop by the library and headed out to a local farm stand for some fresh corn on the cob and veggies.

21. I spent most of the morning baking up meals and dishes to put in the freezer; like our favorite squash casserole.

22.  Evan, Alec and I went for a walk to the state park in the heat of the day then stopped by to visit my mom.

23. The boys and I tackled 5 science experiments in one morning but their favorite was making homemade pop rock candy!

24.  We went to the local apple orchard to get our first batch of fresh apples for the season!

25.  I began working on some more scrapbook pages; finally starting on this year's photos.

26.  We went on a hike, made some blueberry fritters, and tried out our model rocket kit.

27.  While Alec was at karate, I took the two other boys on a hike through a nearby trail.

28.  My sister and nephews arrived for a week long vacation/visit and we had them over for dinner, conversation, and a few games of chess.

29.  ALL the boys headed out for a kayak ride while my sister, mom and I sat and visited in the warm, sunny morning.

30.  My husband and I had a afternoon/evening date night planned around his license renewal.

31.  I spent my morning cooking up a few meals with all the veggies we had leftover from the past week while I meal planned and made up our grocery list for the coming week.

How was your month?  Are you happy or sad to see August coming to an end?  


  1. What a great month filled with outdoor time, fun and family. I love your monthly sentence wrapups.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. That Smore‘s cake looks so good with those toasted marshmallows! Yay for braces off and yay for such a great month to begin wrapping up summer!

    1. He is so thrilled to be able to chew gum an eat whatever he wants again!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Can you believe I've never tried Smore's in my entire 57 years of life?!!

    That Smore's cake looks amazing! Yummm!


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