15 Fall Date Ideas

Since I seemed to have thrown quite a few readers off with my Fall Date Night (outfit!) Ideas post I thought I'd start working on an actual fall date ideas post.  I just knew it was the perfect post to kick off our Happy Fall Party!  I hope you'll join us in linking up all your wonderful fall, Halloween, and Thanksgiving posts.

Here are just a few ideas to get you started on planning the perfect fall date:

1.  Visiting an apple orchard together-- whether you're picking apples, going on a hay ride, tasting some freshly made treats or just walking around the orchard holding hands it can make a great date night!

2.  Work your way through a corn maze together.

3.  Cuddle up under a blanket and watch a scary movie.

4.  Go on a hike; fall is the perfect time to hike.

5.  Take a drive to see all the fall foliage.

6.  Build a fire and roast s'mores.

7.  Try making a new recipe together.

8.  Head to a pumpkin patch, pick out the perfect pumpkin, and work together (or with a little bit of competition) to carve it.

9.  Tour a haunted house (or field!)-- I am notoriously easy to scare but something about hanging onto my hubby makes this sound appealing.

10. Pile a bunch of blankets in the bed of the truck or on the lawn and enjoy an evening of stargazing.

11.  Though the water can be quite cool this time of year it's still a great time to go kayaking!

12.   Attend a fair or festival together; this time of year there are so many harvest festivals, renaissance fairs, hot air balloon festivals, and agricultural fairs going on that it's the perfect time to try something new.

13.  Take in a football game together even if it's just at the local high school.

14.  Head to the beach and watch the sunset.

15. Tour your local cider mill, brewery or winery and see what seasonal treats they have available.

What is your favorite fall/ date activity?


  1. I love all of these ideas! Adding to your list - There is only one drive in movie theater left in our area. We feel like teenagers when we pack our snacks and go to the drive in! ;-) I'm not sure every town has one, but if one is nearby, that's a fun date night -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. That would be so fun! We don't have a drive- in near us but we can still see the lot/screen that used to be; it's all overgrown and nature is slowly taking it back over. We've tried explaining to our boys how they worked but I wish we could show them!

  2. 'Forgot to mention I'm sharing your post on Facebook! Happy Autumn! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Great list of fun activities - get outside before winter comes and enjoy the season. Pinned and shared

    1. That's definitely what I'm trying to do. I know winter will be here before I know it...

  4. These are all fun ideas for a fall date night.

  5. These are all wonderful activities to do this Fall! It's so much fun to enjoy the outdoors this time of year and these makes it so much more enjoyable!

    1. It really is the perfect time to enjoy being outdoors.

  6. These are such great ideas. Love that so many of them don't involve a cost! My husband always loves to go watch high school football and since I'm a teacher we get in for free!

  7. Lots of fun activities for fall/autumn. I love going for walks with my camera and getting some nice autumnal shots of the changing colours. Also love a good scary movie too!

    Thanks so much for joining in with #MMBC. :)

    1. I love trying to capture the fall colors with my camera.

  8. Great ideas! Fall is a lovely time of year. Except today, we had snow, here in Nevada lol.

    1. That is way to early for snow! I am really dreading the cold, wet days of winter.

  9. These are great ideas! Everything sounds so cozy and wonderful! Now I just need some cool air here so it will actually feel like fall. Haha.

    1. Thank you! It definitely feels like fall here; I hope some cooler weather makes it your way soon!!

  10. Love this post, especially how simple and yet pleasant all of your ideas are. Cool weather, I mean it already snowed, has arrived here but many of these activities we are still able to experience. I am thinking the haunted house would be actually something my oldest would enjoy doing with us too, so that might be a family adventure. And the cidery idea is brilliant. I am definitely adding that to my list for October.


    1. So glad you found so many great ideas. I can't believe you already had snow!

  11. These ideas sound wonderful! I love the idea of building a fire and making s'mores. I also would love to go to a pumpkin patch or corn maze. It doesn't feel like fall here yet though. We could definitely find a fun fair to attend. Great ideas!

  12. Great ideas for fall dates. Visiting from Happy Fall Link Party and thanks for hosting!

  13. Great ideas! Fall is such a beautiful time of year.

  14. All nice ideas!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 5. Shared.

  15. Nice, I always wanted to attend one of those air balloon festivals. Definitely adding it to my list. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Lonk Party.


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