Friday Favorites-- The Week We Walked The Freedom Trail

We had a great week and the weather was so nice most days that we got so much done around the house and yard too!  I managed to get 4 of the 6 flower beds weeded with all the leaves cleaned up, we brought our patio furniture out and got it all washed up so we're ready for summer grilling.  We had a few field trips and enjoyed lots of time lounging around the house.

We started out Friday morning with an early morning orthodontist appointment and got the date for when Alec gets to have them taken off! We were thrilled!

As soon as his appointment was over we hopped in the car and headed to meet friends of ours at Fort Trumball.  We toured the museum and fort learning all about the roll this fort played in the war of 1812, the American Revolution, World War I & II, and even the cold war.  We also learned about the effects of ocean temps on sonar and how cannon technology changed over time.

When we were done touring the fort we headed over to Harkness Park and enjoyed our lunches while watching all the kites in the sky.  We took a stroll on the beach and a few of the kids were brave enough to get their feet wet in the ocean.  We checked out the gardens and had a peek inside the mansion from the windows.

It was a beautiful, sunny day and we were so sad to see it end but Ian had to head to work and the younger two boys and I were heading to visit my mom.

First thing Saturday morning Alec made some blueberry scones and they were delicious! He even topped them with a cinnamon glaze.

We got all our patio furniture out and now I just need to get a new hose so we can wash it all down and start enjoying the great outdoors.

The whole family (including my mother in law) headed into Boston on Sunday morning.  We walked the Freedom Trail using a self- guided map.  We read the caption on the map about each stop and went into several of the museums and stops.  We had a delicious lunch mid- way through our day and enjoyed a delicious ice cream treat before boarding the USS Constitution (our last stop as no one wanted to walk all the way up to Bunker Hill-- good thing too as we didn't get home until waaay after dinner and everyone was tired, included mom who did not feel like cooking!).

We had a lazy day at home on Monday and we managed to get a bit of housework and laundry done. I also took Ian to get some shorts for the summer. He's grown so much from last summer that he's having a really hard time finding shorts that are the right length.

After Alec's karate class on Tuesday I spent the afternoon planting flowers for our front steps, weeding the gardens, and weed whacking the yard.  Evan helped wash down all the patio furniture and then it got pretty cold and windy so we ended up eating dinner inside anyway.

Alec made this cinnamon glazed pineapple bread on Wednesday.  We had some fresh pineapple that was starting to turn bad so we crushed it up in the food processor and had exactly the 20 ounces needed.

Once the kitchen was all cleaned up I headed out for a much needed hair cut and then spent the afternoon sitting on the patio in the sun finishing up my book; The Huntress.  It was fantastic!

Ian headed to work on Thursday and while thunderstorms were forecasted for our area the younger two boys and I decided to head out for a hike before lunch.  Thankfully it didn't rain at all while we were out and we just could not get over how green and lush everything was!

After lunch I headed outside to work on our gardens cleaning up leaves and raking... we have one garden that has always struggled since it's so shady an I'm debating what to do... any suggestions??

I know I want to put something on the right hand side of the rock to block the view of the boys old abandoned fort (since I just do not have it in me to clean that area up and rake it every year.  I'm almost thinking of removing the border, making it look like an extension of our yard and putting a bench there....

But that's a project for another week!

How was your week?


  1. Tell Alec his scones look delicious! Such a fun week, love all these photos! xo

  2. What a wonderful, interesting, and delicious week you've enjoyed! I could definitely go for one of your son's scones and a slice of cinnamon glazed pineapple bread too. They both look scrumptious! Wishing you and yours a fantastic weekend ahead!

    1. He is quite the baker! This week he's hoping to tackle yeast bread.

  3. Man, the boys are getting so big!! What an awesome week y'all had and those treats looked super yummy!!! I remember last year we were able to go to a fort and watch them shoot one of the cannons! It was really cool.

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell!



    1. They really are! I feel like they grow overnight and suddenly I'm looking up to them... even my youngest should be taller than me by Christmas. How cool to hear the cannons; we've been to a lot of forts but none of them have had a cannon demonstration yet.

  4. all of your baking looks delicious! and i love all the exploring you do - so fun!

  5. What an awesome week. You son is such a wonderful baker. I love all the things he makes. So glad you had some nice weather.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. We have had beautiful weather; its' been so nice to finally break out capri pants, t-shirts and sandals.

  6. Such beautiful pictures! And the boys look so handsome. Looks like you are doing a great job adding some adventure to your summer!

  7. All in one week? wow! You and your family are living life to the fullest and enjoying the ride - love the photos!
    We have been enjoying the lush, green-ness of the season as well. Have a great weekend!

  8. Great field trip!! And the baking looks just delicious. Looks like a wonderful week all around!

    1. I was so happy to finally get there with them.


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